Category: Uncategorized

Famines- Disease- Signs America is declining- Noah’s signs-Oct. 31, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Credit crunch hits auto sales-Russian’s to the North!-America in Crisis-What to expect-Why is America declining? Christians being killed a sign of things to come- China in prophecy-Oct. 1, 2008

   If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. …

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Huge earthquake-famine-World economic crisis leads to Antichrist- Sept. 30, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Big Earthquakes-America losing super power status-Roaring seas again!-What does the Bible teach about killing- China stops funds to U.S. -Syria ready to invade-Sept. 25, 2008

I will be taking a few days off starting Friday to pray and seek the Lord. I will begin to write again on Sept. 30, which is the Feast of Trumpets, that is if God wills.  I am taking this time and asking Jesus to refresh me so that I may strengthen all of you.  …

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Why America is falling?-Ezekiel facts-Homosexuality a major sign- What is the date the Antichrist will begin to force his 666 mark?-Sept. 24, 2008

I will be taking a few days off to pray and seek the Lord. I will begin to write again on Sept. 30, which is the Feast of Trumpets, that is if God wills.  I am taking this time and asking Jesus to refresh me so that I may strengthen all of you.  I have …

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New war coming!-Increase in knowledge-A rapture message-Storms-Droughts-Melting ice caps-Diseases-Noah’s generation signs -Sept. 23, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections-Matthew 24:9 Christian persecution- Rev. 20:4 Christ’s followers beheaded-Sept. 22, 2008.

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. —————————————————————————– …

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Answer to a recent comment from one of my readers. Sept. 20, 2008

    Yesterday I received this comment from a Mr. J. Williams. I quote, “You suggest that Israel is seeking peace, at the same time they are planning a war with Iran. Do you know the 10 commandments? Do you believe in them?  ——————————————————————————————- I would like to respond to this comment.  Jesus teaches us …

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Glenn Beck, ABC News, CBS, & CNN should be reporting what is really happening. Sept 19, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. ——————————————————————————————– …

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Israel has new leader- peace & safety-Naions buying up America-Nations dumping the dollar-Global economic crisis-Syria and Iran shades of Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah’s prophecies-Septt. 18, 2008

If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post. ——————————————————————————————– …

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