Sea turns blood-Wars-Gay movement-Lawlessness-Tornado stats-July 1, 2008


Prophecy sign: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these [are] the beginning of sorrows.  Sorrows is the word used for birth pains.  For weeks all we hear in the international news is that Israel is getting ready to attack Iran’s nuclear power plant.  I keep warning people that war is coming but most people don’t think that it will come down to that, they are wrong.  Jesus told us war was coming but, when they come it is not the end yet. Read to what Christ stated, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet” Matthew 24:6.  When all these signs begin we know that the end has just begun.  Jesus said the end is not yet because this generation will begin a 7 year tribulation period once all these signs begin.  The end will follow God’s  7 year tribulation.   War is coming and we may see the first conflict take place before this year ends. I will let the news speak for me here.  “Senior Pentagon officials are concerned that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world  The Middle East is a time bomb ready to go off and it will soon.  Do not be alarmed when you see it on the news.  You will still have a least 7 years to go until the what many call the “end of the world”.  Once the 7 year period is over Jesus will return to reign as King in Jerusalem.  He will restore this planet and this planet will continue for another 1000 years.  It will only be the end of the world to those who refuse Jesus’ message of Salvation.  If you don’t believe me and the word I carry for Christ, just wait and watch the news!  When you see Israel attacked by Iran , Russia and their allies you will understand God’s Word is Truth.  If then you still refuse to believe you will enter the 7 year tribulation that is a time for all unbelievers.  It is your choice.  In any case look for war in the very near future.  Once you see it take place contact me and I will lead you to Christ, if I am still here.  There is the possibility the Church may be taken out to heaven before, during or just after Israel is attacked.


Prophecy Sign: “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will” Rev. 11: 6.  During 3&1/2 years of the tribulation Jesus is sending 2 prophets of old to witness to the world.  These men will have powers given to them by Christ.  In Rev. 11 we see these men have the power to turn water to blood.  Is it possible these men will be able to bring on the red tides that are increasing around the world?  This can not be discounted.  We see these red tides in the news all the time.  I cover news on these red tides in my book in chapter 4.  Today we see more news out of China concerning these red tides.  The title to a current report is, “Olympic nightmare: A red tide in the Yellow Sea“With less than six weeks before it plays host to the Olympic sailing regatta, the city of Qingdao has mobilized thousands of people and an armada of small boats to clean up an algae bloom that is choking large stretches of the coastline and threatening to impede the Olympic competition.” “Water quality has been a concern for the sailing events, given that many coastal Chinese cities dump untreated sewage into the sea. At the same time, rivers and tributaries emptying into coastal waters are often contaminated with high levels of nitrates from agricultural and industrial runoff. These nitrates contribute to the red tides of algae that often bloom along sections of China’s coastline.” When you do a study on the red tides you come to learn these tides can kill off sea life and the tides are toxic to humans.  You hear in the news people dieing from eating shell fish which came from these red tides.  Jesus in Revelation 8:8-9 said, “And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.”  Once again I refer you to what Jesus said about these signs being the beginning of birth pains.


I found it interesting that this year scientists are warning we are to expect an increase of these red tides.  Here is just on of the headlines which came out this year, “Significant ‘Red Tide’ Season Predicted For 2008 Based On Computer Models And Observations”  The report stated, “ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2008) — The end of April usually brings the first signs of harmful algae in New England waters, and this year, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and North Carolina State University (NC State) are preparing for a potentially big bloom.”  “A combination of abundant beds of algal seeds and excess winter precipitation have set the stage for a harmful algal bloom similar to the historic “red tide” of 2005, according to researchers from WHOI and NC State. The 2005 bloom shut down shellfish beds from the Bay of Fundy to Martha’s Vineyard for several months and caused an estimated $50 million in losses to the Massachusetts shellfish industry alone. The weather patterns over the next few weeks will determine whether this year’s algal growth”.  The is no denying we are seeing everything Jesus has warned us showing up in the news.  If you refuse the Love Jesus has for you and refuse His Salvation call, you will see first hand the seas turning to blood.  Please don’t be counted as one of those unbelievers!

Below is a photo released by the NASA and it shows what a red tide looks like.…/150994main_redcurrent.jpg 


Yesterday I talked about Daniel’s prophecy in which Daniel was shown the Old Roman Empire would return in the last days.  I showed you that the European Union is the revived Old Roman Empire.  I also explained the shift in superpowers that has to take place which will give the E.U. the number 1 position as the last world Empire during the time Jesus returns.  Jesus even talks about this Revived Roman Empire in the book of Revelation which He gave to John to give to us.  The world economy is one way this shift in power is going to be sped up.  America has to fall to the side and the (E.U.) European Union or revived Roman Empire has to take the # 1 position.  We see signs everyday in the news America and Americans are living in stress as we lose thousands of jobs, prices of everything is skyrocketing, the dollar is dying to the E.U.’s Euro, and the U.S.A. is going broke.  We see the stock market taking a beating and now there is more talk about the coming depression and not just a recession.  Things have gotten so bad people are stealing metals for money. Let me give you a few of the reports that show you what people are doing to make ends meet these days.  Here is one headline that appeared today.  “Local and national outbreak of grave robbing”  The report stated, “Grave robbing has become an above-ground affair. Gone are the days when enterprising thieves would dig up an old grave and pillage for gold teeth and rings. Today, it’s mostly the bronze markers and flower vases that draw their attention. Rising scrap metal prices, coupled with the lagging economy, have triggered a string of cemetery thefts both locally and across the nation.

