December 13, 2023 If you don’t know the signs of the times, you’re not ready for the Lord second coming





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 31 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


People watching the news and all of the horrific things that are taking place are noticing the last days warning by Christ.



More Americans Preparing For Doomsday
Apparently both the left and the right are preparing for “doomsday,” whether that is societal collapse, civil war, and EMP, Armageddon, or just any event that would require self-reliance rather than dependence on government entities.


The photos in the report below show the same things Jesus weren’t about for the last generation we are that last generation.


2023 through the lens of Ruckers photographers







Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide
It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses



Kids Developed Headaches, Stomach Pain, Sleeping Issues While at Vacation Home Near Multiple 5G Antennas
Three children and their parents rapidly came down with multiple health problems — including sleep difficulties, headaches, stomach pain and skin rashes — when they stayed at a summer home 125 meters away from a cell tower with multiple 5G antennas, according to a new peer-reviewed case study.



35-Year-Old Firefighter Injured by COVID Vaccine and Forced to Retire Sues New York City for Disability Benefits
A New York City firefighter diagnosed with permanent heart damage after he received the COVID-19 vaccine is suing the City of New York and its Fire Pension Fund.


National Citizens Inquiry releases historic report on investigation into Canadian government’s response to covid
At the end of November, the National Citizens Inquiry (“NCI”) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to covid-19. Despite the climate of fear created by the Canadian government, 305 witnesses have testified to create the largest and most robust record of the covid experience in the world.





Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;




Severe floods hit Bolivia, leaving at least 8 people dead 
Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms since December 10, 2023, have led to floods and river overflows in Bolivia, particularly in the Potosi and La Paz Departments, causing fatalities, missing persons, and widespread damage.



Somalia flood crisis update: 118 dead, 2.48 million affected, receding waters amid ongoing humanitarian efforts 
Somalia’s severe flooding crisis sees a slight improvement as waters start to recede in some regions, but the humanitarian impact remains critical, with 118 deaths, 2.48 million affected, and 899 000 displaced as of December 12, 2023.


The road to revelation, chapter 13, and the mark of the beast.



Looming Digital Gulag: European Union’s Terrifying Digital ID Plan Exposed
“This is exactly the dystopia that George Orwell described in his novel 1984, which we are moving into today.” – Dominik Kettne




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 31 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


People watching the news and all of the horrific things that are taking place are noticing the last days warning by Christ.



More Americans Preparing For Doomsday
Apparently both the left and the right are preparing for “doomsday,” whether that is societal collapse, civil war, and EMP, Armageddon, or just any event that would require self-reliance rather than dependence on government entities.


The photos in the report below show the same things Jesus weren’t about for the last generation we are that last generation.


2023 through the lens of Ruckers photographers







Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide
It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses



Kids Developed Headaches, Stomach Pain, Sleeping Issues While at Vacation Home Near Multiple 5G Antennas
Three children and their parents rapidly came down with multiple health problems — including sleep difficulties, headaches, stomach pain and skin rashes — when they stayed at a summer home 125 meters away from a cell tower with multiple 5G antennas, according to a new peer-reviewed case study.



35-Year-Old Firefighter Injured by COVID Vaccine and Forced to Retire Sues New York City for Disability Benefits
A New York City firefighter diagnosed with permanent heart damage after he received the COVID-19 vaccine is suing the City of New York and its Fire Pension Fund.


National Citizens Inquiry releases historic report on investigation into Canadian government’s response to covid
At the end of November, the National Citizens Inquiry (“NCI”) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to covid-19. Despite the climate of fear created by the Canadian government, 305 witnesses have testified to create the largest and most robust record of the covid experience in the world.





Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;




Severe floods hit Bolivia, leaving at least 8 people dead 
Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms since December 10, 2023, have led to floods and river overflows in Bolivia, particularly in the Potosi and La Paz Departments, causing fatalities, missing persons, and widespread damage.



Somalia flood crisis update: 118 dead, 2.48 million affected, receding waters amid ongoing humanitarian efforts 
Somalia’s severe flooding crisis sees a slight improvement as waters start to recede in some regions, but the humanitarian impact remains critical, with 118 deaths, 2.48 million affected, and 899 000 displaced as of December 12, 2023.


The road to revelation, chapter 13, and the mark of the beast.



Looming Digital Gulag: European Union’s Terrifying Digital ID Plan Exposed
“This is exactly the dystopia that George Orwell described in his novel 1984, which we are moving into today.” – Dominik Kettne




Hate And Hostility: ‘Saturday People Are The First Targets… The Sunday People Are Next’ 
Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to spike. Spiritual warfare has manifested as forces of darkness have been working overtime.




First It Was Wheat, Then Rice, Now Onions Are on India’s Restricted List 
India added onions to the nation’s expanding list of food staples slapped with sweeping export restrictions, as the government seeks to contain domestic prices ahead of a national election next year.



