Category: Uncategorized

A religion on peace? God’s word will stand/Feb. 9, 2011

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition …

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Peace and safety/You will know them by their fruit/Signs of Revelation 6:6 again/ Feb. 8, 2011

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition …

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Israel has to get ready for war!/Christian persecution/Christ’s warnings in the news/ Feb. 7, 2010

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 4, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora February 4, 2011 Edition …

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God warns the Earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, what else will happen?/Feb. 5, 2010

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 4, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora February 4, 2011 Edition …

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The watering down of the Christian faith Feb. 4, 2011

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 4, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora February 4, 2011 Edition …

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Egypt’s breakdown/Rise in food prices again/The call of Peace and safety coming to an end?/Rebuilding Babylon Feb. 3, 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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Luke 21:25 in progress/Feb. 2, 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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Egypt in crisis, what it could mean to the Psalm 83 war/Feb. 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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Birth pains! Is your light shining for Christ?/Feb. 1, 2011

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you …

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A Muslim Brotherhood leader calls for war on Israel/Egypt in distress/The Babylon question is answered? Jan. 31, 2011

  My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Are you really searching to know the truth? (If …

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