DiMora’s warning of rise in wheat prices comes true 5 days later!

Img_3194_2On Feb .15, 2008 I wrote a post telling everyone what will rise in the near future. I covered a host of things such as gold, silver, diamonds and yes, the price of wheat. Tonights  ABC News reported on the increase of wheat products, and the reasons for the increases which are being felt worldwide. ABC news stated, "Blame it on the price of wheat. Demand for alternative energy has farmers planting less wheat and more corn, the key ingredient of ethanol. According to the USDA, since 1997, the amount of farmland dedicated to planting wheat has dropped from 70.4 million acres to 60.4 million, while corn acreage has risen from 79.5 million to 99.6 million." "U.S. wheat stockpiles have hit a 60-year low, and wheat prices have never been higher, which means pasta prices have doubled. And that loaf of bread will cost you an extra 20 cents. Economists say food inflation is as high as it has been in nearly 15 years. "The price spike is being felt across the globe. In Italy, the cost of pasta is spiraling — up 20 percent since September. Malaysia no longer allows anyone to take flour out of the country. And in Pakistan, they now stockpile wheat and use their military to guard flour mills." (AP Feb. 8 2008). The price of wheat has never hit $11 a bushel, not until now, and it won’t stop at $11.00. The U.S. government has  already reported and  confirmed dwindling stockpiles of the grain used to make brea pasta and other foods.

I know many of you may have not read the entire Feb. 15 post becasue it is alittle long, however what I said was now confirmed 5 days later. This is only the beginning of things to come! Please go back and read the entire post on Revelation chapter 18. If you want to know how to prepare for your future you need to read what we will be facing. Click to link to see entire report concerning the increase in the price of wheat.


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