December 30, 2022 what will the year 2023 bring us?




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora




The book of revelation makes it very clear that in the last days the Antichrist will control the world‘s economy we know that there must be a financial collapse that would bring on this new world leader and the developments taking place in the world economy today are suggesting that day is approaching rapidly


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6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70I took a section from the long report concerning Israel’s new government and everything you need to know about it take a look at the scripture in the photo then read the section I posted for you because this is prophecy.

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section from the report


The coalition agreement promised to “promote peace with all our neighbors while preserving Israel’s security, historical and national interests” which includes expanding cooperation with the Arab countries that signed the Abraham Accords while “working to promote additional peace agreements in order to end the Israeli-Arab conflict.”



There are those who teach we are not in the last days because the gospel of Christ has not been preached everywhere in the world.   Do we know exactly when the gospel of the Lord will be preached to the entire world? The answer to that question is yes, just take a look at   Revelation chapter 14 verse 6, it is during the tribulation where it is the job of an angel to preach the everlasting gospel not to just some people but look at what the scripture says, every nation. There is no question the angel flying around giving the everlasting gospel it is during the time of the Antichrist and, definitely known as during the tribulation. If you’re one of those people thinking that you have time to make a decision for Jesus Christ the only time that you have is the day that you are currently living and even then you’re not sure if that’s the day you will not see the end of. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior now in 2022, why wait until 2023, to give your life over to Christ? Today is the acceptable day to have your name written in his book of life. Since all of the last day birth pain signs have shown up all at the same time it tells us that were speeding towards the beginning of the tribulation. What does that mean, it means we are also speeding toward the day when the Lord calls his church home and, if you haven’t given your life to Jesus Christ you will be left behind to deal with the Antichrist. Is it possible the Antichrist could rise in 2023? Yes it is very possible and without Jesus Christ there will be no hope. As we enter in the year 2023, it is my prayer that more people will receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and be filled with the Holy Spirit as we will need his strength to endure these hard times that are coming. 


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Study shows mRNA COVID vaccine damages heart muscle cells, leading to DEATH 
A peer-reviewed study published by a group of leading German pathologists showed that autopsy findings in people who died unexpectedly within 20 days of getting injected with mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine showed clear indication of myocardiocyte destruction, or damaged heart muscle cells. There are clearly visible lymphocytes that are not supposed to be there.


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Phoenix sees record numbers in need as residents skimp and save in the nation’s inflation capital 

A peer-reviewed study published by a group of leading German pathologists showed that autopsy findings in people who died unexpectedly within 20 days of getting injected with mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine showed clear indication of myocardiocyte destruction, or damaged heart muscle cells. There are clearly visible lymphocytes that are not supposed to be there.


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World Council for Health called for a halt to Covid injections 18 months ago
In June 2021, Dr. Tess Lawrie, co-founder of the World Council for Health and member of the Council’s Steering Committee, wrote to MHRA Chief Executive June Raine calling for an immediate halt to the Covid vaccination programme:



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California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Legalize Magic Mushrooms, Other Psychedelics
…psychedelics “have huge promise” when it comes to helping those suffering from mental health issues such as opioid addiction, depression, anxiety, and PTSD.




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