
NASA has found water on Mars this will change how people view God, a must see! Click to link: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0504/WaterOnMars2_gcc.jpg


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:11 watch for false prophets! Prophecy sign: Jesus warned the following in Matthew 24:24.  "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Right now there are men who are calling themselves prophets of God.  ABC News on Good Morning America reported on one of these so called prophets on the Good Morning America show on June 6, 2008.  According to "self-proclaimed prophet Yisrayl "Buffalo Bill" Hawkins, the founder of a religious sect in Abilene, Texas has said that on June 12, 2008 a nuclear war will begin.  Hawkins has been proven to be a false prophet already by stating that September 12, 2006 will be the beginning of the end.  After September 12, 2006 this false prophet began to make up excuses for it not taking place.  Well here is your proof, on June 6, 2008 I told you no nuclear war was going to take place because Hawkins has already proved himself to be a false prophet and a deceiver of men.  As you can see today is June 12, 2008 and there was no nuclear war, nor any nukes exploding anywhere.  Every person who lives on the compound in Texas with Hawkins should pack up their things and leave this false prophet but that isn’t going to happen.  Watch how Hawkins tries to wiggle out of this one!  Jesus said these men were going to come and Hawkins is a prime example of our Lord’s Words being fulfilled.


Prophecy Sign: The return of the Old Roman Empire found in the book of Daniel chapter 2, and in the book of Revelation chapter 17.   Major news today concerning the Return of the Old Roman Empire which is the E.U., but first let me explain how this prophecy has been fulfilled.  In the book of Daniel we are told that the prophet Daniel was given the ability to interpret dreams.  God gave a dream to the King of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar) that he couldn’t understand.  Daniel was summoned by the king to interpret his dream.  The king did not tell Daniel of his dream. Instead he told Daniel to tell him what he had dreamt and the meaning of his dream. That night, while Daniel slept, God revealed the dream and its meaning to him. The next day Daniel explained to the King of Babylon that the head of the image in his dream was a symbol for the Babylonian Empire (gold) of which the King was ruler.  The chest of the image was symbolic for the Medo-Persian Empire (silver), which would defeat the Babylonian Empire.  The belly and thighs of the image was to represent the Grecian Empire (brass) that would destroy the Medo-Persian Empire.  The legs of the image were symbolic for the Roman Empire (iron) that would destroy the Grecian Empire.  The feet and toes (iron and clay) of the image represent a revised Roman Empire. The image revealed to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel in the dream was symbolic of current and future kingdoms that would be in power consecutively, starting with the Babylonian Empire through the revised Roman Empire. Jesus came to earth during the Roman Empire and through Daniel’s dream it was revealed Jesus would return at the time of a revised Roman Empire, the (European Union). The first kingdom Daniel explained to the King was the King’s own Babylonian Empire, which was in existence in 606 B.C.  The Medo-Persian Empire then conquered the Babylonian Empire, which was in existence from 536 B.C. to 330 B.C.  Then Greece, lead by Alexander the Great, conquered the Medo-Persia kingdom. The Grecian Empire ruled from 330 B.C to 323 B.C. The Roman Empire then conquered Greece and was in existence from 323 B.C. to 30 B.C.  It was revealed to Daniel that in the last days the Roman Empire would be revived as a world power. History is God’s proof, and the Old Roman Empire has in fact return exactly as written in Daniel and spoken by Jesus in the book of Revelation. In the earlier years when the European Union (E.U) was coming together news agencies began to understand that the E.U. was the same as the Old Roman Empire.  In 1998 the Christian Science Monitor recognized how the E.U. currency was going to challenge the U.S. dollar.  The Monitor even stated, “Not since the Roman Empire has Europe seen anything like it.”  Today the Europeans compare themselves to the Old Roman Empire and say it has returned.  Click to the link below and read the first sentence right next to Paris.



