Dec. 12, 2017- Muslim leaders to convene extraordinary summit for Jerusalem

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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The Rapture of the Church according to Lauren is suppose to take place today Dec. 12, 2017. Don’t get alarmed just watch my video!!!!


Headline: Al-Qaida Seeks to Capitalize on Muslim Anger Over Jerusalem

Al-Qaida is seeking to to exploit Muslim anger over President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to present itself as the true defender of Islam and the Palestinians. The jihadist group posted Saturday a 17-minute audio message from Osama bin Laden son’s, Hamza, in which he lambasts Saudi Arabia’s royal family, accusing the House of Saud of betraying the cause of Palestine. Analysts suspect the audio message was recorded by Hamza, who’s been dubbed by the media the ‘Crown Prince of Terror,” before Trump’s midweek announcement, in which the U.S. leader said his administration would start the process of moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. His message — the third in a series of three inciting violence against the Saudi establishment — makes no mention of Trump’s decision, but the timing of its release appears to be a bid to capitalize on it, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, a U.S. research group that monitors jihadist online activity.
Dec. 10, 2017

Headline: Fragile situation in Gaza can rapidly deteriorate into war

The rocket fired at Ashkelon Monday night was fired by insurgent Salafist forces who were trying, according to the IDF, to drag Hamas into a conflict with Israel. Rocket fire has become more frequent, a few times a week, and was not aimed at empty fields but rather at population centers such as Ashkelon and Sderot. Even if Hamas was not directly responsible for the launches, it was not doing much to stop them. Ten rockets have been launched at Israel from Gaza in the past week alone. Most are related to the tense aftermath of President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Two were intercepted, and two fell in open land causing no injuries. Monday night’s incident is unique in that the city of Ashkelon was targeted and sirens were heard in communities even further north. Hamas is characteristically trying to have its cake and eat it too: Inflaming the West Bank while keeping Gaza calm; allowing rockets to be fired, but not firing them themselves; keeping the fire steady, but ensuring the situation doesn’t deteriorate too much; convincing Egyptian intelligence that it is preventing rocket launches while giving the green light to insurgents and not doing much to apprehend them; allowing demonstrations near the border with Israel but ensuring they do not get out of control.
Dec. 12, 2017,7340,L-5055918,00.html

Headline: Muslim leaders to convene extraordinary summit for Jerusalem

Leaders and high-ranking officials of Muslim countries will meet Wednesday in Istanbul for an extraordinary summit to discuss “repercussions” from the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation session aims to produce a “unified Islamic position.” The umbrella organization of 57-members called US President Donald Trump’s statement last week an “illegal decision” and a “serious escalation.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who acts as chairman of the OIC, has been vehemently critical of the US move and said Monday the leaders would relay a “strong message.” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun, Jordanian King Abdullah II and top ministers of numerous nations will be attending the session.
Dec. 12, 2017



Headline: Putin announces Russian troop withdrawal from Syria

Headline: Trump reportedly agrees to leave Assad in power another three years

Russia has begun withdrawing some of its troops from Syria, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday. President Vladimir Putin ordered the partial withdrawal during an unannounced visit to Syria on Monday. Russian support has been crucial in turning the tide of Syria’s civil war in favour of government forces, led by president Bashar al-Assad. Mr Putin made a similar withdrawal announcement last year, but Russian military operations continued. When asked how long it would take for Russia to withdraw its military contingent, Mr Shoigu said that this would “depend on the situation” in Syria. The Russian president was met by Mr al-Assad at the Russian Hmeimim airbase near Latakia. Mr Putin said: “I order the defence minister and the chief of the general staff to start withdrawing the Russian group of troops to their permanent bases,” according to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency.
Dec. 11, 2017


Headline: Turkey Blasts ‘Weak’ Arab World Reaction to Trump’s Jerusalem

Turkey criticized what it said was a feeble Arab reaction to the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, saying on the eve of Wednesday’s Muslim summit in Istanbul that some Arab countries were scared of angering Washington. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has accused the United States of ignoring Palestinian claims to Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem and “trampling on international law”, has invited leaders from more than 50 Muslim countries to agree on a response. Jerusalem, revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, is home to Islam’s third holiest site and has been at the heart of Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades.
Dec. 12, 2017


Headline: Soleimani Says Iran Is Ready to Back Palestinian Forces

Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani says his nation is ready to support Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip, days after the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Soleimani, commander of the Al Quds force, made the offer in a phone call late Monday with leaders of groups in Gaza, according to the Revolutionary Guard Corps’ website, Sepah News, which didn’t give details of the assistance proffered. Other forces in the region are ready to defend the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, Soleimani also told the Gaza faction leaders, without identifying them.Soleimani spoke a day after the head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, Hassan Nasrallah, called on all “resistance” groups in the region to come up with a unified strategy to take back Jerusalem.
Dec. 12, 2017


Headline: Afghan official says Taliban attacks have killed 3 soldiers

An Afghan official says Taliban insurgents have targeted military checkpoints in eastern Ghazni province in two separate attacks, killing three Afghan soldiers. Arif Noori, spokesman for the provincial governor in Ghazni, says that five other soldiers were wounded in the attacks, which took place early on Tuesday. He also says the two districts were the attacks took place—Andar and Muqar—are now under the control of the Afghan security forces. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attacks in Ghazni, saying the insurgents were able to overrun the checkpoints and seize weapons and ammunition.
Dec. 12, 2017,7340,L-5055650,00.html

Headline: Attempted suicide bombing on Manhattan subway

The New York Police Department has reported an explosion in the subway system in Manhattan. According to a police spokesperson, the explosion occurred at the Port Authority terminal at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. The New York Post has reported that one suspect had been taken into custody following the explosion. According to the Post the suspect is believed to have attempted to detonate a suicide bomb. The NYPD confirmed that the suspect, a 27-year old resident of Brooklyn, was a Bangladeshi national who was inspired by ISIS. The bomber wore wires attached to his body and carried a pipe bomb, which partially detonated prematurely. The suspect and three other people were injured in the explosion. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio called the explosion “an attempted terrorist attack.”
Dec. 11, 2017



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