Category: Uncategorized

Are you ready yet? E.U. rise-America’s fall more signs: July 14, 2008

I hate to tell you I told you so, but it is better that you know what is going to happen to America then to be caught by surprise.  I won't be able to go into detail do to a illness in the family but go back and read my previous posts about what to …

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Antichrist Signs cont. July 12, 2008

A few days ago I let you know that one of my warnings has come to pass. It was a warning to watch and see if Silvio Berlusconi was going to get back into the peace talks. I explained why it is so important to watch what he does because he is showing all the …

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July 12, 2008

Do to a family illness I won’t not be able to post anything for 10 days. Please read my free prophecy book while I am away. Give the link a few to down load it will come up. I would read chapter 10 if I were you because this will be the next prophecy to …

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Antichrist signs traits in the news and DiMora’s warning comingto pass. Special Report Julyl 11, 2008

To all my readers who are keeping on the watch with me.  I want to show you some very important news that I warned you all about.  What I did in this post is to combine some very important facts concerning who the Antichrist may be.  I have been watching the current events and taking …

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Reborn Roman Empire-Antichrist standing at the door-America is falling-July 11,2008

Prophecy sign: Daniel’s book shows us the Roman Empire will return in the end times.  Download my free book and read chapter 2 for complete details.  Since I began this web site I have been warning you all that America is going to fall to the side as the number 1 superpower.  God showed Daniel …

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Antichrist signs-War- rumors of war-famine-drought- Persecutions- Heat from the sun-God’s Blessing or God’s curse-birth pains-July 10, 2008

If you go to my previous post on the signs of the Antichrist, I list some of the traits Jesus told us you would see in the man of sin.  Today’ news was very interesting  because it talked about one of these traits which I had not mentioned before.  “The White House has apologized to …

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War-Earthquakes- What is coming soon-July 9, 2008

Those of you who have been coming to my site know I wrote and said the Lord laid it on my heart to warn you huge earthquakes would begin on the Ring of Fire.  With in 2 days of that warning China had a massive earthquake which was followed by a huge quake in Japan.  …

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What did I tell you? It is here! Antichrist and peace-No end of the world in 2012!- war- Decline of America-July 8, 2008

Prophecy sign: Peace and safety 1stThessalonians 5:3 Paul tells us in the last days when Israel is calling for peace and safety that would be the time sudden destruction would come.  We know for sure an agreement will be signed because in Daniel 9:27 we see a 7 year covenant made and the man who …

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DiMora’s warnings, Disease, Locusts are coming fulfilled, huge quakes, Peace and Safety, War, Causes of shift in Superpowers, Noah’s signs- Hebrew tablet found-July 7, 2008

On May 15, 2008 the Lord laid it on my heart tell you the locusts were coming to eat the crops. I entitled my May 15, 2008 post this way, “AWAKE FROM YOUR SLEEP IT IS TIME TO WATCH! May 15, 2008 post Locusts and insects on the way. Time written 10:00 AM Pacific Time.” …

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ABCNews-End of the World in 2012? July 4, 2008 What you don’t know!

ABCNews is in the process of making a film and is asking the publics help.  ABC is asking the public to produce videos showing what they think the year 2015 is going to look like.  I have watched some of the sample films people have already sent to ABC and I want to tell you …

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