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June 25, 2020 Your Last Days Signs Warning

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora     Here we go again. If you have been following my posts this week I have told you three times to watch for the strong earthquakes that are coming. If you have come to my site you would seen the …

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June 24, 2020 Yet another strong earthquake as warned! Scoffers of Christ’s second coming is coming to a close!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora This past week I have warned you twice that if you watch you will witness more of the Great earthquakes Jesus warned us about. In my post yesterday I showed you a series of those quakes I warned about.  Today there …

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June 23, 2020 Jesus Christ is looking into your heart what does He see?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora    One of the ways we know for sure we are in the last days is found in Daniel chapter 12 verse 4 which reads as following below. There is only one generation who can stake a claim on Daniel 12:4 …

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June 22, 2020 Are you able to connection current news with Bible prophecy let’s find out?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora    What makes my prophecy site different from the rest? If you visit other prophecy sites you will find news headlines with current events from around the world. The problem with these sites is most of them do not take the time …

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June 18, 2020 Are we really in the Last days?

  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device  ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to …

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June 17, 2020- Rumors Of Wars: China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey All Move Toward War

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the …

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June 15, 2020- Turkey Threatens to Unite all Muslim Countries Against Israel; U.N. Human Rights Council debates U.S. racism

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the …

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June 13, 2020 Did you say no to Jesus Christ if so should read the following

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device  At a time when we are witnessing all of the end times birth pain Jesus warned us about it has become very clear to those of us who have received Jesus …

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June 11, 2020- Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion; Ecuador volcano erupts

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the …

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June 10, 2020 What in the world is going on?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device PROPHECY: A NATION REBORN: The Dispersed Return So you don’t think God is real or that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah? According to “The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy” by J. Barton Payne, …

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