December 9, 2016- UN official: Israel Regulation Law violates international law

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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 9, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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 Burdensome stone

Headline:       Netanyahu rejects French president’s offer to talk with Abbas in Paris

“Israel will not take part in the international conference, which won’t contribute to bringing peace,” read a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office. Netanyahu reiterated to Hollande his preference for direct talks with Abbas outside of an international summit. “Netanyahu told Hollande if there were not an international conference in Paris, the prime minister would meet with Abbas for direct talks without preconditions,” the statement continued. Meanwhile, according to an earlier report in WAFA, the Palestinian News & Info Agency, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has yet to receive an official invitation to participate in the international summit in Paris on December 21. However,  the PA continues to support France’s efforts in implementing a final agreement between Israel and the PA and reportedly had accepted Hollande’s invitation for tripartate talks on the sidelines of the international conference. Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected the French initiative, saying that such moves allow the Palestinians to avoid direct negotiations and impose preconditions on Israel.
Dec. 7, 2016

Headline:   Assad: Israel is Syria’s Only Enemy

In an interview to the Syrian Arabic daily newspaper Al-Watan, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that Israel is his country’s only enemy state. “Israel alone remains our enemy state,” Assad said. “He who conquers our land is an enemy state, not just a country whose leaders employ hostile policies.” The Syrian president was referring to the “hostile policies” of Persian Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who have provided aid and support to rebel factions fighting in Syria’s civil war. “The story is the same with the Gulf States – Saudi Arabia and Qatar – which have taken very hostile positions and have historically been one of the reasons for Israel’s continued existence and superiority in the region,” Assad continued. Despite the “hostile positions” taken by Saudi Arabia and Qatar against the current regime in Damascus, Assad specifically directed his criticism at the leaders of those countries, not the countries themselves. “This does not make the people of Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any other country an enemy people,” the Syrian president stressed. “Officials in these countries may have put themselves in the ‘enemies box,’ but not the state or the people.” “Israel occupies Syrian territory, so the issue is different,” added Assad.
Dec. 8, 2016

Headline: UN to fund ‘blacklist’ of Israeli companies

The United Nations is set to vote next week to fund a “blacklist” of Israeli and international companies operating in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and in Judea and Samaria. The vote, which will take place in the Fifth Committee which oversees the UN’s budget and administration, will authorize funding for the UN’s Human Rights Council to compile the list. The intent to create the list, which is expected to be utilized by Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists for anti-Israel activities, caused an international uproar when it was announced last March. Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, announced on Friday that the Israeli Mission will publicly oppose the list and that he created a task-force to propose new ideas to combat the initiative. Danon also stated his commitment to bring together international partners and pro-Israel organizations to oppose the list.
Dec. 9, 2016

Headline:      MK Bennett: Amona Bill Paves Way for Annexation of Judea and Samaria

Headline:      Palestinian tries to stab Israeli police, shot dead: Israel

Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett, leader of the Jewish Home party, hailed the preliminary passage of a controversial bill to legalize Israeli settlement outposts as paving the way for Israel’s eventual annexation of Judea and Samaria. The legislation passed its first legislative test Monday, passing a preliminary Knesset reading in a 60-49 vote. The bill still faces three more readings before it can become law. The measure has been staunchly opposed by many in Israel, including Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who has said that the bill violates international law. The measure has been also opposed by the U.S., the European Union, and the United Nations. Israeli opposition leader MK Isaac Herzog called the preliminary passage a “dark day for the Knesset.” But Bennett said, “Today, the Israeli Knesset moved from heading toward establishing a Palestinian state to heading toward sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, and to remove any doubt about it—the outpost regulation bill is the tip of the iceberg in applying sovereignty.”
Dec. 8, 2016

