Elenin, the signs of the times, and the Return of Jesus Christ?

Elenin has been a hot topic on the internet especially among Christian circles, and I have to admit It’s interesting, and scary “BUT” there is a big BUT I’m after here. What do all of these signs point to. Is it not the return of the King Jesus Christ. It almost feels that Christians have been overwhelmed by some of the information here with regards to this topic as if God doesn’t have complete control over every single aspect of the universe, including what this Elenin whatever it is does and the impact it has on his people.

So for the Christian lets stay awake and prayerful, but lets stay on TARGET. PREACH the GOSPEL!!!!!!!! Is it Elenin that allows our hearts to beat? What are all of these things pointing too? Jesus said “When you see all of these things begin to take place, LOOK-UP because your salvation is coming soon!!!!

We have many friends, loved ones, co-workers, and people that haven’t heard the good news of Christ or are waiting to see it truly lived out in our lives. Please listen to this video..it came from my heart!


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