My God I can’t even keep up with it! You deside, are my warnings coming true? Read the facts and get the truth. April 4, 2008


Over the last week or so I laid out for you a series of signs you should watch for.  These are all signs the Lord has laid on my heart to watch for next.  I told you these things are going to take place and you should know about them even before you hear them in the news.  You can go back to my previous posts to refresh your minds if you like, just go to the left side of the page and scroll down to categories and click on to the different months. You will see there everything I already written.  I told you the U.S. is going to take a hard hit in our economy and that we are headed for some very trying times. I told you to expect things to get worse, much worse. If you want to find out why this is going to taken place read chapter 2 from my book which you can download at this site for free.  In any case, todays news shows America’s decline has already begun. The U.S. lost 80,000 jobs in the month of March alone, this was the biggest decline in five years.  CNN pointed out that "152,000 jobs were lost in January and February, compared with previous estimate of 85,000."  Another disturbing sign was that the unemployment rate which was at 4.8 jumped to 5.1. This is the highest rate since 2005. Factory are letting people go in record numbers, construction employment dropped 51,000, this by the way is the 9th consecutive month of job losses.  On March 20th post I told you the dollar would again drop and food prices were going to begin to climb to levels we have not seen.  A few days after I told you what to expect we saw the dollar drop several times in a week, will todays news again reported the U.S. Dollar dips again, this time not only against the euro like I said it would, but against the yen as well. CNN just reported that the "15-nation euro bought $1.5719 in early trading, up from $1.5679 in New York late Thursday."  In that same article from CNN they stated unemployment benefits rose by 38,000 last week to 407,000-the highest level since September 2005".  Don’t be fooled by political leaders who tell you don’t be concerned, we have it under control.  The truth is they don’t.  The reason why the U.S. is starting to decline as a world power is to make way for the European Union, and to replace her as the number 1 power in the world.  This will happen due to the fact that God told us in Daniel and Revelation that when the Roman Empire returns this Empire will be the last world power in place, it would be through this new Roman Empire that the Antichrist will arise and it will be at the height of this Empire that you will witness Jesus Christ’s second coming.  In order for that to occur America must fall.  On March 25, I gave you a report that shows America is no ranked the 22nd most stable and prosperous nation.  We have already fallen 21 slots in just a few short years.  Look at who has taken the lead!  It is just as Jesus warned, they are the nations in the European Union or (new Roman Empire).  In the coming months this is what to expect in the news. More jobs will be lost, gas prices will increase, prices of food will again rise, businesses especially the housing industry is going to take a major hit, and you will begin to see more upheaval in the third world nations as it is going to get much harder to feed the people. In my previous posts I told you wheat, gold, silver and a host of other items would climb including food. I already warned you all of these things a month ago but it is getting worse.  Today the Washingtonpost reports that, "A spike in the price of rice and other food staples is triggering consumer panic, including food riots in Yemen and Morocco, and hoarding in Hong Kong.  Everything I have told you is now taking place.  Two months ago while shopping the Holy Spirit told me to buy as much rice as I could. I told people close to me if I were you I would do the same.  I went out and bought as much as I could carry in my car.  I dropped it off to a safe place and told my wife about it later. When my wife found out what I had done she figured I had lost it, but in the last few days my wife now understands why the Lord told me to buy rice.  When I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit I move on it because I know what is coming.  Why is the price of corn, wheat, and rice on the rise?  Greed for one, and signs of the last days in the form of droughts and disease which Jesus warned us about is another reason.  In the case of rice the price rice has nearly double since January hitting $760 per metric ton.  Already analysts are expecting even higher prices which may reach up to $1,000 per metric ton  within 3 months.  Yesterday the AP reported corn has hit an all time high reaching $6 dollars a Bushel. Will the price of corn go up in the future?  Yes it will.  Why?  Because for one, it was stated by "The U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that farmers will plant 86 million acres of corn in 2008, an 8 percent drop from last year." This can only mean one thing, the less you have the more it will cost to get it.  Recently the Midwest states have been battling some of the worse floods this nation has ever seen.  The states who just happen to be the one who produce many of our crops are still cleaning up from the deluge.  The AP made it a point to tell us the following: "Moreover, cold, wet weather in parts of the U.S. corn belt may force farmers to delay spring planting, potentially sending prices even higher." Read Matthew chapter 24 and you will see the signs of the times include drought, floods, and the nations perplexed by the roaring seas.  Little by little we are losing crops to weird weather.  Just watch the news, you will see more of what I am speaking about.  Do your own Google search and see how many millions of dollars in crop losses have already been lost due to these storms. Is America the only one that will take the hit?  According to Christ these birth pains (signs of Christ’s coming) will spread to all nations, and we can see the ripple effect taking shape right now.  Today the BBC reports that, "Food prices drive India inflation." Inflation in India has hit a three-year high as a result of spiraling food and energy cost, official figures show."  Do you want the truth?  A new report just released out of Washington had this headline, "Silent famine sweeps globe Rice, fertilizer shortages, food cost, higher energy prices equal world crisis"  A short section from that report stated, "Global food prices, based on United nations records, rose 35 percent in the last year, escalating a trend that began in 2002. Since then, prices have risen 65 percent."  Jesus showed us in the book of Revelation that the price of food would be almost unreachable by most of the world.  We see a picture of millions going with out food, and we are on the road to fulfill every word spoken by my Lord and Savior. The Financil Times on April 4 said that, "Rice prices rose more than 10 per cent on Friday to a fresh all-time high as African countries joined south-east Asian importers in the race to head off social unrest by securing supplies from the handful of exporters still selling the grain in the international market."  In these nations alone which rice is their main food staple 3 billion people will be effected.  Click to the links below and read all the details yourself, I can’t give you every detail here.  A week or so ago I told you watch the news and you would hear nations would begin to have conflicts over the high prices and lack of food.  In the report out of Wash
