Category: Uncategorized

Governments ready to go under-Food price crisis-All these signs-Jan. 28, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 13 shows us in the end times one man will control the world’s economy.  If you are new to my site and many of you are, I have been warning that America is going to decline and the European Union Rise to fulfill both Daniel and Revelation.  …

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71,000 jobs cut in one day. Can you feel what is coming? Frank’s new video on important end time events

Two days ago I warned you more jobs were going to be cut and I asked you to pay attention to what I have said. I did this before they announced the news because I know where America Is headed. Yesterday night the NBC News told us 71,000 more jobs were cut in one day. …

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Global crisis bringing down nations-Antichrist has to subdue 3 kings, who are they? Droughts-Food shortages-Jan. 26, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site knows I have asked you to watch what happens with the global economy.  I have been telling you what to expect and why should you be surprised when you see it happen?  I am not the one who wrote the prophecies and the warnings, it was the Lord …

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How is Christ working?-Decline of America-Civil unrest spreads in EU-Ungodly men-Jan. 23, 2009

 How is Christ working?  While praying yesterday I asked the Lord if I could see some of the fruits of my labor for Him before I entered into His kingdom.  What I received from Him was, ask them if your writing for me has changed their lives?  What was placed on my heart was to …

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Big earthquakes again-Diseases on the move-America’s Decline-A Message for Pastors who are not informing their flock concerning these last day signs-Violence-Drugs-Coldness of Hearts-Jan. 22, 2009

One of the other signs, which will take place while all the other signs are present, will be a earthquakes. This sign is also recorded for us in Matthew 24:7.  I try to give you the facts on this everyday, as I know we are going to see some big quakes hit in many places …

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Disease-Nation against Nation- Earthquakes-Famines and droughts-Signs Ezekiel’s war is approaching-Signs of America’s decline-Jan. 21, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Once again I must report about the signs of disease and famines which is given to us in Matthew 24:7.  Once again I asked you to watch the news concerning the “Bird Flu” because I do believe this disease will get out of control.  We are starting to see me people contact the …

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Jesus is setting his watchmen in place to warn what is coming. Jan. 20, 2009

Sorry I can't write more today. I am getting ready to speak at Trinity Nazarene church in Lompoc this Wed. at 7pm.  If you plan to attend come to the far building to the right of the church on 500 East North Street.  For information call 805-736-6415.

A letter concerning homosexuality-Jan. 20, 2009

I recently received a letter from a person who let me know she is a homosexual and for the past 30 years she has been living with a belief in Jesus.   This letter touched my heart and I wanted to respond to what was said.  One thing she said was, “I can say that for …

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Droughts and Wheat loss-Making you disappear-Iran says Israel shouldn’t live-Signs of increased knowledge from Daniel 12:4-The falling away from the faith-Sound doctrine falling away-Big earthquakes have hit again-Jan. 16, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 tells us that famines with come upon this world as well as intense heat. In Revelation 7: 15-16 we read, “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and they serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall spread his tabernacle over them. …

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Huge Earthquake in Russia-Is a worldwide Depression on its way? Big Banks in trouble-America’s fall- Noah’s signs-Jesus’ blessings in Rochester N.Y.-Jan. 15, 2009

Yesterday at the end of my post I said the following.  "After I give my final speech. I will return home in prayer. I will open my email to see who Jesus has touched this time and will ask me to come to them". I opened my email and read the following: Dear Frank, We …

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