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July 18, 2022 news connecting prophecy with Current events

  You can contact me for questions or comments at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora  When you look at the photo below you will see the names of the people who are going to attack Israel in the psalm 83 war, notice if you will Lebanon …

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July 17, 2022 Last day signs in the news Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Matthew 24:12 This scripture tells us the hearts of many will wax cold because of lawlessness Growing support for political violence raises alarms Just hours after his arrest last month near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a 26-year-old California …

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July 16, 2022 psalm 83 war signs/ Food crisis/ Drought and famine/ Covid info/ Last days Noah signs/ Storms/ Major Earthquakes/

If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora One thing the bible does that no other religious book can do is prove what is written in it is the …

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July 14, 2022 Will the next Prime Ministry help fulfill Daniel 9:27 prophecy read the news

  If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora When you read Daniel chapter 9 you will see that the Lord appointed 490 years that He was going …

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July 14, 2022 Christ’s warning that Wheat and Barley prices up/ Noah and Lot’s end time signs/ Quakes/ Disease/ wars and rumors of war/

  If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Luke 21:11“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights …

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July 13, 2022 Mas Die off / America’s decline / Disease/ major earthquake/ Food prices crisis/

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora You can You can contact Pastor Frank at Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Matthew 24:7, KJV: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in …

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July 12, 2022 Major Quake/ Decline of America/ Storms/ Famine/ War and Rumors of wars/ Lawlessness

       You can You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits Vanuatu A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit Vanuatu at 21:10 UTC on July 12, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km …

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July 11, 2022 More last day signs

  You can You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora    Unlike any other religious text the Bible is the only book that is proven through discoveries in archaeology. You can add this next report to the growing list of proof that the Bible …

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July 10, 2022 Bibleprophecy warnings Jesus want you to know can you connect dots between Bible prophecy and current events?

  You can You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora   In Psalm 83 which tells us of a last day war against Israel we see the two of the peoples attacking Israel come from the Hezbollah and  Lebanon. I continue to say it is …

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July 9,2022 Food crisis/Disease/Noah’s last days signs/lawlessness/

You can You can contact Pastor Frank at The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora   Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of …

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