Dollar crash coming?/A look at 2010/ Signs of the next Middle East war/The curse cont./Earthquake news/Gaza news/Peace and safety news/Dec. 7, 2010





Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, I will come to you if invited.  My service in Christ is free.  Contact me a 

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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

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Next show will be Jan. 8, 2010 at 6PM EST

Prophecy Sign:  Daniel chapters 2 and 7 outline for us who the line of world empires would be.  We see this line from Daniel’s day all the way up till the time Jesus Christ comes back while the revived Roman Empire is in power.  One of the ways this revived Roman Empire will rise to greater power will be when the U.S. dollar dies.  My book is loaded with proof that this is about to take place, and when it does it will not only cause a new world currency, but it will help bring out the Antichrist.  Here is another one of those warning signs.  I quote, “Americans must prepare themselves for a massive collapse in the dollar as investors around the world dump their US assets, a former Bank of England policymaker has warned.  The long-held assumption that US assets – particularly government bonds – are a safe haven will soon be overturned as investors lose their patience with the world's biggest economy, according to Willem Buiter. Professor Buiter, a former Monetary Policy Committee member who is now at the London School of Economics, said this increasing disenchantment would result in an exodus of foreign cash from the US.”  “warning comes despite the dollar having strengthened significantly against other major currencies, including sterling and the euro, after hitting historic lows last year. It will reignite fears about the currency's prospects, as well as sparking fears about the sustainability of President-Elect Barack Obama's mooted plans for a Keynesian-style increase in public spending to pull the US out of recession. “Prof Buiter said: "There will, before long (my best guess is between two and five years from now) be a global dumping of US dollar assets, including US government assets. Old habits die hard. The US dollar and US Treasury bills and bonds are still viewed as a safe haven by many. But learning takes place."

I have over 600 posts at my site and in many of those posts I told you what to look for as far as Americans getting laid off work.  If you go back and read those posts you will see my warnings that hundreds of thousands will lose there jobs each month. For the past year and a half this is exactly what has happened. In today’s news we are told by the Feds to expect 2010 won’t be much better. I quote, “Federal Reserve members expressed concern at a policy meeting last month that unemployment would "remain elevated for quite some time," and limit economic growth, minutes released Wednesday showed.”  How can America recover from the worse economic decline since the first depression if Americans can’t back to work?  People who are not working don’t spend money.  

Do you know when things are really bad?  When you see politicians saying they will not run for office again this coming election that is when you know things are bad. Who in their right mind would want to take on this economic crisis?  People working for the U.S. Government frankly just don’t know what to do to turn the economy around, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that many of the well known politicians are have decided not to seek office again.  For example, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter has announced that he will not seek re-election this coming fall.

Byron Dorgan, the North Dakota Democrat, announced today that he will not seek a seat for the senate in 2010, which surprised some who fear that the Democrats are already struggling to hold on to their senate seats.

Senator Christopher J. Dodd will also not run again.

Maybe these politicians realize just how much trouble the U.S. is really in and they figured it is a good time to get out of poltics?  Maybe the read they read the report entitled, “Is the United States on the Brink of Bankruptcy?  Let me quote a few sections from this report. We had just heard a barrage of alarming economic news at the International Foundation of Accountants' World Accountancy Forum on Tuesday. Particularly dour were the remarks of Laurence Kotlikoff, a Boston University economics professor. Finance executives who think the government might be in a position to assume some of their health care or pension costs have another think coming, the professor's speech suggested.  Kotlikoff cited recent accounting by two economists, Jagadeesh Gokhale and Kent Smetters, that suggested that, in present-value terms, more than $70 trillion divides projected future U.S. federal spending from projected federal receipts. "This fiscal gap is enormous and indicates that our nation is, quite literally, facing bankruptcy," the professor intoned.  After he used the "b" word, you could have heard a pin drop. "Bankruptcy is a strong term," he allowed. What bankruptcy would mean in a government context, he said, is "defaulting on creditors—all those expecting to receive government healthcare, pension, welfare, and other benefits as well as all those expecting to be employed by the federal government. Government bankruptcy also means jacking up tax rates and printing money to 'pay' for what the government spends."

Can you imagine what the U.S. will look like if the government fails?  Jesus shows us a picture of civil unrest in Matthew 24:7 where He tells us that kingdom will fight against kingdom.    If you took just the pensions and welfare payments away from Americans that would cause a panic and civil unrest like the United States has never seen before.  The sad part is, the road the U.S. is on right now is leading America to file bankruptcy shortly.  I ask you to listen to this new interview with Gerald Celente about 2010.  When you listen to what he says and you read Christ’s warnings it will make the back of your hair to stand up.  Gerald Celente is one person you need to pay attention to since this man has never been wrong in his forecasts.  I am pledging with all of you, get as close to Jesus Christ as you can now.


