Ezekiel 38 war signs concerning Russia, Iran, and Libya- Isaiah 17:1 signs of Syria’s fate-Daniel’s sign of increase knowledge- Oct. 31, 2008


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 Isaiah 17:1- I need to set the stage so you will understand how important today’s news is. In my April 2, 2008 post I gave a warning you should have kept your eyes on. This is what I warned. “At the present time Gadaffi is getting ready to buy billions in weapons from France, and possibly Russia.”

In my April 14, 2008 post I warned the following. ”When my ministry started in 1977 I warned to keep paying attention to Libya. In my April 2, 2008 post I again post facts about what Libya is up to.  The Lord in Ezekiel chapter 38:10-11 warned us in the end times Libya would join with Russia, Iran and many other nations and attack Israel, thinking they will destroy her once and for all.  This war was to take place when the New Roman Empire was born and when Israel was still a young nation, which they are.  When you read chapter 10 of my book you will see I warned to keep your eyes on this nation because you will see them fulfill every word spoken about them in prophecy. A recent report disclosed that Libya has gone after millions of dollars worth of arms, and they wanted to buy more arms then their army had men.  Many people think Libya is no longer a threat to Israel since they appear to have changed their terrorist ways. I assure you, this has been nothing but a cloak.”

The next quote was taken from chapter 10 of my book. “On my April 14, 2008 I warned the people reading my web site to watch what Libya starts to do soon. In that post I cite the reason why I said that.  It shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise that the head of Libya is today visiting with Putin the head of Russia.  The news link below informs us that this is an historic event and Russia and Libya are forming closer ties.  For the past two weeks we are starting to see more activity in Libya.  I know what is taking place behind the scenes.  All the nations on the list to attack Israel are making plans for this future attack and that includes Libya.  Gaddafi, the leader of Libya has been very silent for the past 20 years, so why is he beginning to be so active again in the Middle East?  Here is the answer.  We are getting closer to this massive attack against Israel.  In April 2008 Putin, the Russiian leader meet with Gaddafi, Libya’s leader, and the press called this an “historic meeting”. The two nation summit was the first one these two nations have had in 20 years.  “During the visit, both sides managed not only “to solidify our joint approaches toward international affairs, but also to agree upon the framework of trade, economic and investment cooperation.” (news.xinhuanet.com April 18, 2008).  Read what Russia just did for Libya!  The two countries signed deals on energy co-operation, military assistance and construction of a 500km (310-mile) railway line in Libya.” When you read the subtitle it states that, “Russia has agreed to cancel $4.5bn of Libyan debt in exchange for major contracts for Russian firms” (BBCNews April 18, 2008).”  

Knowing what I have warned you, you better take a look at today’s news concerning Libya and Russia! I quote, “Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, who visits Moscow Friday for the first time since 1985, will offer to host a Russian naval base in his north African country, a Russian newspaper reported. "Libya is ready to host a Russian naval military base," the Kommersant reported, citing a source close to the preparations for Kadhafi's first visit here since the days of the Soviet Union.”  In April, during a visit to Tripoli by then-president Vladimir Putin, Moscow agreed to cancel billions of dollars of Libyan Soviet-era debt in exchange for multi-billion-dollar contracts with Russian companies”. In recent news we are told, "An agreement on concluding a major set of arms contracts for more than $2 billion could be reached during the visit of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to Moscow," Interfax quoted the source as saying.”  In the last month Russia has set up military bases in Syria.  Russian ships are now docked at Syria’s port and thousands of Russian missiles have been handed over to the Syrians who, have put these missiles in the hands of Israel’s enemies based in Lebanon.  Now Russia will have their fleet based in Libya and Libya is buying 2 billion worth of arms from Russia.  

Today’s news also informed us “Syria has boosted its troop deployment near the Lebanese border up to the Beka valley region, the Lebanese As-Safir newspaper said Friday. Some 3,000 heavily armed troops were reportedly deployed in the area.”  According to VOA News from the Middle East Syria is sending troops there in a effort to "combat smuggling". What is really taking place is that Syria is sending arms to their allies in Lebanon, which will be used against Israel.

Can my warnings be any clearer for you? These are the very nations God pointed out that would attack Israel.  Every move Russia, Syria and Libya have made these past few months are steps leading to the fulfillment of God’s Word in Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17:1.




Ezekiel 38 also shows us Iran will be included in the coming attack against Israel.  News for Israel today stated, “This past Saturday night, southern Iran experienced what was reported as a significant earthquake – a seismic event measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale. Its epicenter was just north of the strategic Straits of Hormuz, which separates Iran from Abu Dhabi and Oman and which is the gateway to the Persian Gulf. The report quotes an Iranian nuclear scientist who claims to be working in uranium enrichment for the project, and who said that the "quake" was acutally an undergound nuclear bomb test. Israel Insider adds that the test/quake was actually the second in a series. Nine days ago, a 4.8 Richter scale event occurred, with its epicenter only five kilometers away from the weekend tremor. The Israel Insider source reports that two nuclear rockets are currently ready – and are intended for use against Israel in the coming months”  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/128151.

If you have been coming to my site you would known I have warned you that Israel is going to attack Iran to stop them from starting up their Nuclear power plant.  I can assure you, Israel is watching Iran like a hawk and everyone knows Israel has the best military intelligence in the world.  The Israeli leaders know if these recent earthquakes were a result of nuclear tests or not.  Here is the bottom line.  Iran is calling out Israel.  Iran’s President wants Israel to attack so he can use this as a platform to counter attack Israel knowing full well the Russians will join them.  The fact is, God told us the Russian’s would be the ones who would lead the attack.  If you keep watching the Middle East with me, you will keep witnessing signs the Ezekiel war is not far off.  Israel’s attack on Iran may just set the stage for Ezekiel’s prophecy to be fulfilled.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4. The prophet Daniel was told by God that the last generation to be alive at the time Jesus returns would be known for their increase in knowledge and that they would move back and forth.  Ask any scientist today and he will tell you this generation has gained more knowledge than any generation in the history of man.  Take a look at some of the things this generation’s knowledge has produced.  Please click to video below.





If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition.  You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.

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My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a fantastic writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


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