Dec. 12, 2016- Hamas offers missiles for armies willing to fight Israel

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 9, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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 Burdensome stone

Headline:      UN Voting on Motion to ‘Blacklist’ Companies with Ties to Israel

The United Nations (UN) is set to vote next week on a motion to fund a “blacklist” of Israeli and international companies operating in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria – areas several countries deem “occupied” by Israel. The vote, scheduled to take place in the Fifth Committee, which oversees the UN’s budget and administration, will authorize funding for the UN’s Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to compile the list. When announcing the intention to create the list last March, the UNHRC explained that they expected to update it annually. The plan to create the list, which is expected to be used by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement and other anti-Israel organizations, caused an international uproar when it was announced last spring. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon announced that the Israeli Mission will publicly oppose the list and that he created a task force to propose new ideas to combat the initiative.
Dec. 11, 2016

Headline:   Hamas offers missiles for armies willing to fight Israel

Palestinian terror group Hamas has offered to share its rocket arsenal with any Arab army willing to use them against Israel, Gaza-based Hamas official Fathi Hammad said Sunday to Al-Aqsa TV.
Hamas has been manufacturing rockets on an industrial scale since it took control of the Gaza Strip, and has fired tens of thousands of projectiles during the past decade. Former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told a conference in late 2014 that the IDF destroyed 80% of Hamas’s mortars and rockets during Operation Protective Edge, however the group has been restocking ever since, in addition to digging new tunnels under the border with Israel. While there has always been a large difference in military capabilities between Israel and Hamas, highlighted once again by Israel receiving the first F-35 jets outside the US on Monday, any Arab states potentially interested in gearing up with the Palestinian group’s weaponry for a battle with the IDF could expect to receive more than mortars and the ubiquitous Soviet-designed Katyusha, the WWII rocket still used in conflicts in the Middle East today.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline: Police oppose ‘Muezzin Law’

Israel Police are opposed to the proposed “Muezzin Law,” and say they prefer to deal with issues at a local level, since legislation may cause the Arab community to turn violent. Police are working to curb the large number of Arab crimes, and have hired more than 2,600 policemen for the purpose, and implemented programs which are expected to cost 2 billion NIS over the next five years. “From a police perspective, it would be a mistake to legislate or otherwise focus on the muezzin,” said a police report. “The issue of the muezzin is an extremely sensitive one, and we have decided not to make it into one of the foremost things we do in the Arab sector, since there are nationalistic priorities, such as razing terrorists’ homes.” However, this does not help Israeli citizens who are woken up several times nightly by the blasts, which are not the norm in Arab countries. The police have received over 1,537 complaints about the muezzin recently, with 1,261 of them from residents of the Jerusalem neighborhoods Ramat Shlomo and Pisgat Ze’ev. There have also been many complaints from residents of Lod, Caesarea, Karmiel, Omer, Nazareth, and Migdal Haemek, as well as from residents of the Arab town of Jisr az-Zarqa.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline:      State aiming for new delay in demolishing Amona

Headline:      Soldiers protest Amona evacuation orders on Facebook

Headline:      Netanyahu and Bennett to present new solution to Amona residents

The state is expected, possibly as early as Sunday, to ask the High Court of Justice to postpone the demolishing of the West Bank Amona outpost by one month. The High Court had previously ordered the outpost’s demolition by December 25, and it has rejected previous requests by the state to postpone it. The one-month delay would move the demolition date to January 25, five days after US President-elect Trump takes office. The state will likely argue that time is needed to find a relocation site for the 40 families who live in the outpost, given that past proposals have fallen through or will not be ready in time. The latest plan could involve relocating the families to the nearby Ofra settlement. The Amona families have resisted all relocation plans and have insisted that the Knesset pass a law that recognizes their homes as legal. The High Court has ruled they were built without permits on privately owned Palestinian property. The Knesset on Wednesday passed the first reading of the settlement regulation bill, which if it becomes law would retroactively legalize some 4,000 settler homes on private Palestinian property, and would offer compensation to the landowners.
Dec. 12, 2016,7340,L-4891888,00.html,7340,L-4891920,00.html

