Sandra Massella, please email me at so I can get your phone number. I would love to talk to you again. Frank

Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 17 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora
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If you read the bible you would have learned there are prophecies concerning the Jews building a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. You saw one of those prophecies in the picture above.
In 2017, there was a report I posted that had information concerning Israel constructing a super fast train, cable cars, and buses. What was important about that 2017, article was why was Israel building that super fast train the cable cars, and buses. The headline to that 2017, report is seen below in bold letters. I took a section from that report for you to read. Read what I posted here then I will connect the dots between the 2017, news and what new news was just released.
Infrastructure to Bring Millions of Pilgrims to Temple Mount Quietly Being Constructed
In a similar vein, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has recently announced plans to build a cable car system that will be capable of transporting thousands of people per hour to the area of the Western Wall and Temple Mount. The Israeli government ministers just recently approved this plan during a cabinet meeting held inside the Western Wall Tunnels.
The stated purpose of all of these plans is to modernize the capital city, making it easier for both residents and tourists to navigate its increasing traffic. But it is abundantly clear that all of these upgrades will soon be used for the purpose of allowing millions of Jews from around the globe to quickly and easily visit the Temple and to fulfill their Biblical obligation.
“We need to establish express service bus transportation to the Temple Mount from all parts of the country,” Hayman said. “The Temple Mount Express bus lines will have special blue and white bus stops enabling Jews to regularly travel directly to the Temple Mount, pray and return home.”
EU Trying to Prevent Jews from Accessing Holy Sites in Jerusalem

“The Jerusalem municipality has created a plan to transport people from from the First Station to the Old City and Mount Olives via cable car. But not everyone is happy with the project reports
Mynet. Especially the EU and the George Soros backed New Israel Fund.
Both have invested in an anti-Israel NGO called Emek Shaveh (equal valley) who works to deligitimize Biblical archaeology throughout Jerusalem. Emek Shaveh has called an emergency conference to stop the plan. The conference will feature left-wing architects.”
“According to their site, Emek Shaveh claims to be “an organization of archaeologists and community activists focusing on the role of archaeology in Israeli society and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
However at the same time they claim that: “archaeological findings should not function as a means to prove ownership by one people or one religion over a given tract of land. The archaeological finding is an integral part of local culture… The development of an archaeological site located within a built-up area cannot be justified if it ignores the local community.”
“Watchdog group
NGO Monitor notes that: “it promotes distorted facts and unsubstantiated positions that promote the Palestinian narrative of victimization and sole Israeli aggression.”
The reason that they fight against archaeology as a means of ownership is because they are heavily funded by the European Union and the New Israel Fund, who is backed by among other people, George Soros.”

In order to understand the importance of both the 2017, and this new December 17, 2019 news reports let us first look at Zechariah 12 starting in verse two.”
2Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”
The first thing of importance from this prophecy and, now the current events is the fact that in our generation the city of Jerusalem has become that burdensome stone. The center of why Jerusalem has become a burdensome stone has to do with the Temple Mount area of which the Muslim Dome of the Rock stands and, where the first and second Jewish Temples once stood. The Zechariah prophecy warns us everyone will be coming against Israel in the last days. The ownership of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is pushing nations one by one to come against the Jews.
In the 2017, report the super fast train, cable cars, and, news buses was only a prelude to what I have been warning about. What was that warning? Because I know what Christ has stated about the building of the Third Jewish Temple I warned everyone nothing is going to stop the Jews from building that Temple. Nothing is going to stop the Jews from building that Temple on the Temple Mount where the first and second Temples once stood. In the 2019, report you saw how George Soros with his billions of dollars backed with the European Union are trying to put a halt to the plans for the cable cars that will bring people right to the Temple Mount area. Ask yourself why are they doing this? Do you really think it has anything to do with the problem of archaeology? Don’t be fooled, Soros along with the EU are using archaeology as a excuse to make sure the Jews never bring millions of people up to the Temple Mount to pray and worship in the new Jewish Temple.
When you read the news report via The Jerusalem Post in August below you will see that Soros has spent millions of dollars trying to keep Donald Trump from being President. He funneled millions in 2016, to the Democrats and even more funds as the 2020, election is closing in.

