Helping others to do the work of Christ


Brother Frank,
Hey, you're supposed to be taking a break!
Following is Pastor Titus' response. It looks like the passports are $150.  Food would be about $200. and transport about $800. for a total of $1,150. or $1,200. We probably need to add a couple of hundred dollars for Bibles and misc, so the total would be about $1,400. for two people for the Sudan outreach. They will undoubtedly stay in the houses of various believers while they are ministering.
We have $225. now in response to your posting. $200. from the Kartright family in Willow Street, PA and $25. from Traci Spegel in Cincinatti, OH.  That will leave us about $1,175. or so short.
I will mail your books to him this week. We can send the first $150. or so earlier so he can go ahead and get the passports.
While I was in prayer the other night, I felt the Lord impressing me that this was an important missions outreach for Titus. Probably much more important than sound equipment for the church in Turbo. I believe that they will reach a number of people for the Lord that would otherwise never hear the gospel preached and your books will continue to be used of the Lord to awaken them long after he returns.
I'll let you know what happens and I will advise Pastor Titus that we are praying about the outreach.
 Enjoy your time off!
Your brother,

Send what the Lord leads to: Ascent Ministries Inc, 1350 W Twin Springs St.    Siloam Springs, AR 72761-3020

IMG_1632Pastor Titus and Pastor David
Pastor Titus



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