Headline: Government reaches agreement on Amona

During a special government meeting, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit approved moving Amona’s residents a few meters away, using the absentee property solution. It was reported earlier that the Attorney General’s office was blocking the deal reached between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister Bennett for the “Regulation Package” agreement. The position of the Attorney General could have forced the complete evacuation of the hill. The agreement reached in Monday’s meeting will prevent that scenario from occurring if the residents of Amona approve of the solution. Participating in the meeting were Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Jewish Home Ministers Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett, and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit. “The ball is in the residents’ court,” a government official said. The area allocated for the relocated town of Amona will be expanded to tens of dunams (acres), which will allow the town to grow over time. Details of the plan will be passed to the residents and only then aired on Israeli media.
Dec. 12, 2016


Saudi Arabia2 Saudi Arabia

Headline: Suicide bomber kills at least 50 Yemeni troops in Aden

A suicide bomber killed at least 50 Yemeni soldiers at a base in the city of Aden, a local security official said, in another major attack claimed by the Daesh terror group on forces allied to a Saudi-led military coalition. The attacker blew himself up as the troops were waiting to collect their salaries, the government sources added, wounding around 70 others as they lined up to collect salaries at the entrance to the Sawlaban base on the outskirts of the city. Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack in a message posted online. The Yemeni branch of the militant group based in Iraq and Syria has carried out many deadly bombings around troops in the southern port city, which is under the control of the internationally recognised government in exile in Saudi Arabia.
Dec. 10, 2016



Headline:         Syria conflict: US to send troops to help seize Raqqa from IS

The US is sending 200 more military personnel to help fight the Islamic State group in its Syrian stronghold of Raqqa, the US defence secretary says. Speaking at talks on Middle East security, Ash Carter said the troops would include special forces trainers, advisers and bomb disposal teams. They will join 300 US special forces who are already in Syria. Last month a US-backed coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters said it had begun an operation to capture Raqqa. The Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) had been gaining ground in areas north of the so-called Islamic State’s “capital” in Syria. Speaking on Saturday at a meeting in Bahrain, Mr Carter said the 200 additional troops would “continue organising, training, equipping, and otherwise enabling capable, motivated, local forces” to take the fight to IS.
Dec. 10, 2016

Headline:Islamic State militants retake ancient city of Palmyra– Homs governate

Headline: Syrian Observatory reports suspected gas attack in Islamic State area near Palmyra

Headline: ISIS seizes important crossroad near Syrian Air Force base

Headline:US bombs oil tanker trucks as Islamic State battles Syrian regime near Palmyra

Islamic State militants recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra from Syrian troops Sunday, according to both sides in the battle, scoring a major advance after a year of setbacks in Syria and neighboring Iraq. In winning back Palmyra, the extremist group appeared to be taking advantage of the Syrian and Russian preoccupation with Aleppo, timing its attack to coincide with a major government offensive to capture the last remaining opposition-held neighborhoods in the northern city. Palmyra, with its towering 2,000-year-old ruins, holds mostly symbolic meaning in the wider civil war, although its location in central Syria also gives it some strategic significance. Islamic State militants re-entered the city Saturday for the first time since they were expelled by Syrian and Russian forces amid much fanfare nine months ago. The government’s first important win against the Islamic State group in the historic city gave Damascus the chance to try to position itself as part of the global anti-terrorism campaign.
Dec. 12, 2016,7340,L-4891902,00.html

Headline: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Battle for Aleppo reached its end

Headline: Turkey urges Syrians to leave ISIS-held town al-Bab

The battle for Aleppo has reached its end, the director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdulrahman, said on Monday after sweeping army advances into the rebel sector. Rebels had now withdrawn from six neighbourhoods in the city, their last holdouts in Aleppo, he added. Meanwhile, Turkish media reported on Monday that the air force is pounding Islamic State targets in northern Syria and has dropped leaflets calling on residents to leave a militant stronghold there. The private Dogan news agency said the armed forces had dropped leaflets on al-Bab, the next target of a campaign by Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces. The leaflets urge civilians to flee to secure areas, saying “God willing, victory is near.” They urge residents to “not let the Daesh terror, which serves the devil, exploit you,” referring to ISIS by an Arabic acronym.
Dec. 12, 2016,7340,L-4891890,00.html,7340,L-4891852,00.html