PNW report



Breaking News Updates – December 13, 2023
Pathway To The Image Of The Beast? Real-Time AI Analysis Could Fulfill Prophecy
Google has launched Gemini, a new artificial intelligence system that can seemingly understand and talk intelligently about almost any kind of prompt – pictures, text, speech, music and much more. But the real break through coming soon may be real-time analysis and it could have prophetic implications.
This type of AI system is known as a multimodal model. It’s a step beyond just being able to handle text or images as previous ones have. And it provides a strong hint of where AI may be going next: being able to analyze and respond to real-time information coming from the outside world.
Although Gemini’s capabilities might not be quite as advanced as they seemed in a viral video, which was edited from carefully curated text and still image prompts, it is clear that AI systems are rapidly advancing. They are heading towards an ability to handle more and more complex inputs and outputs.
To develop new capabilities, AI systems are highly dependent on the kind of “training” data they have access to. They are exposed to this data to help them improve at what they do, including making inferences such as recognizing a face in a picture, or writing an essay.


At the moment, the data that companies such as Google, OpenAI, Meta and others train their models on are still mainly harvested from digitized information on the internet. However, there are efforts to radically expand the scope of the data that AI can work on. For example, by using always-on cameras, microphones and other sensors, it would be possible to let an AI know what is going on in the world as it happens.
Google’s new Gemini system has shown that it can understand real-time content such as live video and human speech. With new data and sensors, AI will be able to observe, discuss and act upon occurrences in the real world.
The most obvious example of this is with self-driving cars, which already collect enormous amounts of data as they are driving on our roads. This information ends up on the manufacturers’ servers where it is used not just in the moment of operating the vehicle, but to build long term computer-based models of driving situations that can support better traffic flow, or help authorities identify suspicious or criminal behaviour.
In the home, motion sensors, voice assistants and security cameras are already used to detect activity and pick up on our habits. Other “smart” appliances are appearing on the market all the time. While early uses for this are familiar, such as optimising heating for better energy usage, the understanding of habits will get much more advanced.
This means that an AI can both infer activities in the home, and even predict what will happen in the future. This data could then be used, for instance, by doctors to detect early onsets of ailments such as diabetes or dementia, as well as to recommend and follow up on changes in lifestyle.
As AI’s knowledge of the real world gets even more comprehensive, it will act as a companion in all instances of life. At the grocer’s, I can discuss the best and most economical ingredients for a meal I am planning. At work, AI will be able to remind me of the names and interests of clients in a face to face meeting – and suggest the best way to secure their business. When on a trip in a foreign country, it will be able to maintain an ongoing conversation about local tourist attractions, while the AI keeps an eye on any potentially dangerous situations I might encounter.
If given a chance, the industry will continue to expand its data collection into all aspects of life, even offline ones. Policy makers need to understand this new landscape, and ensure that the benefits balance the risks. They will need to monitor not just the power and pervasiveness of the new AI models, but also the content they collect.
When AI expands its capabilities into the next frontier – the real world – only our imaginations will limit the possibilities.
Editors Note:
The Bible describes a time in the future where an image of the Antichrist is given life to speak on his behalf.  This has been a challenging passage for scholars to try and understand… until now.  While we can only speculate as to just what type of technology John saw when being revealed almost 2,000 years ago – the advances of AI technology may be progressing to where an all powerful world leader incorporates AI in some fashion that allows him to be present worldwide (an attempt to copy God’s omnipresence) through AI technology in real time.
Imagine AI technology in the hands of a dictator and you can only imagine the power at his fingertips to control the population.  He could use AI to assist his rule in making sure all of mankind follows his policies including the requirement that in order to buy or sell one must accept his mark that will also allow for greater monitoring and control of what we can and can’t buy.





Hate And Hostility: ‘Saturday People Are The First Targets… The Sunday People Are Next’ 
Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to spike. Spiritual warfare has manifested as forces of darkness have been working overtime.




First It Was Wheat, Then Rice, Now Onions Are on India’s Restricted List 
India added onions to the nation’s expanding list of food staples slapped with sweeping export restrictions, as the government seeks to contain domestic prices ahead of a national election next year.



For years I  did an in-depth research on what the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah witnesses have been teaching. The average Jehovah witnesses will never check anything their leaders teach them so they could never know what the leaders teach has come from Satan and his angels who are suppose to be guiding the Watchtower. If you are a new Jehovah witness I promise you what you will see in my paper the Watchtower does not want you to read. In my paper I will use your own documents to prove Satan is behind your teaching.  Jehovah witnesses are good people who have been led away from God’s truths. Since we are running out of time in these last days it becomes very important that you as a Jehovah witness review what your leaders are hiding from you. Click the link below to see how Satan has ruled the Watchtower organization. Your soul depends on it, and where you spend eternity depends on whether, you’re willing to make sure of all things.






Download Jesus wants to save Jehovah’s witnesses from their false god





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