Doing my best to keep you informed while away/Sept. 23, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Many of you are in Churchs which the pastor doesn't keep your Church informed as to what is happening in prophecy.  If a pastor reads the entire Bible he has to know that Jesus stated over and over again to keep on the watch!  It is part of a pastors job as head of the Lord's flock to keep watch and let the people know just how close we are to Jesus' second coming.  Being part of the Calvary Chapel Church I can post Pastor Farag's video,  because not only do I know his teaching is the same as mine, but I know it is sound doctrine based on the Word of God. Pastor Farag does the same thing I do in keeping his Church informed on Bible prophecy and current events only he does it on Sunday's while the entire Church is together. Since I am forced to take time off to battle with the devil, I wanted to post Pastor Farag's recent up-date.  He is a man of God and I know you will be greatful to him for posting his update. I thank the Lord I can use his work to help get the word out. For those of you who have been with me for any length of time you will think it is Frank teaching in a different body, that's how close Pastor Farag and I are in our prophecy updates.  

For those who have been waiting for me to return, I will be posting in full force by Tuesday. I miss you all.


Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 we see Jesus warn us about famines that will come in the last days. When you read Rev. 7:16 you will see that droughts have caused many hardships.  What causes droughts?  For one thing, the Sun's intense heat!  Read what Jesus said, "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat."  When you read the report below you will see Syria is fighting the same things that Jesus points to.

"DAMASCUS, Syria, Sept. 10 (UPI) — Lingering drought in parts of Syria is having an impact on food security and leaving millions of people in a state of extreme poverty, the United Nations said. Syria has suffered from drought for four consecutive years. Selly Muzammil, a representative from the World Food Program, told the U.N. humanitarian news agency IRIN that the "situation is really bad."The Food and Agriculture Organization in June said the drought in Syria had ended but blamed sporadic rainfall on crop failures. Other U.N. agencies were divided over the status of the drought."


The President of the US is not only trying to divide Israel into a two State nation and give away East Jerusalem to the PLO which has caused the US to fall under God's curse in Gen. 12:3 but, Obama shows us some things about his belief as he leaves out something very important in his recent speech as you will see when you watch the video below.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 is the sign of many earthquakes and "great earthquakes" While away I haven't been able to keep you up-dated on earthquakes.  Here is a list of the ones this past week.  Also, keep in mind the big ones are going to hit again soon as this sign is part of the birth pains and therefore we know the quakes will get much stronger as well.

MAP  5.5   2010/09/23 12:53:09    -5.910    151.656  40.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.6   2010/09/23 05:28:36    52.232    179.779  171.1   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.0   2010/09/23 03:53:30    52.465   -172.822  90.9   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA

MAP  5.9   2010/09/22 08:00:14   -13.364    -76.048  48.8   NEAR THE COAST OF CENTRAL PERU

MAP  5.0   2010/09/21 19:26:08    28.739    142.602  34.5   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.1   2010/09/21 14:42:12    15.922    -94.908  52.9   OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO

MAP  5.4   2010/09/20 05:42:57   -33.700    -72.041  28.9   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE

MAP  5.0   2010/09/19 15:03:28    -6.218    147.666  52.7   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/09/19 11:51:55    22.990    144.416  35.0   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/09/19 09:43:16    10.741    141.760  35.7   STATE OF YAP, FED. STATES OF MICRONESIA

MAP  5.0   2010/09/18 14:29:14   -17.331   -178.851  524.0   FIJI REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/09/18 06:08:19   -20.105    66.269  10.2   MAURITIUS – REUNION REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/09/18 03:41:08    -5.613    147.975  30.3   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.0   2010/09/17 23:12:25    45.366    150.503  41.0   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/09/17 19:34:10    3.727    126.655  66.3   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP  6.2   2010/09/17 19:21:15    36.438    70.787  220.4   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP  5.3   2010/09/17 03:25:29   -21.566    -67.054  168.1   POTOSI, BOLIVIA

MAP  5.1   2010/09/16 15:27:27    9.821    -84.863  25.2   COSTA RICA

Speaking about the warning of birth pains read this news with the headlines as follows: "Next Israel-Hezbollah war will be worse, says U.S. analyst" Research published by Washington Institute for Near East Policy says future Israel-Hezbollah war would likely draw in Iran and cover much of Lebanon, Israel and probably Syria." 

I and Pastor Farag have warned you about the Psalm 83 war and we both agree that Syria will be taken out before the Ezekiel war.  I for one think it will be during the Psalm 83 war that Syria will be left in ruins.  In any case this war is coming faster than most people think.


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