Can a company report on prophecy and not even know it? This company has!


Video promoting The Last Chronicles of Plant Earth.

For the past fews months I have been trying to get people to pay attention to the fall of the dollar and the rise of the euro, which as of the year 2000 it has been the currency for many of the European Union members. I told you what would happen to Gold, and Silver prices and what the U.S. should look for in the coming months as far as our economy is concerned.  I found a good site that will explain what one company is saying about these current events. Monex Precious Metals goes through a list of issues which I have told you about, or a least warned you about.  I have been giving my warnings since 1977 on everyone of these issues. Why is everything coming to pass now?  We are getting closer to the return of Christ, and the closer we get the faster these events are going to speed up. Below is a list of issues that are covered. I suggest you click to the link I have provided for you and read the answers this company gives, What does Monex expect for the future?  If you don’t want to trust me maybe you will see the light another way. Some of these questions go back to 2006.  Read what they say, then turn to my posts and read what I have been warning you all about. Everything I had warned is coming to pass.  Where did I get this information to warn you?  From the Bible!  Let me help you connect the dots between current events and what Jesus said was going to happen in our generation.  Below is the link that will take you to all the in-depth answers from Monex.

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Are we on a long path to see the Dollar depreciate against gold and silver?

Dollar will fall in coming years as the U.S. seeks a weak currency to boost exports and cut its trade and current-account deficits . . .more…

Will the weak US economy diminish the hopes of a Dollar recovery?

How serious is the concern of a financial crisis?

Will Fed Easing do long-term damage to the Dollar? Confidence in dollar never lower; some fear more Federal Reserve interest rate cuts will make matters worse by swelling inflation and undermining long-term U.S. economic health . . .more…

Why is gold for protection?

What is the gold market saying about fiat currencies?

Is the world recognizing that the Dollar is now just another fiat currency?

The increasingly weak U.S. dollar has brought waves of European tourists to New York looking to take advantage of hugely favorable exchange rates . . .more…

Will the Fed sell out the Dollar to buy insurance against a deep recession?

The reduction represents the most abrupt easing by the Fed since the early 1980s . . .more…

Why are experts forecasting that gold will be $1,000 sooner than expected?

Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse forecast $950 average in 2008, above $1,000 in 2009 . . .more…

Will investors run for cover from Dollar exposure?

Money poured into commodities Wednesday amid deepening fears about . . .more…

How should investors hedge against today’s falling currency values?

Buy gold, load up on gold, ignore all the ignorant nonsense — and hang on . . .more…

How is gold performing in the face of the recently firm Dollar?

Outlook bright — gold is still within an uptrend, going towards $1,000 . . .more…

Will the Dollar be hurt by a stronger Euro?

Eurozone interest rates unchanged at 4 percent by ECB as threat of slower growth . . .more…

Is the Dollar, as the world’s reserve currency, being systematically dismantled in a free fall?

Gulf countries under pressure to abandon fixed exchange rates after Dollar tumbled . . .more…

Is the mainstream media clueless why gold is an appreciating investment class?

There’s a lot of yada yada being shoveled — Guesses, rumors, theories, baloney . . .more…

What signals are there of the deep decline of the dollar?

The dollar hit a record low against the euro after the G7 summit failed to . . .more…

Could we see gold rocket above $1,000 in the near future?

One day soon gold will take off like a rocket to breach $1,000, most likely…more…

Is the Fed rate cut indicating a crisis brewing?

Bond prices slumped while gold continued to rally . . .more…

Is the low in the Dollar heating the gold and silver markets?

Making this case even stronger is the present crisis state of the dollar . . .more…

What happens when foreign banks wake up to the reality of the Dollar?

Money based on real value is the way to get out of the current calamity . . .more…

How dangerous is China to the United States?

Will the dollar continue its slide?

What factor is paramount in the ultimate demise of the dollar and the explosive gold market?

Will the Fed devalue the dollar dramatically?

Will the real estate subprime lending debacle reverse support for the Dollar?

Will the Dollar fail?

Why is the dollar no longer stable?

Is the world losing faith in the dollar?

The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency . . .more…

Will any European central banks switch to buying gold as an alternative to the dollar?

Is there a trend brewing to move out of Dollars?

What will be the sign that gold is fully back in a bull move?

Gold is about to signal a full return to the BULL side . . .more…

Will growing fears of U.S. economic problems spark a Dollar sell-off?

Why do growing Asian foreign reserves present a crisis for the Dollar?

Is the value of the Dollar subject to the whims of China?

China risks an erosion of its holdings because the dollar will probably decline . . .more…

Is the trade gap balooning?

How can I be sure that the dollar is doomed?

I expect the purchasing power of the dollar to decline considerably faster than it did . . .more…

Will the weak Dollar remain under pressure this year?

The dollar is down about 7.4 percent against the euro and 1.5 percent versus the yen this year . . .more…

Why will wealthy and knowledgeable investors move to tangibles and areas of intrinsic value?

Does present gold weakness suggest getting out of metals or is it yet again a buying opportunity?

Do investors think the G7 can stop Dollar devaluation in the face of the U.S. trade deficit?

What does the poor Jobs Report mean for the Dollar and Fed inflation?

Why did Sinclair predict gold would break above its $645 high?

Why are precious metals so strong today, and will it continue?

What will happen to Dollar-denominated securities if the Dollar goes into a tailspin?

How bad is the trade gap crisis?

Are the fundamental reasons for U.S. Dollar weakness getting worse?

The US trade deficit widened to a record $68.5bn in January, with exporters unable to . . .more…

Will the Dollar devalue as government spending goes unchecked?

When will gold take its next leap forward?

Will China sell significant Dollar reserves?

Why do Sinclair and others now expect $600 to $682 gold price levels?

Apart from China, other factors are contributing to gold’s recent rally . . .more…

What is the 2006 forecast for the Dollar?

What did Jesus Christ say?   "Don’t forsake the gathering of the saints especially as you see that day approching".  If you think you are going to be able to make it alone as these hard times hit us, you are blind to what’s coming.  If you are blind to what is coming it is because you haven’t studied the Word of the Lord. There is still time to prepare for the King and to stand ready and watching for His soon return or, you can be just like the people who laughed at Noah when He warned them of what was coming. Jesus is standing at the door drawing you to make the correct choice. What are you going to do?  Free will can be a bear sometimes! What is at stake?  Will you be going with Christ to heaven, or will you send yourself to Hell where the fire never goes out, and the darkness will consume you for an eternity.. Some choice, but it has to be made and made now. If Jesus were to call His church home tonight, ask yourself this question, am I going with Him?  If you can’t say yes to this question, you are in a very dangerous gray area right now, and I would get out of it buy taking the free gift of Salavation Jesus whats you to have. 

The links below gives you a true account of one man’s trip to hell.  Listen to his story and make up your own minds.  You better know for sure where you are going after this life!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

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