DID YOU REALIZE THIS? CAN ALL OF THIS BE FALSE? I will discuss Rev. 17 on Monday. PLEASE WATCH THESE VIDEOS IN ORDER… (TOP to BOTTOM) data="http://www.youtube.com/v/drqbD9tO5Mk&hl=en"> data="http://www.youtube.com/v/3h1q4pMdMB4&hl=en"> data="http://www.youtube.com/v/cmgFScDSR9c&hl=en"> data="http://www.youtube.com/v/k2YmIHRgL4M&hl=en"> data="http://www.youtube.com/v/o0zkpAznh80&hl=en"> Watch out for those Earthquakes. for FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf
Category: Uncategorized
Apr 25
Glenn Beck and DiMora agree on the signs of the times- Watch Glenn Beck tonight! April 25, 2008
As you know I have been putting up signs we are seeing that will help push the shifts in powers. Daniel the prophet showed us the last generation would see the Old Roman Empire come back to life. It is too hard to explain in this short post. Please read chapter 2 of my book. …
Apr 25
Glenn Beck and DiMora on same wave link. April 25, 2008
I would like to address a very important issue today that many people are now asking me. Finally people are making the connection between what I have been warning and what they see on the news. Let me reword this, What Jesus said would happen. This is what has happened. For months I have been …
Apr 24
April 24, 2008 News and Bible prophecy-Signs you must watch for.
Thank you for coming to my prophecy site. There are many sites the talk about prophecy but they don’t give you enough details to connect current events with the actual word of God. Sure they give you news but what good is the news without making the connection to what the Bible foretold. I would …
Apr 23
April 23, 2008 Huge sign of the last days!
Click to photo then read today’s post. The scriptures below inform us that in the end times the Jews would once again start to sacrifice sheep in their new Temple. Knowing this information Christian’s should be looking for signs of this taking place. If we are really in the end times we should begin to …
Apr 21
Please read this post and then Watch the Glenn Beck show tonight at 6PM Pacific time & again at 9 PM. Program is on CNN at 9PM (April 21, 2008)
What are current events today telling us about Bible prophecy? Read my past post on the warning about watching the nation of Libya. Why is this import? The Word of God tells us Libya will attack Israel in the last days with a host of other nations. “Libya: Libya is known as Put in the …
Apr 18
For years I have been warning people to get right with God and to walk in the way Jesus wants you to walk. I have shared my concerns with many people over the course of many years, that what we see in so called Christians is a far cry from what we see how the …
Apr 18
America gets a wake up call and Libya get debt free from Russia- Prophecy in our face. April 18, 2008
On March 26, 2008 this is what I wrote: “What about earthquakes? The birth pains concerning earthquakes has been fairly still for 6 months. I am referring to the big quakes, the labor pains are about to continue again. Watch the news, it won’t be hard to see. When the ground starts shaking I assure …
Apr 17
Now for the prophecy up-dates for today April 17, 2008 In 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 God’s Words tells us what the people will be like in the end times. This is what was written: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, …
Apr 15
The dollar is down, oil is up, and the European Union gets stronger- April 15, 2008
As you can see, what I keep telling you to watch for keeps showing up in the news. Today oil prices went up again, and the U.S. dollar fell yet again. Who did I say the dollar would fall against? The euro! When you read the news reported today that is exactly what happen. Here …