Category: Uncategorized

Signs of America’s decline-The curse-America sides with PLO not Israel dangerous waters-April 15, 2009

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Frank's radio show link to the edge: – Prophecy Sign:  Ezek 38:7-9 :  "Be prepared, and prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about …

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America and a second civil war?-America in decline- disease-Dick Morris on Irsael and Iran-April 14, 2009

-You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Frank's link to his radio show on The Edge. – Prophecy Sign: Daniel’s book in chapter 2 and chaper 7 shows the reader that America is not …

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America’s curse-Signs of America’s decline-Signs of Ezekiel’s war coming-April 13, 2009

My first show ever as the Host of my own International radio show entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is now airing at the following link: When you watch the video it may freeze up but you will still be able to listen to me explain how the Lord managed to give me all …

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The Last Day Signs-Peace talks dying?-Earthquakes-41 Tornadoes over night-30 big earthquakes in one day-Droughts-Murder-Diseases-April 10, 2009

Frank's interview on the Total-Deliverance Radio program which was suppose to be heard a 2pm today was cancelled until next week. I will post when this interview will take place as soon as I know. – My first show ever as the Host of my own International radio show entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet …

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Cashless society-Antichrist signs-America’s decline-U.S. turning away from Israel-Earthquakes-April 9, 2009

My first show ever as the Host of my own International radio show entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is now airing at the following link: When you watch the video it may freeze up but you will still be able to listen to me explain how the Lord managed to give me all …

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DiMora’s first Internation Radio show entitled, The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth-April 8, 2009

I am sorry everyone but I will not be posting today. I did my first taping for my new Internet radio show called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" on The Edge. I thank the Lord for getting me through the taping because I am really sick and in pain.  You won't notice it on …

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Is DiMora’s warning that Amerca will decline coming true? April 7, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site should now understand God showed the prophet Daniel there was going to be a shift in world powers in the last days.  God told Daniel that the last empire to rule at the time Jesus returns would be the Revived Roman Empire. If you are unaware of this …

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ALL THESE THINGS! Interview with DiMora on Monday 6, 2009 Hear how it all started.

  Later today I will be interviewed on the Total Deliverance Radio program April 6, 2009 at 2 pm Pacific Standard Time. Go to link to pick up the show.  I will giving information as to what Jesus did to me in order that I would receive the information that launched my ministry.  This is …

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Lawlessness continues-Information concerning the coming invasion on Israel, (Ezekiel 38)Fearful sights-April 4, 2009

Monday I will be teaching again on the Blog Talk Radio show with Host Ron Godwin. The show will begin at 2:pm Pacific Time. Here is a link to the show. . I will put up the link that will take you directly to the place to hear the show on Monday. Monday I …

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Kings of the East-Droughts-Ezekiel war signs-Another Union of nations being formed-America’s decline-noah’s signs-Lawlessness turning hearts cold-April 3, 2009

  Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – – Prophecy Sign: In the …

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