Headline:   Syria Situation Report Dec. 2-8, 2016


Headline:     Iraq: Suicide attacks in Fallujah (Al Anbar) kill at least 2 people

An Iraqi spokesman says two suicide car bombings targeting security checkpoints in the city of Fallujah have killed at least two people. Interior Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen Saad Maan says that Sunday’s attacks killed a civilian and a policeman, and wounded seven. A local police and a medical official put the casualty toll at three killed and 11 wounded. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks in a statement. The authenticity of the claim couldn’t be confirmed but it was posted on a militant website commonly used by the extremists.
Dec. 12, 2016,7340,L-4891742,00.html

Headline: Iraqi forces regain control of 31 Mosul districts

Iraq’s joint operations command said on Saturday that counter-terrorism forces regained control of 31 neighborhoods on the left coast of the city of Mosul. They continue to advance in three other neighborhoods after inflicting heavy losses on ISIS during recent battles. The joint operations’ command also said that their forces are less than two kilometers away from Mosul’s bridges, adding that the coalition’s air force continues to destroy ISIS gatherings in east Mosul. Two days ago, Abdul Ghani al-Assadi, commander of the counter-terrorism apparatus, said the first phase of military operations in the battle to restore Mosul ended after 50 days of launching it. He added that his forces will completely control the left coast of Mosul after seizing the last few neighborhoods. Meanwhile, security sources said counter-terrorism forces raided al-Taameem neighborhood and are fighting fierce battles to expel ISIS members from it.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline: Turkey bombs Kurdish targets in Iraq after weekend attacks

Turkish fighter planes attacked 12 Kurdish targets in Iraq as the death count in weekend bombings in Istanbul rose to 44, government officials said. The Turkish armed forces said Monday a 50-minute airstrike operation in northern Iraq’s Zap region attacked and destroyed a command center, gun emplacements and other targets of the Kurdistan Workers Party, known as the PKK. The organization, considered by Turkey as a terrorist group, seeks self-determination for Kurds in Turkey and Iraq. An offshoot of the group, the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, claimed responsibility for Saturday’s bombings at a soccer stadium and a nearby public park in Istanbul. The attacks came after a heavily attended soccer match, and those killed at the stadium in a car bomb explosion included 36 police officers and eight civilians. A nearly simultaneous explosion killed the suicide bomber in nearby Macka Park. At least 155 people were injured in the two bombings, Turkish Health Minister Recep Akdag said.
Dec. 12, 2016



Headline:       ‘One-man rule’: Turkey moves closer to expanding Erdogan’s powers

Following a coup attempt in July that some analysts said appeared to have been “orchestrated,” Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has submitted constitutional changes to parliament that would significantly expand the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The AKP’s proposal received 316 supporting signatures from the 550-seat assembly. If cleared by a constitutional committee and approved by parliament, the reforms would pave the way for a referendum on granting Erdogan full executive powers and, critics say, allow him to rule unchecked. “This is a regime change, plain and simple: one-man rule,” lawmaker Seyit Torun of the Republican People’s Party was quoted as saying. The constitutional changes pushed by the AKP would allow the president to appoint the government, retain ties with his party, propose budgets and declare states of emergency. The amendments were proposed by the AKP with agreement from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).
Dec. 11, 2016

Headline: Istanbul Besiktas Turkey: Stadium blasts kill 38 people

Headline: Kurdish militant group TAK claims deadly Istanbul bombings

Headline: Turkish police detain dozens of pro-Kurdish party officials: media

A twin bomb attack on police officers outside a football stadium in Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, has killed 38 people and injured many more. A car bomb hit a police vehicle and a suicide bomber detonated a suicide vest in quick succession late on Saturday. The blasts occurred near the stadium of top-division team Besiktas, two hours after a match. Ten arrests were made. The government says initial findings point towards Kurdish militants, who have targeted police in the past. Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told CNN Turk news channel that “arrows point” to the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). Thirty of those killed in the attack were police officers, officials say. A further 155 people were being treated in hospital, 14 of them in intensive care, health officials say.
Dec. 12, 2016,7340,L-4891457,00.html


