Category: Uncategorized

Zimbabwe faces food crisis-The power shift continues-Crime-Earthquakes-How to store food-Disease spreads-Dec. 23, 2008

I will be honest with you all.  I did not want to write anything today.  I much rather report nothing but good news but many of you know the state of the world.  As we close out 2008 many of you may be saying, “ what a terrible year”.  This year many of you came …

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War and rumors of war-Peace talks breaking down?-Ezekiel war signs-Dec. 22, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 tells us Russia is going to lead an invasion on Israel in the last days.  Last week I showed you how Russia is arming Lebanon with fighter jets that cost millions of dollars.  Now we see Russia is arming Turkey. I quote, “ ANKARA, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) — Turkey plans …

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7 things Jesus told Scott Walkington would happen. #1,-bama will not take officeI.-Is the message really from Jesus?-December 19, 2008

I received this email today about a man who claims to have a message from Jesus Christ.  I wanted to share this with you so you can watch with me to see if indeed this message did come from the Lord.  It won’t be hard to see if he is a false prophet or not …

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Global Crisis hitting America and Russia- Ezekiel’s war signs- 7 earthquakes today so far-New record for storms-Peace and safety-Coming economic riots-Crisis in Zimbabwe-Dec. 19, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 shows us in the last days there will be a superpower shift.  The prophet Daniel was told the last world empire would be the Reborn Roman Empire.   Those who have studied prophecy know that the European Union has fulfilled the prophecy about the Roman Empire being revived again.  A superpower …

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Signs of the coming Middle East war-7 big earthquakes-Dec. 18, 2008

Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 speaks to us about Syria being destroyed in the last days.  We also read in Ezekiel 38-39 that Russia is going to mount an attack against Israel in the latter days.  Russia’s allies will include Iran, Libya, Turkey and Iraq to name a few.  Russia has already moved their navy fleet …

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DiMora’s focus is one the Christ child is yours? Dec. 18, 2008

I would rather wish you a very merry Christmas and pray this year you will be celebrating the true meaning behind why Jesus was born.  If you have the Christ child in your heart you will have a long long life and it will be the most the peaceful one that you could ever imagine. …

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Frank DiMora sends you all another message Dec. 17, 2008

Get your message from Frank by clicking the link below.

More earthquakes-diseases-war and rumors of war-Dec. 16, 2008

Prophecy Sign:Matthew 24:7 warns us to watch for earthquakes in many places.  Southern Sweden was rocked by an earthquake early on Tuesday morning which caused a flood of phone calls to emergency services operators from alarmed residents.-According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.7, which would make it the strongest …

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Dec. 15, 2008 What you need to know while DiMora is preparing.

While I am busy preparing for my speaking engagements you may want to view these videos. Lindsey Williams – Dollar Collapse, Amero & hyperinflation August 11, 2007 ( Rapture of the Church- Just be ready!   How many of you who read my web page live in the Rochester New York area? I …

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Holy crap!-Russia and America’s economy breaking down-Famines-droughts & heat-Earth will rock-more quakes-EU working to sign Lisbon Treaty (video)-Dec. 12, 2008

Since I will not be writing a post on Dec. 12, I am putting that post up today on the 11th.   – Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 warns us in the last days Russia will join forces with Iran, Turkey, and some other nations and invade Israel.  In chapter 10 of my new 2009 …

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