Glenn Beck should cover this-Hamas leaders son turns to Christ!-Coming attack on Iran, Damascus, and Israel-Earthquakes-Decline of Ameria-Aug 1, 2008


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 Coming attack on Israel & Daniel Chapter 2 speaks about reborn Roman Empire.  For months I have warned you Israel will strike at Iran and destroy her nuclear power site.  “The comments from Mofaz, who also serves as transportation minister, echoed statements he made last month to the Jerusalem Post that “all options are on the table. If there won’t be a choice other than a nuclear Iran or a military option, it’s clear what our decision has to be.”  Let me make this perfectly clear to you, Israel is going to be forced into taking that power plant out.  I am telling you, war is coming!  All the pressure in the world will not stop Iran from completing their nuclear site, and Iran keeps repeating that message.

July 30, 2008 “Iran’s supreme leader says his country will continue to pursue nuclear technology despite demands by Western powers that it suspend its uranium enrichment program.”  As I am writing this report Israel is preparing for this coming attack on that nuclear power plant.  The U.S. knows Israel is getting ready to bomb Iran, Israel knows they have to take the site out for their own survival, and Iran knows Israel is coming.  I can assure you Iran’s allies are watching every move that is taking place in the Middle East.  All the nations are in the background preparing for this conflict. Once Israel hits Iran all hell will break out.  Russia will come to Iran’s aid and bring every nation listed in Ezekiel 38 against Israel.  I’m not asking you to believe me, I am asking you to believe in the Word of God!  It doesn’t matter what I tell you, but it does matter what God told us would happen!  We have come to the point that Ezekiel 38-39 is going to be fulfilled soon and, there are signs the U.S. government is getting ready

“A Wall Street Journal columnist has advised people to “start stockpiling food” and an ABC News Report says “there are worrying signs appearing in the United States where some … locals are beginning to hoard supplies.” “Now there’s concern that the U.S. government may be competing with consumers for stocks of storable food.  “We’re told that the feds bought the entire container of canned butter when it hit the California docks. (Something’s up!),” said officials at Best Prices Storable Foods in an advisory to customers. So what is going on?  “One idea: the military. Tensions are ramping up with Iran and news segments debate whether or not we will implement a preemptive strike in conjunction with Israel,” she wrote. Hopkins raised some of the same concerns, suggesting a military conflict could cause oil supplies to plummet, triggering a huge increase in the cost of food – when it would be available – because of the transportation issues.”  No one can give you an exact truthful answer because no one wants to start a panic.  All I know is the nations the Lord listed in the Bible to engage in this coming conflict are in the news every day.  All the signs are before us that God’s forewarning of this war is about to be played out.  The time for joking is over!  I want you to believe this because I know what is in store for you if you do not.  Right after this conflict is over the Antichrist is going to be lifted onto the world stage.  Daniel told us this man would arise from peace talks and a covenant that he will confirm with Israel and many nations.  I don’t care what position you take in regards to whether the Antichrist comes just prior to the attack on Israel or after, the point is this, he is about to come out!  For those of you who do not understand bible prophecy let me make it clear for you.  Once Ezekiel’s prophecy is finished planet Earth will begin what is described in the Book of Revelation as the 7 year-tribulation.  This is a time of judgment from God that falls on an unbelieving world.  It is at this time that the modern day Roman Empire will be lead by the Antichrist.  Anyone who has followed current events and the European Union knows Daniel’s prophecy about the reborn modern day Roman Empire has been fulfilled through the formation of the E.U..  At the present time signs are everywhere in the U.S. pointing to the decline of the America.  Yesterday I posted many of these signs that show a new superpower shift is in the works. Please read yesterdays post.

One of these signs is the U.S. economy is about to bust and today’s news adds to America’s burdens.  “Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) — General Motors Corp. reported a second-quarter loss of $15.5 billion, the third biggest in its 100-year history, because of plunging U.S. sales and the declining value of truck leases. The shares fell as much as 11 percent”.