Headline:   Netanyahu hopes to work with Trump to undo Iran nuclear deal

Headline: Iran: If Trump sparked ME war, Israel would be destroyed

Headline: Iran Opens Theme Park Where Children Pretend To Attack Israel And Western Enemies

President-elect Donald Trump will be a good friend to Israel and hopefully the two countries can work together to dismantle the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview Sunday. While the two countries are close allies, relations were sometimes tense between Netanyahu and President Barack Obama because of their vastly different world views on the Iran deal and other issues. There is sentiment in the nationalist Israeli right wing that Trump’s election could usher in a new era of relations with the United States. “I know Donald Trump,” Netanyahu told CBS’s “60 Minutes” in an interview that will air later Sunday night. “And I think his attitude, his support for Israel is clear. He feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people. There’s no question about that,” Netanyahu said. His remarks were significant because critics have accused Trump of tolerating anti-Semitism among some of his supporters. Meanwhile, Iran’s defense minister Hossein Deghan Sunday warned that if US President-elect Donald Trump’s policies led to a Middle East war, it would result in the destruction of the “Zionist regime,” engulf the whole region and lead to a world war.
Dec. 12, 2016


Headline:      Sudan’s Bashir vows to crush opposition protests

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir vowed Monday to brutally crush anti-regime protests, warning the authorities will crack down on demonstrators as they did in 2013 when dozens were killed during clashes. Bashir’s warning came as opposition activists issued a new call to hold a two-day nationwide strike next week against a government decision to cut fuel subsidies that has led to rising prices for goods including medicines. “In the past few days we have heard some people, who are hiding behind their keyboards, calling for the overthrow of the regime,” Bashir told supporters gathered in the eastern town of Kasala. “We want to tell them that if you want to overthrow the regime, then face us directly on the streets. I challenge you to come out onto the streets. “But we know you will not come because you know what happened in the past… This regime will not be overthrown by keyboards and WhatsApp,” Bashir said in a speech broadcast live on state television.
Dec. 12, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Standing Rock protesters plan next fights after victory over Dakota Access pipeline

In the days after native protesters and activist allies convinced the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny a permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to cross through Sioux land, the thousands of protesters assembled at Standing Rock Indian Reservation have endured harsh winter conditions. But many of the demonstrators gathered at Standing Rock protests are planning on taking the fight elsewhere, according to the Guardian, even though many believe the pipeline project will eventually be reinstated by Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s administration. One organizer, Honor the Earth national campaigns director Tara Houska, left the encampment to drive to Minnesota to testify against Enbridge’s Line 3, a proposed pipeline which would cross northern Minnesota. Houska told the paper the project, which would cut through Anishinaabe hunting and fishing grounds, “threaten[s] the survival of our most important cultural identifier.” Other destinations for some of the protesters included the site of a proposed telescope in Hawaii, demonstrations in Wyoming against killings of the Yellowstone Buffalo and the Sabal Trail pipeline in Florida, according to the Guardian.
Dec. 11, 2016

Headline:   Somalia conflict: Deadly blast rocks Mogadishu port area

A suicide car bomber has killed at least 16 people in the Somali capital Mogadishu, officials say. Dozens of others were injured in the explosion early on Sunday. The bomber struck at the entrance of the city’s main port facilities. Residents say the blast could be heard across Mogadishu. No group has said it carried out the attack, but the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab often carries out such bombings in the capital. “We assisted 48 wounded people and carried 16 others who were killed in the blast,” said Abdikadir Abdirahman Adem, head Mogadishu’s Amin ambulance service. The death toll is expected to rise further.
Dec. 11, 2016