Many of you may not know this but today in the E.U. the Irish are voting on the referendum for the E.U. Constitution.  What does this mean?  It means Ireland is the only nation left to vote on the Lisbon Treaty which is the treaty that puts the final touches on the E.U. Constitution.  We read in the news today that the E.U. will go ahead without the Irish vote if the Irish vote no to the Treaty.  Here is the Headline to the report, “Yes campaign confident of victory in Irish referendum”; I quote from the report that tells how the E.U. Constitution will go ahead even with a possible no vote today.  “Constitution will still be passed even if Ireland votes no, say E.U. officials; Irish officials cover up consequences of Lisbon” “Voting has begun in Ireland, the only EU state to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.  The FT Brussels blog says that the Yes campaign are confident of winning. Irish Europe Minister Dick Roche told EL Paris:: “We think that certainly within the last 72 hours there has been a big swing towards the Yes”, citing private polling carried out by the government.  The FT notes that a second Irish referendum would be difficult, because there are several reasons why people are voting no.  The Telegraph reports that officials in Brussels are working on plans to ensure that Lisbon is still implemented elsewhere if Ireland votes against it in the referendum. One diplomat said a "bridging mechanism" was being discussed. If Ireland rejects the treaty, it may simply be removed from the list of signatories and will not be legally obliged to abide by it.  By late 2009 or early 2010, when Croatia joins the EU, an amending "Accession Treaty" (with a new protocol giving opt-outs to Dublin) will be signed by all members including Dublin. Since Ireland, like the rest of the Europe, does not hold referendums on EU enlargement treaties, the measure could be put though the Irish parliament without a popular vote.”  http://www.openeurope.org.uk/media-centre/summary.aspx?id=611

By now you are asking how is this going to effect the world?  One way or the other the E.U. will finally sign the final Constitution and for the first time in 2000 years Europe will be lead by one man just the way Caesar ruled during the first Roman Empire.  The man who comes up through this reborn Roman Empire is the man Jesus warned us about, he is the Antichrist.  This means that soon the man of sin, (Antichrist) is going to be revealed!  I suggest you click to the following  E.U. site later today to see what happened with the Irish vote.  You can click to http://euobserver.com/.  I hope you are getting the big picture?  What we are watching take place in the E.U. today is going to put the final touches on Daniel’s vision of the future Empires.  I am not kidding when I tell you, you need to commit your life to Christ now before the man of sin is revealed!  If you receive Christ now He will remove you to heaven with His Church and keep you and the rest of the Church safe.  I time to make that decision for Jesus is coming to an end soon why take the chance to miss out on the blessing Jesus wants you to have?  May I persuade you to come into the arms of your Father today, He is waiting for you.

If you read my post yesterday you would have seen how member E.U. states are buying up America.  Some of the biggest buildings are being sold to nations with the strong E.U. currency called the euro.  Well in the news again today we read another E.U. nation is trying to by Anheuser-Busch.  I quote, “Belgian Brewer InBev is offering a big payday to shareholders of Anheuser-Busch Cos. (BUD) (BUD) Inc., but its bid to create the world's largest beer company is already facing a major obstacle – U.S. election-year politics.”  America is going down while the E.U. is growing, America is losing her power while the E.U. is gaining hers and this is all taking place to fulfilled the vision of Daniel and to finish off all prophecy spoken by our Lord.



Prophecy Sign: Jesus warned one man would make his way up into the new reborn Roman Empire, this man would casue all to receive his mark.  "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond. to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six”, or 666 (Revelation 13:16-18). There was a report in the news today giving information on the secret Bilderberg meeting and their agenda.  For those of you who may not know the Bilderbergs are people who are controlling the world behind the scenes.  Do they really exist I will that to you, but I have been following the world news since 1977 and the events I have seen take place in governments around the world do point that someone or some group is dictating what nations are doing. Jesus warned that one man would come to control the world, he is the Antichrist.  Jesus warned this one man would force everyone on this planet to take his mark in the right hand or forehand.  In the first chapter of my book I cover all the news that over the years is bringing us to this mark of the beast.  I do not cover any news about the secret Bilderbegs, but when you read what is taking place around the world and then read what the Bildeberg group supposedly stated then you get a clear picture. “Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked Sources from inside the 2008 Bilderberg meeting have leaked the details of what elitists were discussing in Chantilly Virginia last week and the talking points were ominous – a plan to microchip Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups which will be identified as blonde haired, blue eyed westerners.”  In this report they cite many of the news stories I have covered over the years that prove little by little microchip implants are going to be forced on anyone who wants to do business in and outside of the United States.  In a section of this report it says, “Ominously, Tucker's source also told him that Bilderberg were discussing the microchipping of humans on a mass scale, which would be introduced under the pretext of fighting terrorism whereby the "good guys" would be allowed to travel freely from airports so long as their microchip could be scanned and the information stored in a database”.  When you read my book you will learn that the CEO of the Verichip who makes these microchips has on many occasions stated the exact same message, he wants to microchip everyone on this planet for security reasons.  Read all the details in my first chapter.  I don’t need proof that there is a Bilderberg group, I have seen the news first hand an we are almost at the point right now that governments are going to mandate these chips and when you read my book you will see the proof.  How in the world could Jesus have known this technology would be here if He wasn’t God?  Not only is Jesus Lord He warned you never to take this mark or you are going to hell.  Again I have to say this, the only way to protect yourself and your family is for everyone to receive Jesus as your savior. Do it now or be faced with the Antichrist during the tribulation at which time this mark in the hand will be forced on all people!  Why do you think Jesus came us so many details about the future?  To protect anyone who would believe in Him.  Now that the E.U. (reborn Roman Empire) is going to pick their first full time President, as Jesus again warned us it would the man who heads this reborn Empire that will cause all to take this mark. 




