Category: Uncategorized

Sept. 17, 2020 Frank DiMora prophecy teacher is moving!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept 17 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora Instead of going to YouTube to watch my videos please go the link below. When you get there please subscribe to my channel as I will be leaving Youtube channel soon.  If you like my work in connecting the dots between …

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Sept. 16, 2020- Palestinians warn of Third Intifada while Saudi Journalist Calls to Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 13, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click Brighteon & MeWe photos below Please go over to my new video channel at and subscribe to my channel .   ~Scroll …

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Sept. 13, 2020- Prophecy sign I thought I would never see is now in the news!

  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 13, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click Brighteon & MeWe photos below This link will take you my newest prophecy video for Sept. 13, 2020 when you get there please subscribe …

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Sept. 11, 2020 World news pointing to your destiny?

This link will take you my newest prophecy video for Sept. 11, 2020

Sept. 7, 2020- More Countries Normalize Ties with Israel, while Worldwide Protests Continue

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Aug. 18, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click Brighteon & MeWe photos below ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” …

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Sept. 5, 2020- Special Report: Does Trump Re-election Have Anything to do with the Rise of the Antichrist?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click photos below C FIND OUT WHY PRESIDENT TRUMP WOULD HAVE TO BE REELECTED AGAIN IN ORDER FOR JARAD KUSHNER TO EVEN BE LOOKED AT AS …

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Sept. 4, 2020 Revealing facts concerning who may be the Antichrist

Sept. 4 ,2020 News showing the man of sin (Antichrist) will appear soon

      Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click photos below To view Frank DiMora’s latest video Sept. 3, 2020 which is aired Sept 4th on end time events click link …

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Sept. 1, 2020 Do you want to know how close we are to the second coming of Christ?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click photos below To view Frank DiMora latest video Sept. 1, 2020 on end time events click link below

Aug. 28, 2020- Take Heed That No One Deceives You- for false christs & false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device ~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click photos below ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible …

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