Here is another report entitled, “Thieves lifting manhole covers”

“Cities and counties are battling manhole-cover thefts, a crime spree that police tie to the weak economy. Hundreds of 200-pound covers have disappeared in three months in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Georgia as scrap metal prices pop up. “It’s a sign of the times,” says Sgt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia, where 28 manhole covers disappeared in April and May. “When the economy gets bad, people start stealing iron.”

Here is one more report to prove my point.  The headline reads “Catalytic Converter Theft Warning For Car Owners” People across this nation are now stealing people catalytic converters right from under the cars.  “Catalytic converters contain expensive precious metals like platinum – which is worth up to $1,200 an ounce; palladium, which can fetch $320 an ounce and rhodium, the biggest prize of all. It goes for up to $6,000 an ounce on the market”  We are coming into desperate times and people are doing some pretty desperate things.  In any case, we see the signs of a once strong America beginning to shake at the knees.  I suggest you park your car in the garage.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. Jesus also warned when all the signs are taking place at the same time the people’s hearts would wax cold because of lawlessness see Matthew 24:12.  Crime is just now beginning to take off and you will see more crime as our economy begins to tank.  The word incontinent means (unable to contain or retain (usually fol. by of): incontinent of temper). If you watch the news you see people have become without natural affection, they break truces all the time and the Middle East peace truces are a good example of what Jesus told Timothy.  Do you know what the word covetous means?  It means, marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another’s possessions.  This week end we see these signs demonstrated again in our youth.  A New Press report stated, “A 200-person melee at a Fort Myers gas station early Monday morning started over a pack of cigarettes, according to Lee Sheriff’s deputy Erik Hurd.  “Six people, including two teenagers, were arrested in connection with the incident, in which the large crowd gathered to watch as at least five females and one male were using sticks, pipes and other blunt objects to strike a vehicle in the Racetrac Gas Station parking lot on South Pointe Boulevard around 1 a.m. Monday.”  People can’t control themselves just like Jesus said.  Where did natural affection go to?  Are you kidding me, people fighting over a pack of cigarettes, and using weapons.  When you take a look at the police photos it looks like the kids don’t even care.  Would you be smiling if you were just arrested?  As the U.S. economy tanks more people are going to look for ways to feed their families so don’t be surprised to see the crime rate rise soon.  It is going to get pretty bad but it won’t peak until the tribulation begins.  Do yourself a favor, miss the tribulation by taking Jesus as your Savior.


Prophecy Sign: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Matthew 24:37.  Noah’s generation’s sin returns in last generation.  Last week I posted what I called the last straw sin.  I explained why God wiped out Noah’s generation.  The final sins that lead to God sending the worldwide flood was homosexuality and same sex marriage running its course.  Jesus warned us that when that last generation sees the same things taking place that took place during Noah’s generation, that would be a major sign He was coming back very soon.  Today we see everything just as it was in Noah’s generation.  Last week Chicago joined in on the gay celebrations again.  The headline will explain, “Chicago Comes Out For Gay Pride Parade” “On June 29, 2008, hundreds of thousands of people gathered for the 39th Chicago Pride Parade. But this year is different than the decades before since same-sex marriage is now legal in California.”  Please understand I do not have anything against these people. If they want to oppose the Lord and His teaching concerning this issue, that is their business.  I am pointing out this type of sin because I do not want these people to be tossed into the tribulation.  There is still time to listen to Christ and remove yourself from these acts.   God is going to judge this world soon and I pray I may reach some of these people for Christ.   Here is the point.  Jesus warned us we would get to this point again and we are already here.

One thing is for sure, we will not be able to stop this movement.  Once the church is removed the gay movement will run ramped.  What we can do however, is slow this movement down while the Church is still on earth. Right now the gays have come back to try and stop Californians from voting on a new constitutional amendment that will redefine what marriage is.  Here is a section of worldnetdaily.

“Homosexual-rights advocates have asked California’s Supreme Court to block citizens from voting this fall on a measure voters originally brought to the ballot: Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act. Proposition 8, so labeled when Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified it earlier this month for placement on the Nov. 4 ballot, is a constitutional amendment that states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The amendment was created by voter initiative with the signatures of 1.1 million voters, more than the required 694,354 needed to place an issue on the ballot.”  If you love Christ and are standing with Him and His Word make sure you vote this November to pass the amendment to read a marriage is between a man and a women!  Isn’t it time to take a stand for Christ?

One thing is for sure, we will not be able to stop this movement.  Once the church is removed the gay movement will run ramped.  What we can do however, is slow this movement down while the Church is still on earth. Right now the gays have come back to try and stop Californians from voting on a new constitutional amendment that will redefine what marriage is.  Here is a section of worldnetdaily. “Homosexual-rights advocates have asked California’s Supreme Court to block citizens from voting this fall on a measure voters originally brought to the ballot: Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act. Proposition 8, so labeled when Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified it earlier this month for placement on the Nov. 4 ballot, is a constitutional amendment that states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The amendment was created by voter initiative with the signatures of 1.1 million voters, more than the required 694,354 needed to place an issue on the ballot.”  If you love Christ and are standing with Him and His Word make sure you vote this November to pass the amendment to read a marriage is between a man and a women!  Isn’t it time to take a stand for Christ?  Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Storms, seas and waves raging.  Here is a up-date on the number of tornadoes so far for 2008.  We have crushed previous records as you will see when you click to the link.  2007 there were 1300 tornadoes, 2006 there were 1106, 2005 there were1264 and in 2008 only 6 months into the year there have been 1677 and we are just now coming into the storms season.  When Jesus warned the seas and waves would blow He wasn’t kidding.


End of July 1, 2008 post.















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Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

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