Category: Uncategorized

July 30, 2022 food shortages/ Increase in knowledge/Noah’s generation just like ours/ Intense Heat/ Disease/Storms/wars and rumors of war

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 29 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora   China’s Army Posts “Get Ready For War!” Message On Social Media, State Mouthpiece Says PLA Has “Right” To Intercept Pelosi’s Plane“If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is invasion.” Historic Kentucky flooding: Children among nearly 20 …

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July 29, 2022 Zachariah 12: 3,Americas decline, Disease, noise last day signs, famine, Psalm 83 war signs,

    The guide to life in Jesus Christ Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 29 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora   33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago Yes, you read correctly. There are (so far) 33 friends and relatives dead or sick since …

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July 27, 2022 China 200 million man army U saved?/ Increase in knowledge/kingdom against kingdom/Storms/Drought & intense heat/Psalm and Ezekiel war signs/War over oil/rumors of war/Noah’s signs/Decline of USA/Disease/Major Quake

THE GUIDE TO LIFE IN CHRIST   The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, …

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July 26, 2022 lawlessness, Drug generation, disease, Noah’s last day signs, skyrocketing prices, psalm 83 war signs, storms, intense heat, fearful sights, increase knowledge generation, abandoning sound doctrine, Ezekiel 38 war signs

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 26 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says The Republican Party is about to betray Christians and destroy the traditional family It’s one of the worst betrayals conservatives have ever suffered at the hands of …

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July 25, 2022  fearful sights, Storms, Intense heat, Disease, Psalms 83 war signs, Signs of America’s decline, Coming mark of the beast

      The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora We know from Revelation 13 that in the last days there will be a system to buy and sell that does not use cash.  Each year we see more nations getting rid of their cash for a digital currency. …

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July 24, 2022 July 24, 2022 disease – Noah’s generation signs in our generation – Earthquakes – storms and fearful sites- drought and intense heat- skyrocketing prices- Lawlessness signs – Signs of the coming Ezekiel 38 poor against Israel

  You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora           When the Lord put me into ministry work for the last days in 1977, I began to warn as many people as I could to watch for an alliance between …

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July 23, 2022 Last day is Noah’s generation signs – peace and safety talks – skyrocketing food prices – America declining – lawlessness – disease

 You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will …

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July 21, 2022 Daniels prophecy people traveling to and fro and increase knowledge/war and rumors of war /Storms/disease /lawlessness/God given powers/psalm 83 war signs/intense heat water drying up/famine/

Just about each day I am relying news to you connecting Bible prophecy with current events. The reason I am doing this is to bring you the person of Jesus Christ because it is he who has given us all of these last day warnings and it is obvious that the Messiah that many have …

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July 20, 2022 Noah’s last days signs/War & rumors of war/Coming Ezekiel war/More intense heat/Plague of Locusts/Famine/Huge Storm/Peace & safety/Disease/Lawlessness

You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora   Major Prophecy Sign:    House passes bill protecting marriage equality, with 47 GOP members voting ‘yes’ The House passed a bill …

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July 19, 2020 to a host of end time prophecy signs seen in the news

  You can contact me for questions or comments at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora     Luke 21:11 Rev. 6:8 Germany: Birth Rates Drop Dramatically in 2022 – Is it Caused by Covid Injections? The reduced birth rate during January to March 2022 in Germany …

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