Breaking news: Europe has a new Caesar! What did Jesus say?



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The revived Roman Empire has a new Ceasear!  I quote the breaking new just released. “Belgium's prime minister, Herman Van Rompuy, has been appointed the first "president of Europe," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Thursday. Catherine Ashton of the United Kingdom is to become the EU's foreign minister, Brown said.  The leaders of the 27 member states of the European Union made the decision behind closed doors in Brussels Thursday.”  Now is the time to really watch what  happens with this Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  It has been almost 2,000 years since one man ruled Europe and Jesus told us this was coming!  First question everyone is going to ask me is this.  Is Herman Van Rompuy the Antichrist?  I do not believe so because the Lord told us the Antichrist would rise up from ten horns which mean ten kings.  Yes the position of the Antichrist could be in place but the man who comes up later is the man I belive will be the Antichrist.  We still have to consider the will rise up from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire.  The fact that one man is now going to control Europe is a major sign the Church is very close to being taken away at what is called the rapture.  Today’s news is hugh and it should be taken seriously as a sign for everyone to get ready to meet Jesus.

Maybe now you will want to read my book.  In my first book dated 1997 I told everyone that no matter what people say Europe will have one man ruling over it.  That day has arrived today.  It is my prayer that after you read my book you will be encouraged to turn to the Bible and read the message of love for you from Christ. 

If there was ever a time when I need to come and preach Jesus to your Church now is that time.  To many pastors are afraid to warn their Churches about the signs of the tiimes.  Don't let your Church be blinded by Satan by keeping your Church ready to meet Christ.  I am open to come and preach if you will have me.  I will tell you the truth and I won't even take your money!

Frank DiMora




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    • Ira on November 19, 2009 at 10:18 pm
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    This is really great news! i too dont believe that Herman Van Rompuy is the antichrist since he will sit on this seat for 2.5 years sometime 2012. i believe the next president of the EU might be the one. Praise the Lord that i could see this in my day!

    • Sharon on November 20, 2009 at 12:36 am
    • Reply

    This is very serious i am concerned that there are some of our bretherens whp are sleeping and they are happy or comfortable in the world and they are not watching the prophecy in the bible i compared them with the 5 young virgin who had a lamp but without oil.
    John said in the book of revelation that he prays that we understand the book

    • eu eurabia nordic on November 22, 2009 at 8:47 am
    • Reply

    this is madness what is happening here….
    i am harassed outside securitas and polcie car, when I start to write this….
    local hells angels agng memeber s and coloured immigrants chattting very visible in front of me…
    and news: polic e quits their drug investigations or actions aganist drugs….
    fine… this starts to be totalitarian EU-fascism in every nordic country!
    wake up!
    What is n-word , and african asian arab immigarants doing in our countries?
    we have millions of nordic citizens wiothout enough jobs!
    this is illuminati politics-
    police EU – freemason corruption!
    They rule everything and send islam to europe, and create their fascist communism, only few rich satanists rule wholoe new world order!
    others obey them….
    this is only philosophy and politics they have-
    and nazi satanists think this is ok?
    thruth is that christian democracy has created our welfare states in western world-
    barbaric satanic dictatorships in asia africa , ertc. create nothing but violence, etc…
    everyone can see this!
    hip hop and etc. wa s created when sio called refugees- note fugees… – started to come into western world-
    otherwise no one would have tolerated those horrible clothing and their weird looks , habits, hostilility, or their looks…
    freemasons in every country has betrayed their own people…
    and freemason fascist polcie is stopping anyone who tells about these things? – or is against immigration:
    they take coloured fascist nazi type people satanists all over the world- and this way stop our christian pieople’s live s in nordic countries…?
    it seems more and more obvious that only solution wil be violence, because otherwise no one seems to stop mass-immigration into our countries!
    Working class is made ignorant.
    Jeuss is only solution.
    We are given entertainment, sports, etc. bullsh’t, lies about flu and global warming, etc. – true problems are immigration, coloured people in western copuntries, drugs, illuminati police state, control state, saving democracy and freedom of the speech, payments, nutrition .- they also destroy our nutrition…etc.

    • Hmmm on December 7, 2009 at 9:40 am
    • Reply

    Anyone notice that Van Rompuy looks like the UNITE leader (played by Gareld Jackson) from “A Thief In The Night”?

    • De on January 1, 2010 at 9:44 am
    • Reply

    How many nations are in the EU?

  1. 27 nations

  2. On 13 October Bloomberg reported the following about Van Rompuy’s Government Debt Policy: “Belgium will trim its budget deficit to 5.3 percent of gross domestic product in 2011 from almost 5.7 percent both this year and next, according to a slide presentation handed out by State Secretary for the Budget Melchior Wathelet. Van Rompuy told Parliament earlier today that the deficit would widen to 5.4 percent of GDP this year. Belgium’s deficit will be little changed next year as the shortfall at the level of regional governments and municipalities will widen to 1.5 percent of GDP from 0.7 percent, offsetting efforts by the federal government to trim its deficit. Government debt will start exceeding one year’s worth of national output as of 2010, according to European Commission forecasts. Belgium had trimmed debt to as little as 84 percent of GDP in 2007, before bailouts of Fortis, Dexia SA, KBC Group NV and mutual insurer Ethias Group increased the nation’s borrowing costs and inflated the debt ratio to 89.6 percent at the end of last year.”

    • Cadence on April 4, 2010 at 5:31 am
    • Reply

    Sharon, you are right! Many people are living like the 5 young virgins with lamps without oil.
    The Kingdom of Heaven is already here on earth (just in case you don’t know yet).
    The Church Age ended on April 13, 2005. This is the Day of the Lord — the Kingdom Age.
    If you want salvation, the time is now.

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