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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…
Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 tells us Iran will invade Israel with Russia and many allies. Iran’s President has been trying to get Israel to attack them and today’s news helps prove my point. I quote, “When Iran was caught last September building a secret, underground nuclear enrichment plant at a military base near the city of Qum, the country’s leaders insisted they had no other choice. With its nuclear facilities under constant threat of attack, they said, only a fool would leave them out in the open. So imagine the surprise of international inspectors almost two weeks ago when they watched as Iran moved nearly its entire stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to an above-ground plant. It was as if, one official noted, a bull’s-eye had been painted on it. Why take such a huge risk? That mystery is the subject of fervent debate among many who are trying to decode Iran’s intentions. The theories run from the bizarre to the mundane: Under one, Iran is actually taunting the Israelis to strike first. Under another, it is simply escalating the confrontation with the West to win further concessions in negotiations. The simplest explanation, and the one that the Obama administration subscribes to, is that Iran has run short of suitable storage containers for radioactive fuel, so it had to move everything.” If the reported understood prophecy he would see plain as day Iran’s President wants war to break out his hidden savior called the Mahdi. Iran’s President not long ago even address the fact that the US is holding the Mahdi back. I quote, “Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he has documented evidence that the United States is doing what it can to prevent the coming of the Mahdi, the Imam that Muslims believe will be ultimate savior of mankind, press reports said Monday. “We have documented proof that they [U.S.] believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts [Middle East] and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world,” the hard-line president said, addressing an audience of families of those killed during the 1980’s war against Iraq.” Ahmadinejad wants Israel to take the bait. He knows that when Israel attacks it will united his Muslims Brothers and they will try to wide out Israel. This is the war God warned us about in the 38 and 39 chapters of the Book of Ezekiel.
Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3 states the following: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” While we are watching the earth shake we are seeing the rumbles of more sudden destruction coming headed our way. This is the destruction caused by a sudden war between Israel and her bordering nations. One of the reasons this next war is going to break out has to do with the city of Jerusalem. Since the Prophet Zechariah told us Jerusalem would be a burden to many in the last days it should come as no surprise that the peace talks have come to a stand still in part because of this holy city. I quote, Israel has given the green light for 600 new homes in a Jewish settlement in annexed Arab east Jerusalem, the Haaretz daily reported on Friday.” “The development in the Pisgat Zeev neighbourhood, which has been planned for some years, was approved with modifications by the interior ministry's Jerusalem district urban planning committee on January 12, a document obtained by AFP showed. Interior ministry spokeswoman Efrat Orbach told AFP: "It's an old project, the principle of which was approved several years ago." “Israel's continued expansion of settlements is one of the biggest obstacles to the resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians, now suspended for more than a year.” This announcement brings us one more step closer to the war we are warned about in Psalm 83, and it will happy sudden just as Paul warned.
Prophecy Sign: Christ gave us a specific warning concerning the Antichrist. In Revelation 13:16-17 He stated, “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
If you plan to miss the rapture of the Lord’s Church plan to witness a one world economic system, which will be controlled by the Antichrist. In order for one man to acquire that much power something has to happen to give him all this power. At the present time the world is going through a global economic crisis. America and now the European Union are a major crisis. When this crisis get worse and States and nations can’t stop the declining economy a new system will emerge. For over a year now leaders around the world have been trying to forge a new one world currency. Here is the lastest news on this. “Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, suggested Friday the organization might one day be called on to provide countries with a global reserve currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. "That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these kinds of ideas now," he said in a speech on the future mandate of the 186-nation Washington-based lending organization. Strauss-Kahn said such an asset could be similar to but distinctly different from the IMF's special drawing rights, or SDRs, the accounting unit that countries use to hold funds within the IMF. It is based on a basket of major currencies.” “Several countries, including China and Russia, have called for an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency and have suggested using the IMF's internal accounting unit.” News like this is beginning to become common, and it shows us we are moving closer to the system in which Jesus warned us about.
