Category: Uncategorized

What the Lord has impressed upon me tell you. Special warning why you need to keep on the Watch! May 19, 2008

On May 2, 2008 I wrote about the BLOOD MOON and what this sign may mean to you all who are watching for Jesus to return and, for those of you who are still in the dark and in rejection of God’s warnings for these last days events. Please click to link below and read …

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Why are more people coming to my site? The answer! May 19,2008

Why are more people coming to my site?  I am thankful that the Lord is directing more of you to my site.  I believe there are several reasons why the numbers are increasing.  First, I think that there are many great prophecy sites on the Net, but most just give you the link for the …

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Jesus’ warning of troubled times & fearful sights-May 16, 2008

Signs of the Times: Luke 21:25 (Storms) Luke 21:11 (fearful sights).   In a recent report entitled, “Experts: Twisters Getting Larger, Deadlier” we are told, “As communities rebuild after deadly tornadoes bulldozed their way from Oklahoma to Georgia and North Carolina over the weekend, experts say that this tornado season is bigger and deadlier than last …

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AWAKE FROM YOUR SLEEP IT IS TIME TO WATCH! May 15, 2008 post Locusts and insects on the way. Time written 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

My heart goes out to all the people affected by the quakes. In the last 3 weeks Mexico, Japan, and China. have lived through one of the signs of the times Jesus warned about which is earthquakes.  These 3 nations are among the first to see first hand what Jesus was talking about.  Soon you …

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The Good News & The BAD-May 14, 2008 Are you blessed or cursed.

This morning I received a e-mail from news 2 in Israel.  They mentioned Israel wasn’t attacked today.  This is what I wrote back.  "Finally some good news!  My ministry is very rough on me because I see what is coming and I really don’t like reporting all this bad news, but as a watchmen for …

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May 13, 2008 DiMora’s new book is ready for you to download for free.

Now ready, free download, the new edition of the latest book called, The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  This book now contains all the documents and signs of our Lord’s warnings concerning His second coming.  Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf

May 13, 2008 Do not be deceive in thinking Jesus isn’t coming soon! New signs of the times.

March 7, 2008. “A major wheat disease which has recently been detected in Iran will be discussed at a workshop to be held on 10-11 March at the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in Aleppo, Syria. The meeting will bring together specialists from a number of countries affected by wheat …

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Prophecy Signs Are Speeding Up-May 12, 2008 & What is new.

Signs: Quakes- Matthew 24:7 On my May 5th post I wrote a warning to watch the ring of fire because it was impressed on me we were going to see a lot of action very soon. On May 7th I repeated my warning. "It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the …

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Ezekiel 38-39 is not the battle of Armageddon, here is why. May 11, 2008

It is important to understand the war described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, is not the same war that will come at the end of the tribulation, which is called the battle of Armageddon.  At the end of the battle of Armageddon is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist and Satan, and establish …

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Special Report: 500,000 feared dead! May 9, 2008

There are no words that I can say today that would take the pain away from so many affected by the deadly cyclone.  When you click to the link below you will understand when, Jesus warned the sea and waves would begin to roar in the end times He meant just that. I am overwhelmed …

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