Category: Uncategorized

Antichrist signs Jesus warned about, do we see them now? Yes! April 11, 2008

Jesus gave us signs of what the Antichrist would be like.  He told us what to look for. In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 it states, "He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."  We know from Revelation …

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DiMora Sounds The Alarm- April 11, 2008

When you go to page 229 of my book you will read what I have been telling you is going to happen to Syria in the very near future. The prophet Isaiah wrote the following concerning Damascus. "An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of …

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Free Prophecy Book-“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” -Now at this site, the entire book copyright Feb. 2008

Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf Starting Monday Feb. 2008 you can click to the pdf file link above and read the entire book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth", or download the book to your computer to read later . Please give it about 30 seconds to load. This book will connect the dots between Bible prophecy and …

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Jesus warning are seen in the news! April 10, 2008-Frank video account of how ministry started.

Are the warnings I have given you coming to pass?  I should say, are you paying attention to the signs Jesus told us to look for?  After all I am just relaying what Jesus told us to look for.  Now that we have the Internet and global TV you can keep tract of everything that …

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Bible prophecy signs for April 8, 2008-Events in prophecy are speeding up!

First off let me say this, everything I am writing about is centered on the warnings of Jesus Christ for the end times generation.  The warnings I am posting are not prophecies of mine!  I have taken what Jesus told us to watch for in these last days and showed you how these (Christ’s) prophecies …

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Can a company report on prophecy and not even know it? This company has!

Video promoting The Last Chronicles of Plant Earth. For the past fews months I have been trying to get people to pay attention to the fall of the dollar and the rise of the euro, which as of the year 2000 it has been the currency for many of the European Union members. I …

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My God I can’t even keep up with it! You deside, are my warnings coming true? Read the facts and get the truth. April 4, 2008

Over the last week or so I laid out for you a series of signs you should watch for.  These are all signs the Lord has laid on my heart to watch for next.  I told you these things are going to take place and you should know about them even before you hear them …

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Jehovah’s Witnesses are witnessing at your door and they don’t even believe what they are trying to teach you!

Ask any Jehovah witness if they believe Jesus was a true God? They will tell you yes. Then ask them did Jesus ever sin? Their answer will be no he never sinned. Then ask if Jesus was a true prophet? Once again they will say yes. Ask them if Jesus ever prophesied anything that did …

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Oprah is fulfilling prophecy, but not in a good way. Will you be a product of not enduring sound doctrine as fore warned?

Who stated these quotes? In speaking about the Bible and what her pastor was teaching this person said, “That’s when the search for something more than doctrine”.  This person speaking of Jesus as the only way to heaven stated, “There couldn’t possible be just one way when there are millions of people in the world.” …

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Signs of Ezekiel 38 April 2, 2008

The future can be seen in signs today.  If you go to chapter 10 of my book there is a list of nations that God warned us would join together and attack Israel. This attack has not taken place yet. Three of the nations on that list are Libya, Sudan, and Iran.  If you have …

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