Prophecy Sign: Psalms 83.  Psalms 83 is a prophecy about a war between Israel and the nations that border Israel.  In this Psalm we are told Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria will come against Israel in the last days thinking they are going to wipe Israel out of existence. Of course this isn’t going to happen.  Israel will win this war just like the won all the wars since their rebirth in 1948.  There are many signs that this war is about to take place.  We can see the handwriting on the wall in this report entitled, “Syria will back Hizbullah if Israel attacks”.  I quote, “If Israel were to attack Hizbullah in Lebanon, Syria would respond and not sit idly by, the Katari Al Watan newspaper quoted Syrian sources as saying in a report published Wednesday.  The sources reportedly added that Damascus considered any threat to Lebanon's security and stability as a threat to Syria's security.  The paper reported that Damascus was worriedly taking notice of "Israeli deployment and maneuvers along the northern border," and that Syrian leadership assessed Israel was planning a military operation in Lebanon” in May.”  If you want to find out what is going to happen to Syria all you have to do is read Isaiah 17:1 where it says, “The burden of Damascus.  Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”  When Syria engages Israel in the near future they will be wipe out. 

What could cause this Psalms 83 war to begin?  One thing that could happen is for Israel to attack Lebanon.  If they did and Syria were to help them it could end up turning into the Psalms war.  The other thing that could cause this war is the breakdown of the Middle East Peace process.  If all the nations bordering Israel dumped the peace process for the use of force to reclaim land lost in previous wars as well as East Jerusalem, this could start and fulfill this war.  Time will tell.

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For those of you who do not know Bible prophecy the link between Iran and Syria won’t mean much to you, however for those people who know the Word of God understand that both of these nations will be wiped out soon.  In yesterday’s post I showed you the link between these two nations and once again they are in the news. I quote, “Iran and Syria plan to create a new world order, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday. "Iran and Syria have a joint mission to create a new world order on the basis of justice, humanity and belief in God," Ahmadinejad told visiting Syrian Parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Abrash. Syria is Iran's main ally in the Middle East and both countries consider Israel to be their political arch-foe.”  When you read Psalms and 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 you will learn that God shows us both Syria and Iran will in fact be an arch-foe to these nations.  You will also see how these nations are destroyed.  Almost everyday now we are reading news that points to war coming soon between Israel, Iran, and Syria.  Is this a coincidence that the exact nations named by God to come against Israel are showing up in the news when all the other prophecies are also being fulfilled?  If you think this is the case you are probably not ready to meet Jesus!

There are more signs in the news today that another Middle East conflict is coming. I quote, “Hamas in the Gaza Strip will likely find itself increasingly under assault in the coming months both politically and military, including the possibility of another large-scale Israeli offensive in Gaza, according to informed Middle East security officials.  Do you remember what happened in the beginning of 2009?  After 7,000 rockets hitting Israel from the Gaza Stripe Israel attacked the PLO in the Gaza.  One of my warnings I issued you in 2009 was that more of these rockets would be launched into Israel and cause another conflict.  As you can see from the report just out today these rockets are again making their way into Israel.

“Rocket fired by Gaza terrorists lands south of Ashkelon”  Just after Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Iron Dome missile defense system would not be enough to solve all the problems in the South, the scale of those problems was all too clear to see Thursday night when a rocket fired by terrorists in northern Gaza hit the Ashkelon Beach region.”

Prophecy Sign: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Since the Lord told us to keep on the watch for this peace and safety call I want to keep you informed as to what is currently taking place with the Middle East peace talks between Israel and the PLO.  Today’s news stated, “Washington wants the international community to issue a joint call next week for renewed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Jerusalem officials said on Wednesday. The American administration wants the statement to be issued at the end of a meeting held in Brussels of the Quartet – the United Nations, United States, Russia and the European Union. American envoy George Mitchell intends to brief the Quartet at the meeting on his talks with Israel and the Palestinian Authority in a bid to resume the negotiations between the sides.”  Every world leader fully understands the longer Israel and the PLO stay away from the peace talks the greater the odds are of another war breaking out.  This is exactly what you should expect to happen.  It is a no brainier to understand what the Apostle Paul has shown us.  We know from this prophecy that war will come while they are talking Peace and safety.  Expect this to happen sooner than you think

