Joplin, Mo Tornado

Joplin, Mo Tornado

Joplin Tornado

Joplin Tornado

There is a lot of talk about what is happening with the Creation? It seems that lately there are huge disasters happening everyday. Joplin, Ma for example was just devistated by a huge tornado. First id like to ask everyone reading this to Pray for the People of Joplin. This was such a huge tornado and there are people still trapped in the rubble that haven’t been found yet.

Some parts of the City have been completely destroyed. For me personally this is horrible. As i listened to some of  the video footage of the residents recording in the Blackness of a building while they prayed to Jesus and told each other that they loved each other, they truly believed it was their possible end. I cried hearing it, as God spoke to me about what matter most. Jesus, and the LOVE we have for others: PERIOD!!

The creation does seem to be going crazy, but why? I’ll continue this post soon, but i’ll paraphrase. : Birth Pains!



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