 Prophecy Signs: Zechariah 12: 3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  The prophet Zechariah told us how it was going to be in the last generation.  He makes it clear all the world will turn against Israel.  The currently Prime Minister of Israel sees the handwriting on the wall and the news reported on what he sees in the near future.  “Olmert warns new US administration may not be as 'friendly”  'Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday Israel should push to advance peace talks the Palestinian Authority in the final months of US President George W. Bush's term in office as, "there is no telling what thing would look like once a new president is elected." The current US administration, he said "is extremely friendly," and that therefore it would be unwise to waste such an advantage. "Time is of the essence," he added.  "We have not written agreement yet, but we are working towards finding a precise framework within the desired timetable… it's important that you understand – this pertains to the current US administration. I believe any American president would want to preserve the special friendship between Israel and the US, which is founded on common goals and interests," said Olmert.  America is one nation that has been burden by Jerusalem.  President Bush who claims to know God should understand Jerusalem is not suppose to be split but this is his approach in the peace talks which are currently going on.  Almost every nation has turned their backs on Israel except a handful of nations which include the E.U. and the U.S.A.  By the time it is all over Israel won’t have any allies.  If Israel attacks Iran before 2008 is over they may see most of the world turn from Israel.  Zechariah’s prophecy is almost finished however, it will be completed during the last half of the tribulation period, or the last 3 and a half years of the 7 year tribulation.  Paul warned us in the last days Israel would call for peace and safety but war would come while they were calling for peace.  Prime Minister Olmert knows he only has a short window left open to make a peace deal with his enemies.  In other words we are getting very close to seeing an attack on Jerusalem but as the prophet warned anyone who comes against Israel will be cut into pieces.


Israel has reportedly started to set up an 'Iran Command' within its air force as part of preparations for a possible war against Iran. Is Ezekiel’s prophecy coming soon?  When one puts all of what is being said by Israel and Iran one would come to the conclusion, war is unavoidable at this point.  Since Iran just stated they are not going to stop their plans to finish the nuclear power site, one can only look back at Israel’s history in these matters.  It does appear Israel is getting ready to make that strike against Iran soon.  The headline to the Press TV news read like this “Israel launches 'Iran Command' for war”  ”According to reports by unnamed Israeli military sources, the regime's air force has launched 'Iran Command' to coordinate operations to 'confront the growing threat from Tehran'.
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=59400&sectionid=351020104. On June 6, 2008 the  Prime Minister of Israel hinted their was a timetable set in place to attack Iran, now we read that in fact Israel is making plans to launch that attack.  All of you should therefore begin to pray, because we are about to enter the very beginning of some troubled times. These are the times Ezekiel warned about.  I will do my best to inform you who don’t understand the connection between what you see on the news compared to what the Bible warns will happen.  In my heart I know I am running out of time for my days to witness for Christ.  Of course this does not mean I am laying down and just waiting. What this means is I am preparing for what is coming and will be on the watch just as Jesus commanded us to be. I pray you all stand on the watch with me.  For those of you who do not believe your days are numbered.  Ezekiel tells us when this war takes place against Israel it will be to show the world God did it for His purpose. “and they will know  that I am the Lord” “I will make known my holy name among my people Israel.  I will no longer let my holy name be profaned, and the nations will know that I the Lord am the Holy One in Israel. It is coming!” (Ezekiel 39:7-8).  Iran, Russia, Turkey, and the rest of Russia’s allies will all be destroyed soon and if you are an unbeliever the Word says you will know that God did it!  It is time everyone gets serious in their walk  with Christ!  Listen to the what the news media thinks about Iran and attacking Iran. Click to video below.