Headline:      UN official: Regulation Law violates international law

The UN human rights chief on Thursday slammed the “Regulation Law”, which passed its first reading in the Knesset on Wednesday, saying it would clearly violate international law.  “I strongly urge lawmakers to reconsider their support for this bill, which if enacted, would have far-reaching consequences and would seriously damage the reputation of Israel around the world,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, according to AFP. “In enabling the use of land privately-owned by Palestinians for Israeli settlements without the owners’ consent, this legislation would violate international law,” he added. “Israel as the occupying power, must respect the private property of Palestinians, regardless of whether or not compensation is provided,” said Al Hussein. “All Israeli settlements — whether outposts built without formal approval but often with the support of the Israeli authorities and which are currently illegal under Israeli law, or settlements approved by Israel — are clearly and unequivocally illegal under international law and constitute one of the main obstacles to peace,” he charged. “They are also the principal cause of a wide range of human rights violations inside the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”
Dec. 8, 2016




Headline:     Lebanon cannot disassociate itself, Al Assad warns

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has lashed out at Lebanon over its disassociation policy approved in 2012, which ensured that Lebanon’s political factions did not take sides in Syria’s civil war. The policy miraculously managed to save Lebanon from being dragged into the brutal war next door, despite the fact that Hezbollah ignored the policy as it openly fought alongside Al Assad forces in Syria. In an interview with the Damascus daily Al Watan, the Syrian president said, “Lebanon cannot be dissociated from the fires flaring up [in the region] and [cannot] adopt the policy of no politics or what is called the disassociation policy.” Observers believe it was a direct warning to recently elected president Michel Aoun not to forget that he has to answer to Damascus. “As long as the [president] is a patriot and works in favour of the Lebanese, Lebanon will become stronger. And when Lebanon is strong, Syria will be at ease and stronger,” Al Assad said. Aoun is an ally of Syria and previously declared his support for “the war on terror”, which was an implicit vote of confidence for Damascus and its ongoing confrontations against revolutionary elements fighting to topple the Al Assad government.
Dec. 9, 2016

Saudi Arabia2 Saudi Arabia

Headline:        Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Deliveries To U.S.

Saudi Arabia has informed its clients that their crude oil deliveries in January will be lower, to reflect the country’s compliance with the production cut agreed on by OPEC members last week, according to a note issued by PIRA Energy Group. The note also included information that the biggest cut in deliveries will be to the United States, as margins were lower there. The U.S. needs Saudi Arabian crude or equally heavy grades for its refineries, which require a mix of light and heavy grades to produce fuels and other oil products. This is an interesting development in light of Saudi Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih’s warning from mid-November that the U.S. should not try to stop imports from the kingdom. Al-Falih was addressing President-elect Donald Trump and his plan to make the country self-sufficient in terms of energy. At the time, Al-Falih said any such plan would hurt free trade and would not be “healthy” for the energy industry.
Dec. 9, 2016

Headline:Saudi border guard killed in mine blast on Yemen border: agency

A Saudi border guard was killed by a landmine explosion on the border with Yemen, the Saudi state news agency SPA said on Friday, quoting an interior ministry spokesman. Houthi forces in Yemen, battling its internationally recognized government, have fired hundreds of mortars into southern Saudi Arabia and tested Saudi defences with guerrilla-style incursions since Riyadh intervened in Yemen’s civil war last year. SPA said the mine exploded when it was struck by a vehicle transporting water along a border road on Thursday evening in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan region.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:   Six police officers killed by Cairo bomb blast

Six policemen were killed and three injured on Friday when a bomb exploded at a security checkpoint in Cairo, security sources said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack in Al Haram street leading to the Pyramids, in which four civilians were also hurt. The policemen were either in or close to their car when the device went off in or near a garbage can, the sources said. The attack, close to a government building in a middle class neighbourhood of Cairo, was the latest in a series of security incidents in Egypt often claimed by radical Islamists. Attacks have stepped up since the military overthrew President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement, in 2013 following mass protests against him.
Dec. 9, 2016,7340,L-4890687,00.html