ington they list about 15 nations in very serious trouble right now including India who we are told that "Millions of people in India face starvation after a plague of rats overruns a region, as they do cyclically every 50 years."  Keep in mind I have been telling people since 1977 these things were coming, and Jesus told us to look for these things.  A few weeks ago I wrote a post telling you to start to watch for more news concerning plagues.  One fear the World Health Organization has had is that the (Bird Flu) which up to this point has been confined to people who have handled birds getting the disease.  Now the worse news possible, The BBC today said, "The first case of human-to-human transmission of avian flu in Pakistan has been confirmed." Of course we are told by the Wold Health Organization that this "outbreak did not extend into the community, and appropriate steps were taken to reduce future risks of human infections.".  Don’t be surprised when you start to hear of more cases of bird flu being passed on from human to human, as a matter of fact since Jesus warned plagues would come, we should expect them.  I am telling you this so you may be encourage to watch the news, then when you see these things take place you will give attention to what Christ has warned. You have a way out you know!  Jesus promised, anyone who receives Him as Savior will be removed from this earth and protected in heaven while all these things are taking place on earth during the 7 year tribulation.  We are at the doors of this tribulation beginning, but first a few major prophecies must be fulfilled, one of which will be the destruction of Syria and the city of Damascus as recorded in Isaiah 17:1.  Current events show us this war against Syria and Israel is going to be fulfilled soon, as a matter of fact current events point to this. Today in "The Washington Times Editorial this was reported in speaking about Israel and Syria. "Recent events serve as a reminder of how menacing behavior from Iran and Syria keeps the Middle East on a hair trigger.  On Tuesday, Israel learned that Hezbollah was rapidly rebuilding its military capabilities and preparing for renewed conflict with Israel.The next morning, a London-based Arab newspaper reported that Syria was concentrating troops and tanks along its border with Lebanon and had massed troops in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in preparation for an Israeli attack."  I can’t stress enough to keep on the watch!  You will see Israel and Syria in a major conflict and in the end Damascus will be wiped out just as the prophecy states!  It is alright if you don’t believe me, soon you won’t have to trust me, you will see it live on the news as it is taking place.  It is not a matter of if it will happen, only when it will happen.  Soon after that battle.  Iran, Russia and their allies will go after Israel to destroy her, this is the prophecy I have already warned you about in an earlier post. Yesterday news came out from Jerusalem telling us "Diplomats say Iran has assembled hundreds of advanced machines in an attempt to speed up a process in its nuclear program that can produce both fuel for power plants and the fissile core of nuclear warheads."  "Why do I mention this?  Israel has already warned they would destroy Iran’s nuclear plant before it is finished. When this happens it could spark the Ezekiel prophecy to be fulfilled.  Is Israel gearing up for a new war in the Middle East against Syria and Iran?  Are they getting themselves ready for this war?  Yes they are.  The World Tribune on April 1, reported that "Israel plans to conduct its largest exercise ever to set contingencies for massive missile attacks by Iran and Syria.  In two day Israel will begin this massive exercise to get their people ready for what they know is coming soon.  In one of my recent posts I tell you what may happen in the Middle East as far as the U.S. pulling out of Iraq. I said that if a Democratic is elected and they pull the troops out of Iraq look for Iran to enter Iraq and shortly after that turn to the next target which will be Israel. Yesterday the Jerusalem Post cited what the 2nd in command for Al-Qaida stated concerning what would happen when America pulls out.  I quote, "I expect the Jihadi influence to spread after the American’s exit from Iraq, and to move towards Jerusalem."  It sounds like the 2nd in command, Ayman al-Zawahri, read my post. In a recent post I warned to keep a close eye on what Libyan leader Qadhafi does. I said you will see him get more active against the U.S. and Israel.  Why?  God showed us Libya will join Iran and Russia and others to try and destroy Israel.  Well in todays news Qadhafi just gave a speech at a student festival in Syria.  The main focus of this speech was to have the Arab nations unite to protect themselves from nations like the U.S. who pick on nations who are not part of any group of nations.  The hand writing is on the wall and I pray my messages are being taken to heart.  If you are not passing what I say to your loved ones, ask yourself why?  What harm would it do you.  The only thing that could happen is I would look like a fool if what I say doesn’t take place, your home free.  But if they read this material and these warnings and they come to believe in the Word of God, then you will have played a very important part in their Salvation and you will have blocked the path to the gates of hell.  I am passing on what is already written in the Bible.  Every warning I give has come from the Bible, it is the Word of God and it is Truth.  I welcome any comment you may have.
May my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guide you to the light, may the Holy Spirit give you strength to endure  these trying times, may you rest in His peace, and know in your hearts God is the way.  I welcome comments you may have.

“Economy sheds 80,000 jobs in March”

“Jobs Slashed, Pointing to Recession”

“Dollar dips against euro, yen”  April 4, 2008

“Iran assembles more advanced centrifuges”

Girding for war with Israel?

“Israel readies largest exercise ever to prepare for Iran-Syria missile war”

“Al-Qaida No. 2: We’ll target world Jews”

“Fatal bird flu cases in Pakistan”

“Food prices drive India inflation”

“Rising Grain Prices Panic Developing World”

“Silent’ famine sweeps globe” “Rice, fertilizer shortages, food costs, higher energy prices equal world crisis”

Rice jumps as Africa joins race for supplies,Authorised=false.html?

America rank number 22 in the world now.

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