Blessings Oct. 30, 2009

See full size imageI want to take this time to thank Mary H. from Peoria Az, Angela F. from Indep. Mo, and Ed T. from Hayward Ca.,   I didn’t have your email address, so I want to make sure you know you have blessed me.  Thank you so much for your mail, which was such an encouragement to me.  I want to make sure you all know that I praise the Lord for all of you.  If I had your emails I would have written you as I have Cindy S. of Baton Rouge, LA, . God has blessed me with wonderful Brothers and Sisters and I want to make sure you all know you are dear to my heart.  There are so many people who have written me telling me they are praying for me that at times it is overwhelming, but it is a good overwhelming.   Thank you all for allowing me to keep you all informed of these last days.  Soon we will all have a special blessing as we meet one another in heaven.

Frank DiMora


P.S. I pray you all have a great weekend, may the peace of Christ be with you all.