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Prophecy sign: Daniel 12:4 says “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”.  Most people today understand our generation has been labeled the generation of increase knowledge that is a given.  This is a major sign that we are the generation to understand the signs of the last days. Here is an example of what our increase knowledge is bringing us since the birth of the computer.  I quote, “Microsoft is developing Big Brother-style software capable of remotely monitoring a worker’s productivity, physical wellbeing and competence. The Times has seen a patent application filed by the company for a computer system that links workers to their computers via wireless sensors that measure their metabolism. The system would allow managers to monitor employees’ performance by measuring their heart rate, body temperature, movement, facial expression and blood pressure. Unions said they fear that employees could be dismissed on the basis of a computer’s assessment of their physiological state.”  In Revelation 13:16-17 Jesus tells us the Antichrist is going to control what the people living in the tribulation will be able to buy and sell.  We see signs of this Big Brother system popping up all over the world.  Cameras everywhere, tapes on your phones, controls on just about everything and now that encludes being able to control you at work.  If you don’t like what you see coming you can get out when the time comes.  How can you do this?  By making sure you are saved in Christ Jesus.  If you aren’t saved, get ready to pass through the seven year tribulation where the Big Brother world will reach its max. 

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Prophecy Sign: God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3.  I wrote about this yesterday in my Jan. 6, 2010 post.  This is a warning to anyone messing around with God’s chosen people the Jews.  Prophecy Sign: The report I will quote from not only cover Genesis 12:3 but the call for Peace and safety found in 1 Thessalonians 5:3.  In many of my posts I warned what is going to happen to America as they come against Israel.   Now read this story and you will learn that the Rabbinical Congress for Peace in Israel is sending a message to President Obama, and it is just about the same message I have been writing about.  I quote, “( A delegation of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) met with U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Mr. James Cunningham, today and called for a reassessment of the entire U.S. policy vis-à-vis the Israelis and Palestinians. The rabbis told Ambassador Cunningham that it was time to try the Biblical approach to the dispute over the Land of Israel. "The past 17 years have proven without a shadow of a doubt that every square inch ceded by Israel to the Palestinians was transformed into a platform of hatred and terrorism," RCP Director Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Lewin told the ambassador. "In other words, the 'land for peace' formula in the Israel-Palestinian context, besides being a formula that goes against the Divine will, is ineffective, obsolete, and an exercise in futility. Most of all it is a dangerous policy that only leads to bloodshed and instability in the region and harms vital American interests in the region as well," Lewin said.  'Land for peace doesn't work'  The delegation was headed by Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky, Chairman of the RCP, who is also the Rabbi "It's all a play of words, there is no peace process." of Central Tel Aviv where the US embassy is located. Rabbi Gerlitzky presented the ambassador with the Halachic (Jewish legal) ruling signed by over 350 prominent rabbis in Israel that it is forbidden to give up even one inch of territory controlled by Israel today because it will bring bloodshed and instability to the region.  "In the name of the overwhelming majority of rabbis in Israel," he said, "we request of you Mr. Ambassador, to convey our Halachic message to President Barack Obama that it is time for a complete reversal and reassessment of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The 'land for peace' policy never worked and harms U.S. interests in the region and the world at large." 

I keep warning everyone coming to my site that the Middle East peace process will fall apart and when it does you will witness another war.  If you didn’t believe me maybe you will believe in what the Jewish Rabbinical Congress is warning?  Either way, the call of Peace and safety is already upon us, which tells us to get ready to meet Christ.  The statement I found very interesting in this report was this one which is found under Going Biblical, and I quote “Rabbi Dov Lior, the Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hevron, said: "G-d gave the US the power and influence to affect the rest of the world and supporting Israel is the key to America's success."Does anyone find it strange how blessed America was while she was Israel’s best friend, and was supporting everything Israel was doing?  Rabbi Dov Lior hit the nail on the head.  America’s blessing and influence has been disappearing since she has begun demanding Israel divide their land to give the PLO a state within Israel, and to give back East Jerusalem to the PLO.  This is when America fell under the curse found in Genesis chapter 12.

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Beginning in 2008 I warned you to watch for the price of food to climb, and how many crops will be destroyed in the near future.  All of my posts are still up at this site and you can read what I had warned.  Keep in mind, I am only warning you of things that Jesus told us to look for in these last days.  All I am doing is passing them on to you.  If you are new to my site l I am connecting the dots between what Jesus warned and what is currently taking place.  With that in mind, on July 7, 2009 I wrote you the following: “Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us that in the end times we are going to witness famines. In Revelation 6:6 Jesus also shows us that the price of food is going to be so high that a person will have to work all day just for a very small amount of food. The people who have been coming to my site know I have warned them to watch what happens to the crops worldwide. When you read the entire Word of God you understand all the signs of the last days and that includes what will cause food to skyrocket in the last days.”  As you know there are many reasons what may bring on famines.  Most people associate famines with droughts or intense heat.  However, as you can see freezing temperatures can kill off crops by the millions, and this is what is happening right now in America.  

“PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — A stubborn cold wave locked freezing temperatures in place across the central and eastern U.S. Wednesday as far south as Florida, where farmers worked to salvage millions of dollars' worth of strawberries and other crops.  Arctic air was expected to hover through the weekend. In a rare turn for the South, forecasters warned that snow and ice were possible Thursday from South Carolina to Louisiana and wind chills in the region could get down to near zero  at night.”

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Mississippi’s cotton crop hasn’t caught a break in recent years, and reduced acreage and devastating weather at harvest pushed the 2009 crop’s estimated value to just $97.8 million.

“Except for tangerines, California oranges and Texas valencias, overall U.S. citrus production is forecast to decline this upcoming season.  In the season’s first official citrus forecast, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Oct. 9 predicted production drops in all varieties of Florida oranges and all U.S. grapefruit.”  “A big part of that boost is planned to come from Florida, which statisticians this season say should produce 77% more honey tangerines, up 1 million boxes from last season’s 1.3 million boxes.”  Florida Governor Charlie Crist has declared a state of emergency to help farmers save their crops from freezing temperatures. The last time Florida experienced weather this bad, farmers suffered hundreds of millions of dollars worth of crop damage.”  Cold causes energy price jump, devastates crops”–citrus-production-predicted-to-decline/Article.aspx?articleid=846343

The United States isn’t the only nation fighting higher food prices.  I posted just a few reports that prove to you this problem has been spreading around the world and is getting worse.  If Jesus showed us that people will work all day long just to buy one small meal, one can only expect more crops will be lost worldwide, and as they are, the prices will skyrocket. 

GUINEA: Food prices climb amid unrest

The U.N. expects record high food prices to continue through 2010, driving hunger and poverty in the world's poorest countries, said a top U.N. official Thursday.

Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) — Rice prices may climb about 50 percent next year as demand surges, according to a food official in Vietnam, the world’s second-biggest exporter.

India’s wholesale food prices rose at the fastest pace in eleven years, making it more likely that the central bank will raise borrowing costs to curb inflation. An index of food articles compiled by the commerce ministry increased 19.95 percent in the week ended Dec. 5 from a year earlier. Potato prices more than doubled in the week ended Dec. 5 from a year earlier, vegetable costs climbed 41.09 percent, the price of pulses rose 40.1 and wheat gained 13.9 percent, today’s report showed.

The newest report out shows the increase in the number of people going hungry. I quote, 2009 has been a devastating year for the world’s hungry, marking a significant worsening of an already disappointing trend in global food security since 1996. The global economic slowdown, following on the heels of the food crisis in 2006–08, has deprived an additional 100 million people of access to adequate food. There have been marked increases in hunger in all of the world’s major regions, and more than one billion people are now estimated to be undernourished.”

“No one really knows how many people are malnourished. The statistic most frequently cited is that of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, which measures 'undernutrition'. The most recent estimate, released on October 14, 2009 by FAO,  says that 1.02 billion people are undernourished, a sizable increase from its 2006 estimate of  854 million people. The increase has been due to three factors: 1) neglect of agriculture relevant to very poor people by governments and international agencies; 2) the current worldwide economic crisis, and 3) the significant increase of food prices in the last several years which has been devastating to those with only a few dollars a day to spend. 1.02 billion people is 15 percent of the estimated world population of 6.8 billion, . Nearly all of the undernourished are in developing countries.”  I have been tracking this type of information for years and all of this information is included in my free book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  Every year we are witnessing more weird weather that is killing off crops around the world.  At a time when food supplies are declining the population of the world is growing.  The road Planet Earth is on is leading right to the fulfillment of what Christ has warned us about.


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Matthew 24:7 warns of the sign of many earthquakes.

Update time = Thu Jan 7 18:39:48 UTC 2010

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.1   2010/01/07 15:48:22   -21.616   -174.610  35.0   TONGA
MAP  5.0   2010/01/07 08:29:19   -52.280    159.304  10.0   MACQUARIE ISLAND REGION

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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    • Julie on January 7, 2010 at 1:28 pm
    • Reply

    Frank how far into the birth pains do you think we are? The weather in the uk is so severe ive never seen anything like it!

  1. Keep up the good work.od bless you. N C Misra

  2. God bless you for the good work.See you at the rapture.N C Misra

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      • etrm on November 2, 2019 at 12:38 pm
      • Reply

      Not in it for the money.

      • etrm on December 18, 2019 at 5:39 pm
      • Reply

      I am not in it for the money.

      • etrm on December 19, 2019 at 3:09 am
      • Reply

      BestRuben, I never get involved in making money in my ministry.
      No one can say I took money or am in the ministry to make money.
      Christ gave all He had for free and I am following His lead.

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