For the past two days I gave you signs that America’s economy is crashing and her collapse will help bring on the new worldwide economic system that the Antichrist will end up running. America is head long in debt and she is going broke trying to keep everyone afloat. Here is another major sign the boat has a big hole in it, and the water is rising faster than Uncle Sam can bail the water. The ship is sinking and you better get yourself ready for it. Here is a sign of the coming order to abandon ship. I quote, “Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) – Fannie Mae will seek $15.3 billion in U.S. aid, bringing the total owed under a government lifeline to $76.2 billion, after its 10th consecutive quarterly loss. The mortgage-finance company posted a fourth-quarter net loss of $16.3 billion, or $2.87 a share, Washington-based Fannie Mae said in a filing yesterday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fannie Mae, which owns or guarantees about 28 percent of the $11.8 trillion U.S. home-loan market, has been hobbled by a three-year housing slump that wiped 28 percent from home values nationwide and led to record foreclosures. The company, which posted $120.5 billion in losses over the previous nine quarters, and rival Freddie Mac were seized by regulators in September 2008. “
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7 is the sign of many earthquakes, and in Luke 21:11 Jesus said we would witness "great earthquakes". Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) — Chile was rocked by a magnitude 8.8 earthquake, the Prophecy Sign: Last week I warned you to watch for major earthquakes to take place in 2010. I warned you about this based on what Christ told us to keep on the watch for. In Luke 21:11 He said to watch for “great earthquakes”. With in one week after warning you look what happened. Yesterday I reported on a 7.0 quake in Japan and as I was writing this post at 12:55 AM I read this news from Business Week with the head line that read as follows: “Chile Hit by 8.8 Earthquake, Tsunami Alert Issued (Update4)”. The report stated, “USGS said on its Web site. A tsunami warning was issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center for Chile and Peru, and later extended to Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Antarctica. The temblor struck 197 miles (317 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 36.9 miles at 3:34 a.m. local time, the USGS said. “This is a major damaging earthquake,” Randy Baldwin of the USGS told the BBC in an interview. “For any population in the area it would be reasonable to expect there had been some damage occcuring.” Chile’s Radio Cooperativa reported that the quake struck near a copper mining area, and that power and telephone lines in Santiago were cut.”
Update morning report:
SANTIAGO (Reuters) – A massive magnitude-8.8 earthquake struck south-central Chile early on Saturday, killing at least 85 people, knocking down buildings, homes and hospitals, and triggering a tsunami.
Heavenly Father I give you thanks that you have opened my eyes to your truths. I pray Father that the gift you have given me to alert people in these last days will spread, and by your warnings and my connecting these signs to your warnings many people will come to you for salvation. I ask you Holy Spirit to allow anyone reading this post today to be infected by your Holy spirit and to convict them of your truths. Let them all see it is because of your love for them that they have stumbled onto my site that they may understand your warnings are all coming to pass. I pray Jesus that you will not allow any of these people to slip out of your hands. Open their hearts and eyes to your message for these last days and may they all be set on fire with the Holy Spirit. Today we saw a sign of a great shaking, but Father let them understand that the great shaking has only just begun, and you are calling them all to safety. I pray Father that by your Holy Spirit, the people you have sent me, I ask you to forgive them that they be counted as your children. Grant me the blessing to lead the people to you, as you wait for them at your door. I pray you will put the desire in their
hearts to knock on your door and ask you to let them in. Let them all see your love, let them all feel your peace, let them all be saved. I mourn for those that are still lost and are refusing your gift of salvation. I ask you to help me fight against Satan and his works to distroy your children. Grant your people the wisdom to known the strenth in them that is in you. Let them all realize that you are in them, and they have the power of your kingdom in them. Let them know they can stand and fight against the wiles of the devil and win. Let them know that no power on this Earth can defeat Him who is in them. Grant me these things my Lord, for it is my desire that your children will rush to you for strength. Fill them all with the living water, and let them drink now for our days are short. Good night Father!
Since opening up my prophecy site I have written 702 posts. In many of my posts I have warned you about the prophecy sign of many earthquakes. This week the world is taking notice that the Earth is shaking and people want to know if this is normal. Before you read this new report out from MSNBC.com keep in mind Jesus told us the events of the last days would be as a woman with birth pains. The headline to the following report is entitled, “Big quake question: Are they getting worse?” Here is a section of that report. “Seismic shockers are to be expected, but planet seems to be more active However, "relative to the 20-year period from the mid-1970s to the mid 1990s, the Earth has been more active over the past 15 or so years," said Stephen S. Gao, a geophysicist at Missouri University of Science and Technology. "We still do not know the reason for this yet. Could simply be the natural temporal variation of the stress field in the earth's lithosphere." (The lithosphere is the outer solid part of the Earth.)” Anyone who has read Christ’s warnings knows the reason why this is happening now! We are getting very close to the beginning of the tribulation and as a result the these birth pains are getting much worse. I just updated all the quakes for only a seven day period. Notice the number and the size of some of these quakes, then ask yourself, can you afford not to believe Christ’s warnings?