You must keep in mind the entire list of signs Jesus said we would see taking place all at the same time.  I have been reporting on all these signs and warning you more are coming.  For example, I have been telling you that more big quakes are on their way.  A few days ago we saw this come true in the states. “A 5.4 magnitude earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, spooking millions from Los Angeles to San Diego in a juddering reminder of the region’s vulnerability to seismic shocks.”  Is America finished from rocking?  I don’t think so, as a matter of fact, according to Jesus the end times are going down as women with birth pains, and that could only mean one thing, bigger quakes are coming.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes-Today China had to quakes and one of those lasted a long time.  Xinhua said the second aftershock on Friday occured at 16:32 local time (0832 GMT) and lasted for a “relatively long” time. It was measured at 6.1 on the Richter scale and the epicentre was on the border of Pingwu and Beichuan counties, both of which were devastated by the May 12 quake. The first aftershock struck Wenchuan county, the epicentre of the May 12 disaster, about six hours earlier and was measured at 3.9 on the Richter scale, Xinhua said, citing the local seismological department said.”  I know what you may be thinking.  Does Frank think more are coming?  I don’t think they are, I am telling you now, you are going to see them!

Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 Damascus to be destroyed. In my book I give all the details concerning every nation listed in the attack against Israel.  I explained that during the end time “Damascus will be taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”  We already know Iran is getting ready to attack Israel.  Now we see that “Ahmadinejad vows allegiance to Syria” News out today informed us “Iranian president plays host to Syrian FM, pledges no changes in bilateral relations with Damascus despite its recent renewal of peace negotiations with Israel” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met on Tuesday evening with visiting Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister, Walid al-Muallem, and pledged he would work to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, to the discontentment of Israel and the United States.”  Why would Iran and Syria make this pack at this time in history?  Because both Isaiah’s prophecy and Ezekiel prophecy will probably be fulfilled around the same time.  This is one possible way things could go down.  We know from the Apostle Paul that when Israel is taking peace and safety is the time frame in which this destruction will come.  That peace call is taking place right now in the Middle East so that part of the prophecy is already fulfilled. 

Concerning the peace talks, today in the news we learned the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, head of the Hamas which is one of Israel’s main enemies made the following statedment. “You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death.”  This is a very important statement for leaders involved in the peace process.  Why?  Because Sheikh Hassan Yousef’s son became a Christian and he is telling the truth about the real intensions behind the peace talks.  Shikh Hassan Yousef really doesn’t want any peace at all with Israel, all he wants is land, which will move him, closer to Israel.  He wants to be as close as possible to Israel so Israel will have less time to respond to their coming attacks.  As a new Christian Masab son of Yousef has put his life in danger by making that statement.  Maybe now Israel will wake up to the fact, their enemies what to wipe them out.  I have been trying to warn people for years that the PLO and Hamas leaders really don’t want peace, only land to help him in the next attack.  As for Masab the news about him said, “A moment before beginning his supper, Masab, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, glances at the friend who has accompanied him to the restaurant where we met. They whisper a few words and then say grace, thanking God and Jesus for putting food on their plates. It takes a few seconds to digest this sight: The son of a Hamas MP who is also the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization, a young man who assisted his father for years in his political activities, has become a rank-and-file Christian. “I’m now called Joseph,” he says at the outset.  Masab knows he can now not return to the Middle East.

Let me get back to what may soon take place.  I think what may take place is once Israel hits Iran it will ignite the Ezekiel war.  Syria will launch an attack and in response Israel will send in their air force and wipe out Damascus.  Around the same time Russia will bring down her allies with Iran into the mountains of Israel.  However things work out, Damascus will soon go down and Israel will be attacked.  Everything else Jesus told us would happen is taking place now and I see no reason not to believe these few last prophecies won’t be fulfilled very soon.  My gut tells me keep your eyes on August or September because these are the months the U.S. and Israel have hinted for the attack on Iran’s nuke site.,7340,L-3575128,00.html

I pray for any of you who think this is a joke.  You’re messing around with the Word of God!  To say you do not believe in what God has warned or in God is a ticket to the 7-year tribulation.  That my friend will be the biggest mistake you may ever make, unless you take the mark of the Antichrist during that tribulation, then that will be your biggest mistake.  Anyone taking that mark will seal his or her fate in hell for eternity.  Why not just give your life over to Jesus Christ right now and be removed from the wrath of God that is soon to fall on this planet?  He is waiting for you with open arms.  It is better to receive Him now today, and then to wish you did it after the tribulation begins.  God knows what is in your mind right now as this moment.  Will you harder your hearts once more or hand it to Christ?  If you need help or you would like me to lead you to God in His Salvation please e-mail me today at the e-mail address given in the left hand corner of my post.



Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf


Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.  














Frank is being interview on The Edge International radio show again August 3, 2008.  He will post when you can hear that interview soon.


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