Prophecy Signs:Zechariah “I am the Lord, who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, ‘It shall be inhabited,’ of the towns of Judah, ‘They shall be rebuilt,’ and of their ruins, ‘I will restore them.’” (Isaiah 44:26)  “The whole land, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will become like the Arabah.  But Jerusalem will be raised up and remain in its place, from the Benjamin Gate to the site of the First Gate, to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the Royal Winepresses.  It will be inhabited; never again will it be destroyed.  Jerusalem will be secure” (Zechariah 14:10-11).  Not only did Zechariah tell us the entire world will turn against Israel in the last days but he also foretold us of the rebuilding of the cites in Israel once Israel became a nation again.  Do you own google search and put in cities in Israel and see for yourself pictures of all the cities that have been rebuilt since Israel became a nation again in 1948.  This prophecy was fulfilled in our generation at the same time Israel is call for peace and safety and at the same time Iran is calling for the world to wipe out Israel.  Everything is taking place just as it was written! Take a look at what the prophet Jeremiah said would happen when Israel became a nation again.  “Thus says the Lord of Israel: as yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; the Lord bless thee, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness” (Jeremiah 31:23).  Anyone traveling to Israel in 2008 will learn first hand how God fulfilled His own words.  All you have to do it listen to the Jewish people speak!  They speak Hebrew exactly as spoken by the Savior.  When you read chapter 8 of my book I explain how the Hebrew language was brought back in Israel.  You may not think this is to important but this is huge in prophecy because it pin points us as that last generation, the generation who will see the Savior Christ Jesus return.  There are dozens of signs like these that have been fulfilled as soon as Israel came back into their land. Check out my book to see all the details.  You can down load the book at the end of this post for free, just give it a minute or so to fully download.  You will be blown away by what you will read.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Seas and waves roaring.  Yesterday I gave you information about all the records being broken with the floods in the Midwest states.  More news was just released and this is what was reported. “The National Weather Service said a total of 200 locations are flooded, and issued warnings for Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Oklahoma and Montana. The deluge in some Iowa towns reached an all-time high following days of heavy rainfall, according to the service. More rain and some storms are predicted today and tomorrow in the Midwest.”  ABC nightly news reported that most of the nations corn crops have been destroyed and the end result will be shortages of corn which is going to drive the price of just about everything up again.  I have been doing my best to warn people of these very things.  I told the people at my first prophecy seminar back in 1977 that we would see the very things being reported on now.  I am sad to say that these things are only the beginning.  I know it sounds bad and it is, but only for those who have not yet received Jesus as their Savior.  I say it again watch the news, more intense weather is on the way.  Jesus’ warning never fail.  If I had the power to save you I would, but everyone has to receive Christ on their own, so please consider all these signs and give your life over to Christ today if you haven’t done it yet.  The only thing you will get is blessed!  Toss your fear away when Jesus steps into your life.  Yesterday when I reported stats from the NOAA's National Weather Service they had listed 1,500 tornados as of June 11, 2008 after last nights storms NOAA reported there has now been 1,577 tornados and more are on the way.





Luke 21:10 Jesus told us Pestilences would be a sign and Revelation 6:8 Jesus warned us by saying, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”  Here we go again, just a few days ago in America there was a National alert because of a disease on tomotoes. The link to the video will give you all the details.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8EGAsYv6xQ.

“Hong Kong Slaughters Chickens After Bird Flu Found”  June 11 (Bloomberg) — Hong Kong ordered the slaughter of all chickens in the city's markets and retail outlets after the H5N1 bird flu virus was detected in three more markets.” “About 3,500 chickens are being killed at about 470 stores, with vendors paid HK$30 ($3.84) for each bird, according to the government. Tests are being conducted at bird farms to determine whether further action is needed, it said.”





Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time. 

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf  FREE



Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 



Part 1 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY


Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE


Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

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