Headline:   Nigeria Maiduguri: Two ‘young girls’ used as human bombs

Two girls said to be aged seven or eight have been used to bomb a market in north-east Nigeria, killing at least one other person and wounding 18. Police in the town of Maiduguri, Borno state, say the attack happened when the market was crowded with shoppers. The girls detonated their explosives minutes apart, witnesses said. Both were killed. No group has said it was behind the bombings but Boko Haram militants have carried out similar attacks. A member of a militia in Maiduguri, Abdulkarim Jabo, told media the girls were aged about seven or eight and had arrived at the market in a rickshaw. “They got out of a rickshaw and walked right in front of me without showing the slightest sign of emotion,” he said. “I tried to speak with one of them, in Hausa and in English, but [they] didn’t answer. I thought they were looking for their mother.” He said the first girl had headed towards a market stall and then detonated her belt of explosives. Militants have carried out a string of deadly attacks in north-east Nigeria in recent weeks. On Friday, a double suicide attack carried out by female bombers killed at least 45 people and wounded 33 at a marketplace in the town of Madagali.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline:   Kenyan Police Use Tear Gas to Disperse Rally Against Graft

Kenyan police have fired tear gas to disperse a protest march against government corruption. The march was part of a protest movement by activists who want Kenya’s government to do more to stem what they charge is rampant graft within the administration. Police arrested at least three protesters Monday in the capital, Nairobi, when they broke up the demonstration. The group later reunited at another location and resumed the march. The protest march coincided with celebrations marking 53 years since Kenya became independent.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline:    3 soldiers killed, 17 wounded as Philippine troops clash with Abu Sayyaf

At least three soldiers have been killed and 17 wounded during heavy fighting between Philippine government troops with Abu Sayyaf militants in southern Philippines, an army spokesman has said. Maj. Filemon Tan of the Philippine military’s western command said in a statement the fighting broke out around 10 a.m. Saturday local time in a remote village of Patikul, Sulu province as troops tracked the militants. Tan said the the gun battle raged for an hour and 45 minutes. “The (troops) continue to conduct pursuit operations and intensify the conduct of focused military operations to neutralize the Abu Sayyaf group in Sulu,” Tan said. President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the military to hunt down Abu Sayyaf members, who are believed to be behind kidnappings for ransom in the area. The Philippine leader said he does not plan to forge a peace deal with the groups. Duterte has met with his counterparts from Indonesia and Malaysia to discuss a coordinated security plan to curb the activities of Abu Sayyaf in Sulu sea that borders the two Southeast Asian countries.
Dec. 11, 2016


Headline:          Bill Would Allow Government to Locate People With Tracking Devices

A bill meant to help those with developmental disabilities would allow government agencies to locate people with tracking devices, which has some concerned the measure gives the federal government too much authority and power. In 2008, Kevin Curtis Wills, a 9-year-old boy with autism, jumped into a river near a park and drowned. In 2014, a 14-year-old boy with autism, Avonte Oquendo, left his school and drowned in a river. Rep. Chris Smith (R., N.J.), who chairs the Congressional Autism Caucus and the Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force, introduced a bill called Kevin and Avonte’s Law, otherwise known as H.R. 4919, in an attempt to prevent these types of accidents from happening. The legislation would permit the Justice Department to award grants to law enforcement agencies and non-profits for training and tracking devices to find individuals with autism or seniors with Alzheimer’s who have wandered away. “We all empathize with a parent who learns that their child is missing, including and especially when that child has autism or another developmental disability,” Smith said. “When children with a disability or seniors with Alzheimer’s do wander, time and training are essential to ensure their safe return.” The bill would reauthorize the Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program for five years and annually fund it for $2 million. The program would be expanded to include children with autism and renamed as the Missing Americans Alert Program.
Dec. 11, 2016


Headline:     Thousands of people have backed a Brexit legal challenge to find out if Article 50 is reversible

Thousands of people have backed a new legal challenge to Brexit that will examine whether Article 50 — the process by which Britain will begin to leave the European Union — is reversible. If successful, the case could see Parliament able to reverse Article 50 if Theresa May’s government couldn’t secure a deal to their satisfaction — raising the possibility of halting Brexit entirely. The case is being led by Jolyon Maugham, a tax barrister, and it launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds on Friday. By Sunday it has reached its £70,000 target, with donations from almost 2,000 people. “If a notification under Article 50 can be revoked, voters will get to see whether what they were told was true or false. And if it proves false, and damaging to their economic security, it will be open to them to choose to change their minds,” a message on its fundraising page said. “And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”
Dec. 12, 2016


