
Trying to clear up the CashWakins mess.  The person who emailed me again today, which came from youtube as CashWakins sent me this message.  He stated that youtube is not going to allow the video link by the name below. To show you I am up front and honest I gone out of my way to address this and have even posted the video for everyone to see.  The video below is the one in which this CashWatkins says I teach the end of the world is going to happen on May 15.  Of course, when you watch the video you will see that I do not state any such thing. I even wrote the emailer a note asking to call me so we could get to the bottom of this.  You will be albe to read what I said to him.  Jesus teachs to walk the extra mile with people and I am going to take his lead and try to walk this out with this person. 

CashWatkins has made a comment on CashWakins misleads many/May 18, 2011:
The video is called "End of the World & March on Israel MAY 15, 2011". Obviously ,YT is NOT going to allow me posting the link. Why would you title a video that? 1. Obviously – I'm NOT going to watch anything with such a name. 2. I NEVER sent you ANY email at all. You are being completely dishonest when you say this.

I did receive a email from a CashWakins saying I said the end of the world was going to take place as you said. I clicked to this link and this message showed up at the Youtube site, I quote, "This channel is not available."  Are you CashWakins?  Do you have a youtube account? If not someone has your name as CashWakins and is sending me emails.  Also, just because I named the video End of the World & March on Israel May 15, 2011 doesn't mean that is what I believe and was going to state that in that video.  Fact is, I used that heading to drew people to my site so they would know the end will not happen on May 21, 2011.  I am going to put this video up at my site ( so everyone can see what I stated. At no time in this video did I say I believe the end of the world would take place on any day in May. I was addressing what Camping was saying and called him a deceiver.  If you did not send me a email how in the world would I know who you are.  Is your regular email address CashWakins?  In any case. I do not belive in the end of the world in May or for that matter at least for another 7 years if the tribulation were to start today.  I would love to talk to you about this on the phone.  Maybe we can clear up some things that way.  Please feel to call me at 707-317-6730.  Just let me know what time you are going to call and I will do my best to be there when you call. I live in Ca. and the time zone may be different for you.  I am in the office between 7:30 am -11:30am Monday thur Fri. Also from noon to 4:30 on those same days.


email I received after reading the CashWatkins email today.

xTheUnknownTruthx has made a comment on Netanyahu is preparing for battle:
I have watched almost everyone one of Frank DiMora's videos and I have never seen him set any dates. You know why I really do think something like this will happen in our lifetimes? Israel became a nation in 1948. That is what began it all. That is basically what started the beginning of the end times. With that being said, all the prophecy that comes after that, which Christ talked about in Mark 13 and Luke 21, for example, will happen in the generation that sees Israel become a nation.


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    • amanda on May 20, 2011 at 7:32 am
    • Reply

    He read your video title wrong and what it meant. You put the March on Israel on May the 15th meaning the arabic nations was going to march into Israel on that day not the end of the world. I can see that you are speaking sound doctrine and those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus will never understand anything concerning The Bible! May God shine his grace upon them.

    • Debbie on May 20, 2011 at 4:23 pm
    • Reply

    Hello Frank, just wanted to thank you for all the information and hard work you put into your site, also I wanted to give you a heads up on a new development on strange diseases being spread, this time in horses it is a herpesvirus highly contagious and they are having to put down some horses and many states involved have canceled rodeos and horse shows. God Bless

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