Fearful events/No peace/ War talk again/Israel getting ready for war/Last day events unfolding before us/Drought and heat kill off wheat crops/Gold and Silver records/April 28, 2011



“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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PHOTO: Tornado, Severe Weather Hits Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” Zechariah 12:3 tells us the nations who burden themselves with Jerusalem will be cut in pieces. Genesis 12:3 warns of a curse from God on anyone who curses Israel and Joel 3:2 says God will destroy anyone who divides the land of Israel.  Because of what I do people often ask me what do I think is happening to America.  That answer should be evident if you know the Word of God. Review the policies of the US toward Israel and it should be clear why the United States is being carved up by all these record breaking storms and the economic crisis.  The current US policy is to divide up Israel for the PLO and give East Jerusalem back to the PLO as their future Capital of the State of Palestine.  As long as these policies are being pressed on Israel America will continue to find herself under the curse of God and her decline from power will keep increasing until she is no longer a major player on the world stage. 

Knowing what God showed Daniel about the last world empire it is safe to say that the US will not change her present course on Israel, and she will be cut into pieces as the Prophet Zechariah shows us in verse 3. 

Now let’s put all these warnings together and hopefully you will see what the Holy Spirit is trying to show you.

"It is tornado season, but an intensive event like this only will occur maybe once or twice a year," he said. "It's very rare to have all these ingredients come together."


“With more than 600 reports of tornadoes so far this month, U.S. forecasters say April 2011 may end up being the most active April on record. The Storm Prediction Center said the highest number of confirmed tornadoes recorded in April since 1950 was 267 in 1974, Accuweather.com reported Tuesday. Forecasters noted the 600 for April 2011 are reports or sightings, not confirmed tornadoes.”


“Deadly tornadoes and thunderstorms tore through the South early today, pushing the death toll to at least 210 people in five states and giving neighboring states a possible taste of what's to come today, authorities said. So far 164 tornados have been reported from Mississippi to New York, the worst tornado outbreak since 1974 when a super tornado outbreak killed more than 300 people. The extreme weather has been blamed for 210 deaths over the past several days. The majority of the deaths have been reported in Alabama with 131 people killed, including 32 in the city of Tuscaloosa alone. Early estimates indicate that the tornado in Tuscaloosa could have been on the ground for 176 miles with winds between 167 and 200 mph.”


No jobsThe following statement is one I made on my Dec. 2, 2010 post. “Since 2008, I have warned you that you will see hundreds of thousands of people continue to lose their homes and jobs. Each month the news proves my warnings have come to pass. You will see the latest stats on how many US citizens lost there jobs”.  Many

More people sought unemployment benefits last week, the second rise in three weeks, a sign of the slow and uneven jobs recovery. Applications for unemployment benefits jumped 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 429,000 for the week ending April 23, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the highest total since late January. The four-week average of applications, a less volatile measure, rose to 408,500, its third straight rise and the first time it has topped 400,000 in two months. Applications near 375,000 are consistent with sustained job creation. Applications peaked during the recession at 659,000.”


100_dollar_bill_fire_hc.gif“U.S. stock-index futures fell and the Dollar Index dropped to a three-year low as reports showed the economy slowed more than forecast and jobless claims unexpectedly rose. Gold climbed to a record. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures declined 0.2 percent at 8:45 a.m. in New York, and the Stoxx Europe 600 Index gained less than 0.1 percent. The Dollar Index retreated for an eighth day, the longest losing streak since March 2009, slipping 0.4 percent to 73.193. Gold jumped to $1,534.05 an ounce and copper rose 0.7 percent.”

“During European trading hours, the euro reached its highest level since December 2009 at $1.4882, while the Australian dollar hit yet another post-float high and traded at $1.0919.”

At 9:37 am the price of silver has reached a new high of $48.92 an ounce.

There are two very important things you need to understand about the above news.  First of all, the EURO is the currency of the European Union.  The European Union is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  Jesus warned that just before He comes back the old Roman Empire would again rise up.  Take a look at what nations are in the EU and you will see they are the same nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire.  As the US dollar dies off, the EU euro is getting stronger.  While it is true the EU has its own economic troubles we know at the end of the day it will be either the Western leg of the old Roman Empire or the Eastern leg that will rise up and fulfilled every word Jesus warned about it. 

The second important fact is what is happening with gold and silver. Why is gold and silver skyrocketing to levels no one has ever seen before?  As the dollar dies it will continue to push up the prices of both these metals.  If you don’t know anything about prophecy you wouldn’t know that Jesus in Revelation 18:12 told us that people would be weeping over the loss of their gold and silver, and many other items He lists in that verse.  We already now what to expect in the future and therefore we know that the current prices of gold and silver are just the beginning of these metal up ward trend.  When will these prices reach there max?  Since Jesus shows us that He will take them away from the people during the tribulation period we know that it will be after the Church is taken away from the Earth,  and the tribulation is going on that the prices of gold and silver will have reached the max.  You see, the true Church will not look to gold and silver as her treasure, they will have seen the Messiah Jesus Christ as their true treasure and they will be basking in their treasure in heaven while the rest of the people will be on Earth running from the Antichrist.  Where will you be?



Prophecy Sign: Revelation 7:15-16 and Rev. 16:8-11shows us many signs of of which include the intense heat from the sun, the lack of drinking water, and people becoming hungry. Taking what Jesus has warned us I in turn has repeated these warnings and asked you to watch the news for these signs.  Here is just a sample of what is going on.  “KANSAS CITY, April 28 (Reuters) – A devastating drought intensified across Texas over the last week, with high winds and heat causing "massive crop losses," with little relief seen any time soon, weather experts said Thursday. The latest report from a consortium of national climate experts, dubbed the Drought Monitor, said drought worsened along the Texas border with Oklahoma, as well as in western, central and southern Texas. Ranchers were struggling to feed and water cattle, and wheat farmers were left to watch their crops shrivel into the dusty soil.”  With all the news around the world showing wheat crops are being destroyed by intense heat, droughts, floods, and new wheat killing diseases, and locusts its no wonder Jesus in Revelation 6:6 tells us that people will be working all day long to buy a quart of wheat.  Keep watching the news and you will see as the wheat crops are killed off the prices will go out of sight.  Jesus words are and will always be 100% fulfilled, and in time you will see this to be true. 