Headline:     Russia flies Chechen commandos to Syria

Moscow started to deploy Chechen special operations forces units to Syria this week, debkafile’s military sources reveal. The troops come from elite units of the Chechen military with extensive field experience in urban warfare. Some of the units fought in eastern Ukraine in the past two years and, before that. in Chechnya for suppressing radical Islamic terror organizations linked to Al Qaeda and the Salafi movement. The soldiers called up for the deployment in Syria were ordered to report to the Khankala base east of the Chechen capital Grozny. They are being vetted by Russian officers who determine which are suitable for the Syrian mission. In the initial stage, the deployment will consist of three divisions totaling about 1,000 soldiers. Since like Russia, Chechen law bars regular army troops from being sent beyond the country’s borders, the soldiers assigned to Syria will wear the uniform of the Chechen Interior Ministry’s security forces, which are not part of the regular army. They will be flown directly from the Russian air force facility at the Khankala base by giant Ilyushin-76 transport planes to Russia’s Hmaimim Air Base, about 1,200km away. Moscow has never before dispatched a substantial number of ground troops to the Syrian battlefield.
Dec. 8, 2016

Headline:     U.N. General Assembly demands truce in Syria, end to Aleppo siege

Headline: Russia: ‘We Are Close’ to Deal With US on Aleppo

The United Nations General Assembly voted 122 to 13 on Friday to demand an immediate cessation of hostilities in Syria, humanitarian aid access throughout the country and an end to all sieges, including in Aleppo.  Thirty-six countries abstained in the vote on the Canadian-drafted resolution on the nearly six-year Syrian conflict. General Assembly resolutions are non-binding, but can carry political weight.  Meanwhile, Russia and the United States are close to reaching an understanding on Syria’s Aleppo, the Interfax news agency quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying Thursday. “In the past several days an intensive document exchange on the situation in Aleppo has taken place,” Ryabkov was quoted as saying. “We are close to reaching an understanding, but I want to warn against high expectations,” Ryabkov added.
Dec. 9, 2016,7340,L-4890774,00.html


Headline:    Iraqi forces withdraw from Mosul hospital days after capturing it from ISIS

Headline:   Spanish parliament to consider sending more military to Iraq

Headline: Obama: US intel failed to properly evaluate ISIS ability to capture Mosul

Iraqi forces who seized a Mosul hospital on Tuesday that was also a key ISIS base have now been forced to withdraw from the site because of intense ISIS attacks including six car suicide attacks, residents said. Iraqi forces however have managed to establish a base for army tanks that will be used to launch attacks to reclaim the site. According to a statement by the U.S.-led coalition supporting Iraqi forces, the Iraqi forces had no choice but to evacuate the site after “heavy enemy fire”. US-led jets then relentlessly struck the site. It is unknown how many ISIS terrorists were killed a result of the airstrikes. Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama said Thursday that his country’s intelligence networks had not provided him with the information needed to properly assess the threat posed by the Islamic State organization. In an interview with CNN, he said “the ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offensives that took Mosul, for example, that was not on my intelligence radar screen”. Obama’s critics claimed in response that James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, warned in 2014 that Washington had “underestimated” Islamic State’s capabilities, and that some US military reports from forces on the ground had been altered to provide a more rosy assessment of the situation.
Dec. 9, 2016,7340,L-4890742,00.html



Headline:        WikiLeaks claims its proven Turkish minister has links to ISIS

Thousands of emails have been released by WikiLeaks that came from Turkish minister Berat Albayrak, the son-in-law of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which proves links between Albayrak and deals he had with ISIS-controlled oil fields. The cache of emails were released on Monday and demonstrates his insider knowledge of Powertrans. Powertrans has a complete monopoly of Iraqi Kurdistan’s roads and rail system into Turkey, and Albayrak has denied in the past that he has any connections to Powertrans. Powertrans have consistently been accused of facilitating ISIS blood-oil from reaching the fields in Iraq to Turkey. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, justified the email release because of Erdogan’s crackdown on free media. “The people of Turkey need a free media and a free internet,” Mr Assange said. ‘The government’s counter-coup efforts have gone well beyond their stated purpose of protecting the state… and are now primarily used to steal assets and eliminate critics. “This consolidation around the power vertical of Recep Tayyip Erdogan ultimately weakens Turkish institutionalism, leaving Turkey more susceptible to future coups by those in Erdogan’s chain of command.” Many believe that Erdogan is grooming Albayrak to be his successor.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:           China Guarantees Support to Iran in ‘Standoff Between Tehran, Washington’