5.2 | 2010/02/27 23:35:15 | -33.867 | -72.226 | 34.8 | OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE | |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/02/27 23:21:13 | 35.912 | 70.051 | 104.9 | HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/02/27 23:12:35 | -34.741 | -71.864 | 35.0 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/02/27 23:02:01 | -37.755 | -72.713 | 35.2 | ARAUCANIA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 22:22:33 | -34.072 | -71.308 | 35.0 | REGION METROPOLITANA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 22:20:04 | -35.094 | -72.712 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 22:16:15 | -36.491 | -73.380 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 22:13:52 | -34.437 | -72.531 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 21:59:08 | -36.794 | -73.311 | 34.8 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 21:48:26 | -33.968 | -72.140 | 28.6 | OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 21:00:37 | -33.855 | -73.028 | 35.0 | OFF THE COAST OF VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 20:44:34 | -37.893 | -73.423 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 20:29:23 | -34.689 | -73.621 | 35.0 | OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 19:54:30 | 10.896 | -43.442 | 10.0 | NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 19:06:18 | -37.473 | -73.502 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 6.3 | 2010/02/27 19:00:08 | -33.425 | -71.909 | 34.8 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 18:41:51 | -37.581 | -73.501 | 34.9 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/27 18:23:12 | -37.618 | -73.818 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 18:15:23 | -37.527 | -73.696 | 20.8 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 18:12:51 | -33.847 | -71.577 | 35.0 | REGION METROPOLITANA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/27 17:56:53 | -34.688 | -71.571 | 35.0 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 17:43:37 | -36.453 | -72.978 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 17:24:34 | -36.256 | -72.927 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 17:22:26 | -38.043 | -73.629 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 17:11:49 | -33.953 | -71.796 | 35.0 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 16:50:20 | -34.162 | -72.010 | 35.0 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 16:37:34 | -37.509 | -73.605 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 16:32:21 | -34.986 | -72.356 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 16:27:58 | -37.820 | -73.404 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 16:21:14 | -38.266 | -73.434 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 6.3 | 2010/02/27 15:45:41 | -24.588 | -65.432 | 38.2 | SALTA, ARGENTINA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 15:23:06 | -34.528 | -74.987 | 35.0 | OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 15:09:08 | -33.890 | -71.268 | 35.0 | REGION METROPOLITANA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 14:40:53 | -31.321 | -74.548 | 35.0 | OFF THE COAST OF COQUIMBO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 14:23:28 | -34.505 | -72.596 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 14:20:00 | -37.274 | -73.062 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 14:06:47 | -37.288 | -72.835 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 13:54:04 | -33.269 | -71.834 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 13:12:52 | -35.014 | -71.660 | 35.0 | MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 13:07:42 | -38.436 | -73.254 | 35.0 | ARAUCANIA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 12:58:33 | -33.443 | -70.944 | 35.0 | REGION METROPOLITANA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 12:46:19 | -37.699 | -73.681 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 12:44:50 | -36.999 | -73.038 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 12:23:06 | -36.253 | -72.266 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 12:19:51 | 25.979 | 128.434 | 9.9 | RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 12:03:27 | -34.399 | -73.825 | 35.0 | OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 11:45:03 | -36.318 | -73.216 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/27 11:27:00 | -38.103 | -73.587 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 10:54:24 | -36.828 | -73.336 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.9 | 2010/02/27 10:38:36 | -38.019 | -73.575 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.9 | 2010/02/27 10:30:35 | -33.559 | -72.636 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 10:10:15 | -33.701 | -72.184 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/02/27 09:59:21 | -37.991 | -73.467 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 09:21:26 | -36.609 | -73.218 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 09:00:18 | -33.425 | -71.625 | 35.0 | VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/27 08:53:57 | -34.447 | -73.397 | 35.0 | OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/27 08:53:27 | -35.073 | -71.760 | 35.0 | MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 08:48:05 | -38.584 | -75.257 | 35.0 | OFF THE COAST OF ARAUCANIA, CHILE |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/02/27 08:31:05 | -34.820 | -72.443 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 6.1 | 2010/02/27 08:25:30 | -34.750 | -72.394 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/27 08:19:24 | -33.479 | -71.574 | 35.0 | VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 08:13:16 | -33.062 | -71.702 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 6.9 | 2010/02/27 08:01:24 | -37.654 | -75.199 | 39.0 | OFF THE COAST OF BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 07:59:56 | -36.050 | -73.562 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/27 07:56:37 | -36.933 | -73.240 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 07:51:06 | -36.399 | -72.498 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 07:46:50 | -36.795 | -72.924 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 6.0 | 2010/02/27 07:37:18 | -36.837 | -72.541 | 35.0 | BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/27 07:33:31 | -38.007 | -73.484 | 35.7 | OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/27 07:19:49 | -35.811 | -72.945 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 6.0 | 2010/02/27 07:12:29 | -33.807 | -71.913 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
MAP | 6.2 | 2010/02/27 06:52:35 | -34.735 | -72.638 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 8.8 | 2010/02/27 06:34:15 | -35.846 | -72.719 | 35.0 | OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/27 00:48:46 | 25.989 | 128.510 | 32.8 | RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN |
MAP | 7.0 | 2010/02/26 20:31:27 | 25.902 | 128.417 | 22.0 | RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/26 16:18:57 | 5.842 | 125.792 | 53.7 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/02/26 08:37:03 | 6.394 | 126.805 | 117.3 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/26 04:42:30 | 28.432 | 86.769 | 10.0 | WESTERN XIZANG |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/26 04:41:29 | 0.892 | 123.194 | 66.6 | MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/26 01:07:58 | 23.782 | 122.839 | 34.7 | TAIWAN REGION |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/26 00:11:51 | -55.882 | -5.052 | 6.0 | SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/25 11:26:36 | -23.765 | -175.713 | 107.0 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/25 08:03:41 | 51.703 | -176.019 | 42.2 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/25 04:56:57 | 25.536 | 101.919 | 39.2 | YUNNAN, CHINA |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/25 03:15:03 | 11.045 | -86.312 | 24.0 | NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/24 11:58:02 | -30.305 | 165.833 | 35.0 | NORTHWEST OF NEW ZEALAND |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/23 22:38:32 | -23.843 | -175.921 | 1.4 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/23 15:36:10 | -15.023 | -172.918 | 53.1 | SAMOA ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.6 | 2010/02/23 15:16:01 | 15.984 | -91.386 | 10.0 | GUATEMALA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/23 10:52:16 | 16.048 | -91.230 | 10.0 | GUATEMALA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/23 10:43:10 | 49.729 | 155.783 | 46.9 | KURIL ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/23 10:25:58 | 32.170 | 48.289 | 65.1 | WESTERN IRAN |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/23 06:05:03 | -23.845 | -175.837 | 45.9 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/22 23:47:45 | -3.651 | 101.449 | 57.8 | SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/22 19:48:38 | -24.184 | -175.779 | 35.0 | SOUTH OF TONGA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/22 18:43:51 | -23.926 | -175.701 | 36.2 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/22 11:04:40 | -27.142 | -176.522 | 13.5 | KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/02/22 08:42:39 | -23.811 | -175.874 | 35.0 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/02/22 07:24:46 | -23.749 | -175.940 | 35.0 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 6.0 | 2010/02/22 07:00:55 | -23.723 | -175.981 | 35.0 | TONGA REGION |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/22 05:21:04 | 24.080 | 122.927 | 22.9 | TAIWAN REGION |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/02/22 05:08:50 | -21.529 | -173.822 | 35.0 | TONGA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/21 00:56:57 | 37.474 | 141.542 | 51.0 | NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen
Hi Frank do you think that we will see earthquakes in places that dont usually have them before the tribulation begins?
Thank you Frank for the fantastic work you do for The Lord and keeping everyone informed about bible prophecy being fulfilled.