Author's posts

Again DiMora’s warnings are seen in the news-New record high in Gold-Record low for U.S. dollar against Euro. March 13, 2008

I hope to God the people visiting my site take what I have said to heart.  Since 1977 I have been trying warn those who cared to listen that the dollar would fall and the new currency from the European Union would crush the U.S. dollar. Here on my site on Feb. 27, March 8, …

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Dollar falls against the Euro! See what God created March 12, 2008 post. DiMora

You will be blown away by these pictures and the music, just click to link below. This same God who created our Earth for us has been in heaven preparing a place for you in His mansion. Will you be going when He calls us home?  If you are unsure how to get there …

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Record low for dollar against the Euro-signs of the Antichrist are here! March 8, 2008 new up-date to my warning!

For years I have been trying to warn people Jesus’ prophecies are coming to pass. In my 2000 book I wrote the following. "The new European currency called the euro will be another step advancing European power. So, the new Roman Empire is a makeup of many nations, and now the single European currency will …

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Prophecy warnings from DiMora come true! See the facts.

DiMora’s warning to watch for food prices to climb begins to come true 9 days after his warning. If you read my post on Revelation chapter 18 which is still posted you will find what I said to keep on the watch for. Head lines to the report is, "Shoppers warned bigger bills on way" …

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Who is going to attack Israel? The signs are in our face.March 3, 2008 Special Report, What will happen next!

It’s to bad more people don’t read the Bible. If you knew what we are to look for you would understand current events are pointing to a national friendship between Iraq and Iran.  Ezekiel chapter 38:5 warns us Persia would unite with other nations to attack Israel. At the time this passage was written Persia …

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Prophecy warnings are all coming true on gold, cashless society, North American Union, Rise of the EU’s Euro, fall of the U.S. dollar and more- Feb. 28, 2008 report.

Note: If links don’t take you to news reports you may have to copy and paste the link to your address bar. I am working on this problem. Since 1978 I have been trying to warn as many people as I can that America will lose her position as the number one superpower. In my …

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ISRAEL AT WAR! Future headline story (Israel at war). Signs of handwriting on the wall Feb. 22, 2008

Another warning sign that war is coming to the Middle East soon.  There is the chance that what Nasrallah warns and what Syria and Iran see coming is the conflict the prophet Ezekiel warned us about. For complete details of Ezekiel’s prophecy go the post on the Coming Attack Against Israel, or download entire prophecy …

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DiMora’s warning of rise in wheat prices comes true 5 days later!

On Feb .15, 2008 I wrote a post telling everyone what will rise in the near future. I covered a host of things such as gold, silver, diamonds and yes, the price of wheat. Tonights  ABC News reported on the increase of wheat products, and the reasons for the increases which are being felt worldwide. …

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(No title)

In todays news we see more of the same for the United States. Our economey is taking a hit and it isn’t over yet. Here is the latest news from Washington: "The Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered its projection for economic growth this year, citing damage from the double blows of a housing slump and …

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New Signs Of The Coming Attack Against Israel Feb. 20, 2008

Click to link below to open up Feb. 20th post. Download one_of_the_next_prophecies_to_be_fulfilled_is_the_coming_attack_on_israel.doc To download Free Prophecy book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" click to link below.