December 26, 2019 Look at news showing bible prophecy in the works





Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read!

 Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora




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I must be doing something right as I just found out my prophecy site is number 7 out the top 25 website.






Cooltextprophecysign an_eq  Luke 21:11 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

In my post yesterday Dec. 19, 2019 I issued a warning with a red flag waving. That warning is below in red.

“Do you see this red flag? The reason why I put this flag up is to warn you that more of these great quakes are on their way. Okay, now you see what I warned you take a look at the report from the USGS on another strong earthquake that hit today Dec. 20, 2019!” So, once again only three days later there was another strong earthquake.”

Since I gave that warning two more strong quakes hit as you can see below.

A quake

 Study Picks Up Nearly 2 Million Tiny, Undetected Earthquakes in California
“Southern California is no stranger to earthquakes, but research published last summer shows it’s home to far more than previously thought. Seismologists at Caltech and Los Alamos National Laboratory identified 1.81 million tiny tremors hidden in data from 2008 to 2017 — roughly one every three minutes. This newly detected seismic activity has already helped scientists take steps toward fully understanding how earthquakes start”


Image result for psalm 83 war frank dimora In Psalm 83 there is a prophecy warning us of an invasion of Arabs against Israel. If you don’t know what nations will be involved in the Psalm 83 war against Israel, just take a look at the photo above. You will see that the Lord warned Lebanon and the Hezbollah would be part of the invading army in an attempt  to wipe out Israel. We need to take a look at another prophecy that may be linked with the Psalm 83 war. Prophecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days? Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33 19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand.” Let me ask you a question? What is usually found in the seas and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil!

Since 2009, when Israel first made a huge oil discovery I warned that the ownership of oil and gas just may be the cause of the next war. Since 2009, Israel has indeed fulfilled the Deuteronomy prophecy. Fact is, Israel went from being dependent on other nations for oil and gas to in 2019, being a exporter of these natural resources.  No one really knows for sure what will kick out that Psalm 83 war however, it may be possible that war will break out over these disputed resources. In any case it is worth our while to keep on the watch when it comes to any of the nations listed in that Psalm 83 prophecy.

Oil discovery raises stakes between Israel and Lebanon

“People in south Lebanon fear another war between Israel and Hezbollah. In the last conflict in 2006, more than 1,000 Lebanese civilians had died compared with 23 on the Israeli side. But as Al Jazeera’s Tony Birtley reports from southern Lebanon, the discovery of oil and gas reserves in waters disputed by Lebanon and Israel has raised the stakes.”

News Source:

What I want you to see if you keep coming to my prophecy site is almost every day we are watching news concerning the nations listed in either the Psalm 83 war or the Ezekiel 38 war.  Below you will see rockets fired again from the Gaza as I have warned they would. This time those rockets were meant to kill the Prime Minister of Israel. If you can’t see war coming your blind to the warnings given to us by our Lord!

 Benjamin Netanyahu Rushed Off Stage During Campaign Event As Rockets Fired From Gaza Strip Targeted The Prime Minister’s Exact Location
Believe it or not, Benjamin Netanyahu is running again for prime minister, third time this year, and as he kicked off this reelection campaign Thursday night in southern Israel, his exact location was inadvertently broadcast because people were live streaming it. This resulted in Hamas knowing exactly where he was and being able to fire a rocket disturbingly close to where he was speaking, as you can see in the video below.

 Netanyahu taken offstage at Ashkelon campaign event as rocket is fired from Gaza
Projectile intercepted by Iron Dome, in second incident in recent months in which Palestinian terrorists disrupt election event by PM.

 IDF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza
IDF fighter jets and helicopters on Wednesday night attacked several targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, including military complexes belonging to the organization. The attack was carried out in retaliation for the rocket fire from Gaza towards Israeli territory on Wednesday evening, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.


CooltextprophecysignThere is still another war against Israel that has not be fulfilled yet. This war will take place after the Psalm 83 war.


Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see photo above). 

Gog is the leader from the North that leads the  invasion of Israel. I believe Turkey to be Gog.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


It is no coincidence that Turkey and Libya are helping each other. Fact is, this year we have seen Turkey, Russia, Iran, and now Libya all on the same side. There is no question the alignment of nations to fulfill the Psalm war and Ezekiel war are coming together.

 Erdogan announces plan to send troops to Libya
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced military backing for Libya’s internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA), now that the north African country requested it. In a speech in Ankara on Thursday, Erdogan said on January 7 he will present a bill to the Turkish Parliament on deployment legislation.


 Israel’s Military Chief Outlines Strategy For “Coming War” With Iran & Its Allies

The Chief-of-Staff for the Israeli Armed Forces, Aviv Kochavi, said on Wednesday that Israel cannot allow Iran to station militarily in Iraq. According to Ynet News, Kochavi stated on the seventh anniversary of the death of the former Chief-of-Staff, Amnon Lipkin Shahak, that the Israeli army would never allow Iran to be stationed in Iraq.

“The Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Iraq… transfer advanced weapons there monthly. We cannot leave this situation without interference,” he said.“Israel will target everything that helps in combat operations, such as electricity, fuel, bridges…


Cooltextprophecysign 1 Thessalonians 5:3 3While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. Here we go again. The call for peace and safety has started up again as you can see from the report below. Keep in mind what Jesus warned. He said “destruction will come”. What destruction? War against the Jews thats what. The road is being set for the next war.


 Peace in the Middle East? | Will giving land to a new Arab entity bring peace to the Middle East and the free world?
There are multiple messages which are delivered by certain self-serving political organizations, which are recommending to the Israeli population to vote out the current Israeli Knesset leaders in order to accelerate the creation of a historically new Arab Palestinian State on a part of the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.


CooltextprophecysignImage result for ocean waves animation after effects" Luke 21:25 “”There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. I hope you noticed how many huge storms have been hitting around the world in the past 5 years. The storms are getting much worse. I can show you the evidence of what I say from my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. I have a section in my book that deals with the massive storms and how they are in fact getting worse.

Typhoon Phanfone: Philippines counts cost of deadly storm
Typhoon Phanfone has killed at least 13 people in the Philippines, leaving a trail of devastation through the centre of the country. The storm battered several islands with gusts of 190km/h (118mph), destroying homes and power lines. Many people are missing. Thousands were left stranded as they tried to make their way home for Christmas.

 Israel hit by widespread flooding as wintry weather persists
Israel was hit by widespread flooding on Thursday as a wave of torrential downpours and strong gusts swept through the country. Major flooding was reported in northern and central Israel as entire streets became submerged in Tayibe, Umm al-Fahm, Baqa al-Gharbiyye, Qalansawe and Kafr Qara.

 Philippines typhoon brings Christmas Day misery
Typhoon Phanfone has pummelled the central Philippines on Christmas Day, bringing a wet and miserable holiday season to millions. Thousands were stranded at shuttered ports or evacuation centres while others sheltered in rain-soaked homes as Phanfone crossed from one island to another for the second day.

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