Iran has won support from China in the face of possible new American sanctions against Tehran. This was one of the main results of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s trip to Asia which ended on December 8. On December 3-8, the diplomat visited India, China and Japan, the three largest buyers of Iranian crude. On Thursday, during a press conference in Tokyo, Zarif said that the United States and the rest of the international community should respect the final agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. He noted that sanctions against Iran did not work and new sanctions would also be counterproductive. Earlier, during his visit in China, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Zarif that the terms of the agreement between Iran and six powers should be observed by all parties. The statement was made after US Congress passed a bill to extend sanctions against Tehran for 10 years. The document was submitted for signature to President Barack Obama. The American president is expected to sign the bill before his presidential term expires on January 20.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:         Defense Secretary Carter Offers Assurances to Afghan Leaders

Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Friday that the United States will stick with Afghanistan for years to come as a new U.S. president takes over what is already America’s longest war. In a joint appearance In Kabul with Afghanistan’s president, Ashraf Ghani, Carter said the U.S. cannot afford to give up on Afghanistan after more than 15 years of U.S. involvement, the deaths of more than 2,200 U.S. troops, and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars. “The interests we are pursuing here are clear and enduring,” he said, citing the goals of preventing another 9/11-type of attack on American soil and helping Afghanistan attain enough stability to remain a long-term security partner for the U.S. and the West. The war began as a response to the 9/11 attacks. “To have a stable security partner that is eager and willing to work with the United States is an asset for the future for us,” Carter said. Carter was making his last planned trip to Afghanistan before handing off his Defense Department responsibilities to his successor. President-elect Donald Trump has nominated retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for the post.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:   Ethiopia at a crossroads as it feels the strain of civil unrest

No longer are bands of young men marauding on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, trying to set fire to foreign-owned factories. Nearly two months into Ethiopia’s six-month state of emergency, it appears to be having the desired effect: protests rocking its two most populous regions have subsided. It remains to be seen, though, whether this is the beginning of a sustained period of calm or a temporary break in the most persistent and widespread protests this country has seen since the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) ruling party came to power following a revolution in 1991. At that crucial juncture Ethiopia embarked hopefully on a struggle to emerge in the modern world on its own terms. It succeeded in doing so by employing a unique political model that is “an alloy of revolutionary theories, pragmatic neoliberalism and intrinsically Ethiopian customary practices”, says historian and long-term Horn of Africa expert Gérard Prunier. While that political experiment has brought significant economic growth to the country, many claim it has failed the Ethiopian people, who are now voicing that fact.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:          Islamic State looks to regroup in Libya after losing Sirte

Islamic State has lost senior figures in an unsuccessful seven-month battle to defend its coastal stronghold in Libya, but there are already signs it will try to fight back through sleeper cells and desert brigades. Libyan officials say hundreds of Islamic State militants may have escaped before the start of the battle for Sirte in May or during its early stages. That has prompted fears of a counter-attack or insurgent campaign that could enable the militants to show they are still in business despite the rout, a heavy blow for a group that is also under intense military pressure in its core territory of Iraq and Syria. Some cells have already been active. Islamic State is thought to be behind at least two dozen attacks or attempted attacks to the south and west of Sirte since August, said Heni Nsaibia of Menastream, a risk consultancy that monitors jihadist activity in the region.
Dec. 9, 2016

Headline:      ISIS calls for attacks on US bases in Persian Gulf

Headline: ISIS has flooded Europe with 1,500 highly-trained terrorists ‘ready to launch attacks’, chilling EU report claims

The Islamic State (ISIS) terror group is calling for its followers to launch attacks in Bahrain, including those targeting American military personnel stationed on the tiny island. The call came in a video that also urges Islamic terrorists to attack the island’s Shiite majority amid a wider government crackdown on dissent there. The government is Sunni-ruled. Bahrain is home to the US Navy’s 5th Fleet, as well as an under-construction British naval base. Officials with 5th Fleet and the Bahraini government did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The video appeared timed for high-level meetings on the island. A Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) conference attended by British Prime Minister Theresa May ended on Wednesday. This weekend, Bahrain will host the Manama Dialogue, where US Defense Secretary Ash Carter is scheduled to give the opening address.
Dec. 8, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:     Veterans Who Stood With Standing Rock Say They’re Heading To Flint Next