Why is Soros spending so much money to keep Trump out of office? One would think that being Jewish Soros would support Trump for what he has done for the Jewish nation but, that is not the case. The answer to my question is, because President Trump is a friend of Israel and has turned out to be the strongest supporter of the Jewish nation which is driving George Soros nuts. Just because Soros is Jewish don’t assume he will be pro-Israel. Judas Iscariot was Jewish and, Satan used him to turn Christ over to the religious men who had Jesus killed. So far the actions of Soros show he really is no friend of Israel and, all Soros is doing is helping fulfill the Zechariah prophecy which no doubt is directly tired to the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple.
There was another report in the news today which is also connected to people trying to stop prophecy from taking place. The report below deals with the Mount of Olives and, is also connected to the Temple Mount. If you don’t know, the Mount of Olives is where we are told Jesus will first step on when He returns to take His Kingship. There are Arabs who think that they can stop Christ from going to the Mount of Olives by defacing the areas leading to the Mount of Olives which in turn is connected to going to the Temple Mount itself. I posted two sections form the report below to give you the gist of what is being said but, I strongly suggest you read the entire article.
[WATCH] Arabs Pave Way To Messiah’s Pool With Jewish Gravestones
“In an audacious act of desecration, Arab residents of Jerusalem uprooted gravestones on the holy Mount of Olives in Jerusalem in order to pave stairs directly on top of the graves of Jews. An Arab was arrested but he was back at work the very next day. Were it not for the bravery of a few Jewish residents of the Muslim majority section of the city, the oldest and most prominent Jewish cemetery in the world would be destroyed without a trace of existence remaining.”
“The Mount of Olives, adjacent to the Temple Mount, was an integral part of the Temple service. It was where the Para Adumah (red heifer), the major component needed for ritually purity, was burned. Any attack on the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount as part of their religious heritage would necessarily include an attack on the Mount of Olives. As a site of Biblical significance, and because of its proximity to the Temple Mount, it has been used as a Jewish cemetery for over 3,000 years and contains over 150,000 gravesites, including the tombs traditionally identified with the Biblical figures Zechariah, Absalom, Haggai, and Malachi.”
I don’t care what attempts are made to try and stop prophecy from taking place. Jesus will return and touch down first at the Mount of Olives then walk into East Jerusalem to where that Third Temple was built. Until that happens you will witness more news about Jerusalem as a burdensome stone and nations coming against Israel.
As long I gave you the info on how the nations will come against Israel I want to turn my attention to the Psalm 83 war prophecy. I suggest you read the entire Psalm 83. What that Psalm tells us is a host of Arab nations are going to attack Israel thinking they will wipe Israel off the map. If you look at # 8 on the picture you will see Hamas is named as one of the people who will be in that attack. There is also a warning about another war against Israel which is found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39 of which Turkey is named as one of the nations who attack Israel. Below you will see both the Hamas and Turkey are in the news again and of course the news is in line with the prophecies.

38-39 of Ezekiel.
“In transcripts with suspects interrogated by the Israel Police, it was revealed, according to the report, that Hamas members in Istanbul are managing operations in Jerusalem and the West Bank. One such event was the assassination attempt on the former mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, earlier this year.”
Don’t let another day go by without Jesus Christ in your lives! Christ loves you no matter what you have done. If you come to Jesus and ask His forgiveness of all your sins He promised to forgive them. Once you have done that begin to walk with Christ and show Him your life has changed. Find a fellowship that is holding on to sound biblical doctrine and begin to walk with Jesus and keeping on the watch for His soon return. If you make a commitment to Jesus please email me and let me know so I can pray for you.