Category: Uncategorized

Disaster for Israel, give Iran more time-U.S. Jews agree to attack Iran-Antichrsit position being set-Global government-Kingdom against kingdom-Roaring seas and waves hit again-More earthquakes & more to come-Oct. 1, 2009

If you live in America would your Church like to have a live presentation, seminar on all the signs from my book and posts?  Now is the time to prepare the Church and bring in the unbelievers to see the truth.  I am willing to come, are you willing to go before Christ and ask …

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Major earthquakes strikes again this time a 7.6 Earthquake. The unsaved should get ready to meet the 144,000-Downfall of America-Sept. 30, 2009

– If you live in America would your Church like to have a live presentation, seminar on all the signs from my book and posts?  Now is the time to prepare the Church and bring in the unbelievers to see the truth.  I am willing to come, are you willing to go before Christ and …

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Ahmadinejad’s claim he is talking with 12 Imam-Revived Roman Empire-Major earthquakes-Roaring seas and waves-Swine flu facts-America’s decline-Sept. 30, 2009

I am having trouble emailing everyone on my update.   I have so many people asking to be on my update list that my email server won't allow me to send that many emails out, therefore many of you are not getting notices everyday.  They think I am spamming, when in fact I am not.  If …

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Another Great Earthquake-Roaring seas and waves-Swine flu-Sept. 30, 2009

I am having trouble emailing everyone on my update.   I have so many people asking to be on my update list that my email server won't allow me to send that many emails out, therefore many of you are not getting notices everyday.  They think I am spaming, when in fact I am not.  If …

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Middle East war coming-Disease- U.S. about to control its own people?-The call for peace and safety-Roaring seas and waves- Disease- Decline of America- Sept. 28, 2009

  I am having trouble emailing everyone on my update.   I have so many people asking to be on my update list that my email server won't allow me to send that many emails out, therefore many of you are not getting notices everyday.  They think I am spaming, when in fact I am not.  …

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Does Jesus in heaven know when He will return? Has God’s curse has fallen on U.S.?-Signs of Ezekiel’s war is coming-September 26, 2009

I am celebrating my 38th year anniversary with my bride and will be off line after this post until Tuesday. Frank – Important video to watch entitled, “John Bolton: I Was Shaken & Disturbed by Obama's Speech p1 9.23.09”.  America is under God’s curse found in Genesis chapter 12:3.  The warning to all who come …

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Tribulation door is about to open? Breaking news, Iran will be attacked second nuclear site uncovered-Sept. 25, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition – You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If …

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Major earthquakes-Will the world end in 2012?-So you don’t believe in God’s curse? Signs of One World Currency and one would government-Noah’s signs-Sept. 24, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition – You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If …

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Stalled peace talks will lead to war-Iran ready for war, Israel ready to attack-Swine flu scare-Obama put Israel on the chopping block-Sept. 23, 2009

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition – You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If …

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Swine ful crime and information concerning Affidavit to FBI-Are earthquakes getting worse? Sept. 23, 2009

Today at 10:30 I am interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  As you can see from the information below Dr. Horowitz has filed papers with the FBI to go after people like David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdock, Morton Zeuckerman, Thomas Glocer and Jerry Speyer.  These are some of the most powerful people on Earth.   If you read the …

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