Can you see Jesus in these things?/Sept. 9, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


I am posting today as I was lead by the Lord to give you this information however, I will be off line while I seek Christ for some answers. I will return as the Lord leads. Thank you all for your prayers.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Prophecy Sign:Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6, “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 is the sign of roaring seas and waves.  Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”

In my posts I have warned you of what is to come based on what Jesus has showed us from His warnings. There is no question we are now witnessing every word Jesus spoke to us about the weird weather and the intense heat that would cause much concern for the nations.  Scripture as you can see is very specific about the details of what is going to take place just prior to Jesus Christ returning to Earth.  In my book I provide you with a host of reports proving Christ’s warnings are upon us, but this next report is one that I haven’t put in my book yet as it is new news. The title to this new report is, “A common link among fire, floods, food riots: extreme weather”

Deadly riots in the streets of Mozambique over sharply higher food prices have left 13 dead. Anger is growing in Egypt and Serbia as well. Panicked Russian shoppers have cleared the shelves of staple grains. And the devastating floods that have left as many as 10  million Pakistanis homeless are also raising concerns about the country's ability to feed itself.

A series of isolated disasters? Not at all. The common thread: extreme weather, which is putting pressure on food supplies around the globe.

What's going on?Â

For most of the summer, Russia was in the grip of an unprecedented heat wave. Fires darkened the skies of Moscow with thick smoke, and the Russian wheat crop withered and burned. Fully a third of the usual Russian harvest of buckwheat — one of the country's most commonly used grains — was lost. That has led to shortages of wheat at home in Russia — and an export ban on Russian wheat.

The export cutback has in turn driven up food prices in countries like Mozambique and Egypt, which depend on food imports, sparking anger and riots.

Meanwhile, the same weather pattern of high pressure that brought searing heat to Russia diverted moisture in the atmosphere toward Pakistan, causing torrential rains and devastating flooding.”

How critical could the situation get?

If you think the Russian heat wave or Pakistan floods are bad, wait until the Earth's temperature rises a few more degrees, as scientists' models also predict. "We ain't seen nothing yet," warns Romm. "I think we can't even imagine" future events.

So agriculture — and the world's ability to feed itself — face huge challenges.

"We are getting to a point where we are getting more water, more rainy days, but it's more variable, so it leads to droughts and it leads to floods," Sunita Narain, the head of the Center for Science and Environment in India, told AFP during a world conference on water, being held through Saturday in Sweden. "That is leading to huge amounts of stress on agriculture and livelihoods."As you can see from the prophecy warning Jesus was dead on to each warning! Food prices are on the way up, the heat waves are getting much worse, and the weird weather is causing crops to be destroyed in many places around the world, which is causing civil unrest!  Are you that blind not to see these things?  Keep in mind, the news I am showing you today is only a small part of what Jesus told us to keep on the watch for.  Did He not warn you to watch for “great earthquakes”?  Read my previous posts. Did I not point out to you that you will see more of these high magnitude quakes strike soon? The 7.4 quake that just hit New Zealand will be small compared to the ones that are coming.  I continue to point out to you that it is not my warnings, but the warnings of Jesus Christ.  If you notice that everything I have warned you about has come to pass, it is only because I know what to look for based on Jesus’ warnings.  I know that our Lord’s word will never fail and therefore I can point out what you should be looking for in the very near future, knowing you will you be a eye witness to the events He forewarned us about.

Pakistan: Finance Minister Warns Imminent Complete Economic Breakdown

Posted on Pakalert on September 7, 2010 // 7 Comments


The Sinister Plan

is in final phase now.. Pakistani citizens simply have no idea that they are facing the worst ever crises in recent history. Floods will bring hyper-inflation, shortage of food, magnified power crises and collapse of entire political and economical system if this devastation continues. Now AmericaIsraelIndiaNato will have the perfect excuse that Pakistan nuclear weapons could go in hands of Taliban or Al Qaeda in these chaotic times when Pakistani armed and security forces are fully occupied doing rescue, relief and rehabilitation work in hundreds of cities and villages while  the economy is collapsing fast and extremists are on the loose!

KARACHI: Federal Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh warned that government would not have enough money to pay the salaries to the government employees after two months as a result of country’s worst flooding. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh cautioned Federal and Provincial Governments and military authorities to demonstrate highest level of fiscal responsibility in order to avert a ‘complete economic breakdown’.

Giving an overview of the economic situation, the Finance Minister clearly told the top civil and military leadership that the national economy was teetering on the brink even before the floods and was now heading towards an abyss because of the devastation caused by the disaster.

The Finance Minister also said that the country’s overall debt stood at about Rs.8.75 trillion, which had increased by a massive 46 percent from Rs.6 trillion two years ago.