Headline:    New priests to learn about global warming as part of formation

The Catholic Church is intimately concerned about climate change. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences is the world’s oldest, longest running scientific mission. That body, which advises the pope on matters of science, has concluded that global climate change is real and is caused, at least in significant part, by human activity. This is important to the Church because creation care is part of our mission. We are called to be stewards of creation. It’s also important because climate change can exacerbate the ills of poverty. Poor people in much of the world are the most vulnerable to changes. The Church has a responsibility to care for people, and the environment. And care for one is also care for the other. Now updated guidelines for the formation of clergy says new priests should understand this as well: “Protecting the environment and caring for our common home — the Earth, belong fully to the Christian outlook on man and reality. Priests should be “promoters of an appropriate care for everything connected to the protection of creation.” The new guidelines suggest that in the future, priests will also have a good grasp of the global climate change problem and will share this with their congregation.
Dec. 10, 2016


Headline:   Bomb explodes in Egypt by Cairo’s biggest Coptic Cathedral killing 25 and ISIS CELEBRATES

Headline:   4 Arrested in Deadly Cairo Church Bombing

At least 25 people have died and 49 more are injured in the blast, with the number expected to rise, according to Egyptian state television. Many of the victims are women and children who were worshipping in the smaller St Peter and St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church attached to the cathedral. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Exiled Brotherhood officials and home-grown militant groups condemned the attack. Islamic State (ISIS) supporters celebrated on social media. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi branded the bombing a terror attack. Security sources said at least six children are among the dead as a protest broke out in front of the cathedral. The blast at St Mark’s Orthodox Cathedral in the Abbassiya area of Cairo took place during Sunday morning prayers near the section designed for female churchgoers.
Dec. 11, 2016

Headline:    “How could telling anyone about Jesus be harmful?” Christian nurse sacked for ‘offering to pray’ with NHS patients

A Christian nurse sacked for ‘offering to pray with patients’ before they underwent NHS operations says she now faces poverty and homelessness as a result of losing her job. Sister Sarah Kuteh – a nurse with 15 years experience, mostly in intensive care – lost her job for discussing religion with patients who complained to Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust. Last November she switched to work in pre-op assessment but this August she was dismissed for breaching guidelines – despite her job requiring her to ask people preparing for surgery about their religion. Last night a video putting across Mrs Kuteh’s point of view was posted on the Facebook page of Christian Concern – an organisation which campaigns for people to be allowed to talk about Jesus Christ in their public life. The mum-of-three – who is suing for unfair dismissal – asked: “How could telling anyone about Jesus Christ really be harmful to any patient?”
Dec. 11, 2016


Headline: Cyclone Vardah threatens to bring flooding, damaging wind to Chennai

Headline: Cyclone Vardah: Two dead as storm lashes south India coast

Cyclone Vardah will weaken before reaching Andhra Pradesh, India, to start the new week, but will still bring damaging wind and heavy rainfall to the region. Despite the threat for damage, moisture from the cyclone will bring needed rainfall, cutting into the region’s rainfall deficit. Vardah intensifed into a very severe cyclonic storm over the Bay of Bengal this weekend. Rain, wind and seas will increase around Vardah’s center, creating dangerous conditions for shipping interests. As quickly as Vardah strengthened, it will weaken prior to reaching southern India on Monday evening, local time. Vardah should be a cyclonic storm when it makes landfall very near Chennai.
Dec. 12, 2016

Headline: Supermoon December 2016

This year, the full moons of October, November and December all take place when the moon is at its closest point of approach in its orbit around Earth — a so-called supermoon. The third and final installment of this supermoon trifecta will be on Tuesday, Dec. 13. The moon will reach peak fullness at 7:05 p.m. EST (0005 GMT on Dec. 14), but it will appear full to the casual observer the night before and after the main event. The supermoon of December 14 is remarkable for a different reason: it’s going to wipe out the view of the Geminid meteor shower. Bright moonlight will reduce the visibility of faint meteors five to ten fold, transforming the usually fantastic Geminids into an astronomical footnote. Sky watchers will be lucky to see a dozen Geminids per hour when the shower peaks.
Dec. 12, 2016

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