December 27, 2022 What do you think the year 2023 will be like?




6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70My ministry has been blessed. I did a search to see how my prophecy site is standing? I found FeedSpot which listed 70 of the top prophecy sites. They listed my site as # 18 out the the 70. This is a blessing to me. That tells me people are reading the information I put up daily and, that gives me hope that some are coming to Christ because of the work I am doing for him. Best Prophecy Blogs and Websites










The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Here we go again the forcing of vaccines. These mandates are helping speed up the decline of America and also speed up the path to the Antichrist’s rule where he will be force mandating much more than vaccines. Read chapter 13 of the book of Revelation.



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#1 Dollar retreats as risk appetite improves; Australia, NZ currencies rise

#2 Existing home sales are down 35.4 percent over the last 12 months.  That is the largest year over year decline in existing home sales since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
#3 Homebuilder sentiment has now dropped for 12 consecutive months.
#4 Home construction costs have risen more than 30 percent since the beginning of 2022.
#5 The number of single-family housing unit permits has fallen for nine months in a row.
#6 The Empire State Manufacturing Index has plunged “to a reading of negative 11.2 in December”.  That figure was way, way below expectations.
#7 In November, we witnessed the largest decline in retail sales that we have seen all year long.
#8 Even the biggest names on Wall Street are starting to let workers go.  In fact, it is being reported that Goldman Sachs will soon lay off approximately 4,000 employees.
#9 The Federal Reserve is admitting that the number of actual jobs in the United States has been overstated by over a million.
#10 U.S. job cuts were 417 percent higher in November than they were during the same month a year ago.
#11 A recent Wall Street Journal survey found that approximately two-thirds of all Americans expect the economy to get even worse next year.
#12 A newly released Bloomberg survey has discovered that 70 percent of U.S. economists believe that a recession is coming in 2023.
#13 Inflation continues to spiral wildly out of control.  At this point, a head of lettuce now costs 11 dollars at one grocery store in California.
#14 Overall, vegetable prices in the United States are more than 80 percent higher than they were at this same time last year.
#15 Thanks to the rapidly rising cost of living, 63 percent of the U.S. population is now living paycheck to paycheck.

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When The FBI Attacks Critics As “Conspiracy Theorists”, It’s Time To Reform The Bureau

After Watergate, there was bipartisan support for reforming the FBI and intelligence agencies. Today, that cacophony of voices has been replaced by crickets, as much of the media imposes another effective blackout on coverage of the Twitter Files.

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U.S. Home Sales Post Record 10th Straight Month of Declines

U.S. existing-home sales slid in November for a 10th straight month, extending a record streak of declines as high mortgage rates and home prices pushed many buyers out of the market.



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PfizerGate: Tragic Truth behind COVID Vaccines: 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in 8 Months due to Vaccination causing a 5-Month Countdown to Death
As the death toll rises, a dark shadow has been cast over Britain. Official data reveals that since April 2022, 407,910 deaths have occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

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Horrifying Pestilences Are Starting To Run Wild All Over The Globe
How many millions have to die before people start to realize what is happening?  For years, I have been persistently warning that we would soon enter an era of great pestilences, and now it is here.  Sadly, what we have witnessed over the past few years is just the tip of the iceberg.  At this point we have been perfectly primed for future pandemics because vast numbers of people all over the planet are now running around with compromised immune systems.  That means that diseases will now be able to spread even more easily, and this is a trend that we have already started to see all throughout 2022.

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Christian Persecution in Africa Grew More Intense and Widespread in 2022
African Christians endured another grim year in 2022, especially in turbulent Somalia and Nigeria, where Islamist gangs such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State wiped out entire villages and Christian farmers clashed with herdsmen from the Fulani tribe.


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A breakRegenerative Medicine Breakthrough: Cellular “Glue” To Regenerate Tissues, Heal Wounds, Regrow Nerves

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Making pig livers humanlike in quest to ease organ shortage


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Mysterious shock wave CRACKS Earth’s magnetosphere 

A shock wave barreled toward Earth last night that cracked its magnetosphere, the region that shields our planet from harmful radiation.

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You May Not Have Heard Of Geoengineering But You Need To Know How Catastrophically Dangerous It Is To Work On Dimming The Sun 
There are plenty of dumb ideas offered by science in every generation that have turned out to be incredibly dangerous, and then there are dumb ideas that are so fantastically stupid it boggles the mind to think highly-educated people conceived them into existence. Welcome to something called geoengineering, here you will see unparalleled idiocy like dimming the sun, chemtrails, and other ways to ‘hack the planet’ that can only be a harbinger of diester.



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 As nations one at a time turn to the digital currency our generation moves one step closer to the mark of the beast.

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EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets
The EU Commission will provide funds to a consortium whose job is to launch a payments pilot for the bloc’s digital ID wallet.


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China Sends Record 71 Warplanes Near Taiwan In Show Of Force Aimed At US
“The NDAA that was just signed into law makes clear that the US is rapidly accelerating its Ukraine-ification of Taiwan…”

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Russia’s navy will be equipped with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles within weeks
Vladimir Putin has dramatically escalated the Ukraine war again by raising his nuclear combat readiness and bolstering his troops by 350,000 to turn the tide on his failing campaign, raising fears of a global conflict.

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Extremely heavy snow claims 17 lives, leaves dozens injured in Japan 
Extremely heavy sea effect snow affecting Japan since December 14, 2022, claimed the lives of at least 17 people and left at least 90 people injured, as of December 26.

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Buffalo hit by most devastating winter storm on record, New York 

A massive Christmas winter storm buried parts of western New York with up to 109 cm (43 inches) of snow, leaving at least 17 people dead. Sadly, authorities said the death toll may rise because some people have been trapped in cars for more than two days. Nationwide, the death toll stands at 37, as of December 26.

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Utilities Impose Rolling Blackouts As US Power Grid In Emergency Amid Cold Blast
Con Edison is asking its 1.1 million natural gas, 3.5 million electric, and steam customers in the New York City Metropolitan region to conserve energy due to frigid weather.  “Conserving energy as much as possible now will help ensure adequate natural gas supplies for the rest of the weekend,” Con Edison said.

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