Headline: The Northwest Braces For Its Own Standing Rock

Headline: First Nations youth launch fund to support pipeline protests in Canada

U.S. military veterans who traveled to North Dakota to support the Standing Rock Sioux in opposing the Dakota Access pipeline have new plans to organize in Flint, Michigan. Wes Clark Jr., a U.S. Army veteran, helped mobilize veterans to join the effort to protect the Standing Rock Sioux’s water supply. The tribe says crude oil could leak into their water if the pipeline were to cross under the Lake Oahe reservoir. Flint, where residents continue to have lead-tainted water despite a national outcry earlier this year, seems like the next logical destination for activism-minded vets. “We don’t know when we are going to be there, but we will be heading to Flint,” Clark told Michigan Live on Monday, noting that people have been mistreated for a long time and need support.  Meanwhile, The clashes between police and protesters over the construction of a pipeline in North Dakota have subsided. But the larger conflict is far from over. Tribal nations and environmentalists are now gearing up to fight an even bigger pipeline in the Pacific Northwest. Last week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave the green light to the construction of a new pipeline, dubbed the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.
Dec. 8, 2016

Headline: Lincoln Memorial closes to prevent Trump protests- VIDEO

The Lincoln Memorial, which has been the backdrop for many of America’s most historic protests, will close to prevent Donald Trump protests weeks before and after the inauguration.
Dec. 9, 2016

Headline:   Female suicide bombers kill 30 in northeast Nigerian town

Headline:   Bomb blasts kill 10 in northeast Nigeria; Boko Haram blamed

Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in the northeastern Nigerian town of Madagali on Friday, killing 30 people and wounding 57, an army spokesman said. “Based on the report from our men working on the ground, 30 were killed and 57 people were injured,” said Major Badare Akintoye, a spokesman for an army unit based in Mubi, like Madagali a town in Adamawa state. “Security agents have taken over the area to avoid enemies coming in to cause another attack.” he said.
Dec. 9, 2016,7340,L-4890743,00.html,7340,L-4890723,00.html

Headline:   South Korea Parliament Votes to Impeach Park

The South Korean National Assembly has voted to impeach President Park Geun-hye. With 234 of the parliament’s 300 members voting Friday for impeachment, the measure gained more than the two-thirds majority support needed. The stunning and sudden collapse of Park’s presidency was caused by recent allegations that a multi-million dollar influence peddling scandal was being run out of the Blue House. After the vote, Chung Se-kyun, the speaker of the National Assembly, urged the government to heal the divisions and political turmoil that has paralyzed it over the scandal. “By passing of the impeachment motion, political uncertainty has been considerably settled down. The government officials should steadfastly put utmost effort into caring for the lives of our people,” said Chung. The South Korean Defense Ministry has ordered the military on a heightened surveillance and readiness posture.
Dec. 9, 2016


Headline:       Japan tags dementia sufferers with barcodes

A Japanese city has introduced a novel way to keep track of senior citizens with dementia who are prone to getting lost — tagging their fingers and toes with scan-able barcodes. A company in Iruma, north of Tokyo, developed tiny nail stickers, each of which carries a unique identity number to help concerned families find missing loved ones, according to the city’s social welfare office. The adhesive QR-coded seals for nails — part of a free service launched this month and a first in Japan — measure just one centimetre (0.4 inches) in size. “Being able to attach the seals on nails is a great advantage,” a city worker told AFP. “There are already ID stickers for clothes or shoes but dementia patients are not always wearing those items.” If an elderly person becomes disorientated, police will find the local city hall, its telephone number and the wearer’s ID all embedded in the QR code. The chips remain attached for an average of two weeks — even if they get wet — the official said, citing recent trials.
Dec. 8, 2016


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