Category: Uncategorized

Dollar is dying around the world-Israel is under fire from the nations-Ezekiel’s war signs-Syria will soon be brought down by Israel–The Rapture–Peace talks- April 2, 2009

Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – For those of you who may …

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War-rumors of war- The call for peace and safety coming to an end soon-Ezekiel 38 signs-Will gold go up?-Rioting in London-Will Israel attack Iran?-April 1, 2009

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – Prophecy Sign: The Lord Jesus in …

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Antichrist information and Sharia Finance Law-March 31, 2009

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – As we see the global economic …

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World events point to Christ’s soon return! March 30, 2009

Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – Do you know how you can reach people for Christ? Do you want to know what to say? Do you know how to say it? – If you click to the link below …

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Iran is pushing Israel to attack her-March 29, 2009

Prophecy Sign: EZEKIEL CHAPTER 38: IRAN WILL ATTACK ISRAEL WITH RUSSIA. This is a short post but very important. Just click to link and watch my video. "MILITARY CLASH WITH IRAN",7340,L-3693195,00.html  

Economic Forecaster Predicts Greatest Depression-DiMora’s warnings hit home-March 28, 2009

-Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009  - Prophecy Sign:  Read Daniel chapter 2 …

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March 28, 2009

Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Prophecy Sign: "When He opened the …

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Important information that shows us what may be the side of the revived Roman Empire the ten kingdoms will come from.-March 27, 2009

  Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – Prophecy Sign: In the book …

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EU leader ship in trouble-Czech Rep. economic crisis-Add a new name to a one world currency-Ezekiel signs from Libya & Sudan-Israel’s friends dropping away-March 26, 2009

Watch and listen to Frank explain how his web-site works and what it is all about. Click to link below. – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below. Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009 – My web site viewer ship has …

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Proof Ezekiel 38-39 is headed our way-America’s decline & more-March 25, 2009

Today's post is longer than usual and it may take you two days to digest all this information.  If you actualy take the time to review all the information reports and, videos I am sure you will be blown away by what you see.   – You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book …

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