The debt has increased to such a level that the country is on the edge of insolvency.

Dr. Sheikh further said that the government would have to show strong commitment to restructure and improve the situation.

He also called for implementation of austerity measures approved by the federal cabinet last year ‘to stop further bleeding’.

Briefing a high-level meeting headed by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, he the national economy was ‘teetering on the brink’ even before the floods and was now heading for an ‘abyss’ because of the devastation caused by floods.


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 warns us of what?  You will need to know exactly what this prophecy says so that when you see the world’s economic systems crash you will know what is about to happen next. Read what Jesus stated. “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

If you are new to my site I suggest you go back and read my previous warnings where I tell you that banks around the world will fold up and in the end there will be a global economic collapse that will help force the man Jesus spoke to us about in verse 16-17 to take control of the world.  The current global economic is growing and the news out of Kabul is a prime example of what I have been warning you about. 

Gerald Celente is one of the economic trend setters that many are seeking out to get a glimpse at what the near future is going to look like in America.  Why are they asking Celente for advice?  Celente has never been wrong in his predictions about what is going to happen to the economy.  He has a perfect record for the past 30 years! Mr. Celente has warned the US is going to collapse and he gives the reasons why this is going to happen shortly.  Keep in mind, America is going to play a huge role in the downfall of the world’s economic state.  Banks are folding at a record rate again in 2010, people are losing their jobs by the hundreds of thousands, and it has become clear the Obama Administration doesn't have the answer to jump start the US economic engine. As I said, the Antichrist will appear to have the answers to the global economic crisis. When the world is in a panic and there is much civil unrest over the economic collapse you will witness this man of sin take his place to fulfill prophecy.  I am warning you again. Jesus has warned you what to look for. I am asking you to trust what Christ has shown us,because if you don’t you will no doubt be one of the people who will be left behind to face the Antichrist. Who will be left behind?  We know for sure that anyone who does not take Jesus Christ as his or her savior will be left behind. 


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    • craig on September 9, 2010 at 2:52 pm
    • Reply

    I hope all is well,and know that you are being missed here.The prayer team needs to pray now more than ever for the conditions around the world that are continuing to grow worse each moment.
    As the natural world-wide troubles you mention are widespread,so too is the violence.Not only are the regular troubles of the Middle-East intensifying,but so it is around the World,here in the U.S.A. as well.
    It is hard(I speak for myself)but we should strive to live each day like JESUS would,and Pray,Pray,Pray.GOD Bless you all and you Frank,may HE guide and keep you so that you can continue to spread the WORD,

  1. Craig,
    Thank you for the email and the encouragement. I was praying to the Lord
    today and told Him I feel my heart is almost being crushed as I want to be closer
    to Him than I have ever been before. I am not sure what the Lord has planned
    for me but I am seeking Him and asking for His direction. I have a feeling the direction
    Jesus is pulling me to but feeling often mislead people, and that is the reason why I am
    waiting on the Lord. You are right in what you wrote. Our world is being tossed into
    more violence each day, and the world needs Christ more than ever.  Take care and God

    • asdf on September 10, 2010 at 6:46 am
    • Reply

    Wow man, talk about propoganda.
    Somehow, this is all tied back to religion. Hey, at least you’re making money on this right?
    Some people are pretty sick man, and thats you Frank.

  2. Dear asdf,
    As usuall those who attack my work for the Lord
    look discredit me by saying things which are not true.
    Since being placed in this minister I have not charged
    anyone to read my work which includes my prophecy
    book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I have not
    charged anyone for my seminars, nor have not charged
    anyone for my discs with the book on it. No one can say
    I am making money in this ministry.  The Lord told me 
    not to charge anyone and that my ministry was to be a
    free ministry. I have followed the Lord, and Jesus knows
    this to be true.  If as you say I am making money, I challenge
    you to find one person who I asked to pay me for anything!
    Your spirit is sick, and it is sad to know you are being
    guided by the powers which have come against Christ
    One thing I know for sure. Jesus loves you and knows
    your spirit and wants you to come to Him for a renewed life
    in Him. I take no offence to what you say about me, but I
    do worry that you have not yet come out of the dark and
    into the light where Jesus wants to meet you. I will pray
    for you and ask my Lord Jesus to help you make it to Him
    before He removes His Church from the things to fall upon
    all that rejected His call.
    Thank you for your email and may my Lord bless you.
    Frank DiMora

    • Colleen on September 10, 2010 at 7:01 pm
    • Reply

    God bless and keep you. May the Lord lift His face to shine upon you, and give you peace. And be gracious unto you.

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