E-Mail Link for Daily Posts Do Not Work-Please Read

Many of you have written me tellinging me you can not get to my prophecy site via my email links.  Those of you who have written me did not read the notice below. Please take a moment and read it. Thanks Frank

At the current time I have people signing up at my prophecy site to receive notices for my daily posts via your email address. However, do to the number of people who are signing on for the up-dates the cost of this service keeps going up as more people sign on. I have gotten to the point where I have to cut off this service. I wanted everyone to know now so they will make note of it. If you want to read the prophecy news I post and watch my videos at my site please put my site in your favorite box. I am am sure when the daily posts stop going out automatically people will write me asking me why they are not receiving the daily posts. I am sorry about this service being cancelled but I need the funds to help the poor and support the Pastors I have been trying to support. I hope you understand. Frank


The news for June 17th will be posted later.

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