Hamas and Fatah leaders  Prophecy Sign: Events leading up to the war against Israel as seen in Psalm 83. “Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have reportedly reached an agreement to end their four-year rift by forming a caretaker government and holding new elections next year, according to Palestinian officials and a statement from Egypt's intelligence service, which helped broker the talks.”  Here is the most important part of today's report.   “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad are also eager to end the strife as they prepare to ask the United Nations in September to recognize Palestinian statehood”  Don’t forget the PLO factions think that in September the UN will take action to divide up Israel to make a Palestinian State.  Not only will this lead to the Psalm 83 war but you will also see the curse of God fall on all the nations who attack Israel.  Now that these PLO factions have come together we are one more step closer to the war.  If you are new to prophecy, read Psalm 83 and you will see that these are the same people God said would go after Israel.


What was Israel’s response to this new pact? “The Palestinian unity deal agreed in Cairo crossed "a red line," Israel's Avigdor Lieberman said on Thursday, warning that an array of measures could be taken against the Palestinian Authority.  "With this accord, a red line has been crossed," the ultra-nationalist foreign minister told Israel's military radio a day after the Palestinian parties announced a surprise reconciliation agreement. "We have at our disposal a vast arsenal of measures including the lifting of VIP status for Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad, which will not allow them to move freely," he said referring to president Mahmud Abbas and his prime minister. "We could also freeze the transfer of taxes collected by Israel for the Palestinian Authority," added Lieberman, who leads the Israel Beitenu party in the coalition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Khaled Meshaal, file pic “Israel immediately said that the Palestinian Authority could not have peace with both Hamas and Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "I hope the Palestinian Authority will make the right choice – peace with Israel."  Hamas has carried out bombings and rocket attacks against Israel for years and does not recognize its right to exist.”  Last night I was watch the BBC nightly news.  One of the reporters said something that I totally agree with.  The reporter stated the agreement that patched up the Fatah and Hamas factions means the Middle East peace talks are now dead!  You can see this will be the case by what Benjamin Netanyahu said today.  Knowing what God has shown us concerning the Psalm 83 war, and knowing that Paul warned that sudden destruction would come while they are calling for Peace and security we know that the Palestinian Authority will stay on course with Hamas.  Many people probably won’t pick up on the importance of the agreement signed by the two factions in Cairo.  Psalm 83 points out that Egypt will join the PLO factions when they attack Israel.  The road to the Psalm 83 war is being laid out, and most of the world is void that God has spoken to us in detail about this coming war. 



Hezbollah rocket launcherDo you find it odd that almost every week now news out of Israel is talking about war breaking out? I quote, “If war breaks out between Israel, Syria, and Hezbollah, Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime will "play powerful cards" in south Lebanon and will not hesitate to respond, senior security officials in Syria said, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai. According to the officials, in case of war with Israel, Syria and Hezbollah will compete with each other over who will fire the first Scud or Fateh missile at Tel Aviv. The Syrian officials also warned that the deteriorating security situation in Syria and damage to the country's stability may also have an effect on the situation in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon.”

Some of you may have not seen this news from yesterday but look at what is suppose to happen on May 15, 2011, and look at the nations who are suppose to do it!

“Sunday, May 15th To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 (Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada”  Now take a look at the photo above and see who God said is going to come against Israel.  They are exactly the same nations!  Is it possible that May 15 could light the fuse for the Psalm 83 war?  Watch with me and see.  If it doesn’t happen during this week, we know the birth pain sign is telling us it is very close.



IsraelThink another war isn’t coming ask Israel’s army if they think its a joke. They are preparing for it. “Israeli daily Maariv revealed in its Tuesday issue that Israeli occupation forces had built an underground city in Northern Israel to train for an imminent war against Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah. The army command allowed two reporters and a camera crew from Maariv to enter the city. The reporters were told by a military commander that the concept of the city is based on Củ Chi, the Vietnamese underground network constructed in the wake of the US invasion and used for transferring intelligence and preparing for battle. The commander stated that Hezbollah had already dug tunnels in southern Lebanon. He added that it was necessary to launch the project following the second war on Lebanon where the Israeli military was only able to incur a limited number of injuries to Hezbollah fighters until they emerged from their underground defenses”


Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Jan. All the nations in the above report will take part in the Psalm 83 war.  Now I want to turn my attention to Iran, which is another nation God warns us about in Ezekiel chapter 38.  Iran is one of the nations that God is going to destroy for coming against Israel and Jerusalem. For years Iran has been trying to get the PLO and its bordering nations to attack Israel.  After the news broke that the two PLO factions have joined forces again, look at what came out of Iran.

“The unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah is a "blessed, positive move," Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said Thursday according to the IRNA news agency.” “Salehi also said he hoped that the reconciliation agreement would "lead to acceleration of the developments in the Palestine region and to acquiring great victories in confrontations with the ruthless occupiers."  Salehi doesn’t know this but the confrontations is speaking about have already been written down in the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars.  For any of you who do not believe Israel will win both these wars, all I can tell you is stand by and remember what you were told by God in His Word!


Syria massacres protest Not only is Syria on its way to fulfilling what was written about it in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1, and Jeremiah 49:24-27, but this nation is also fulfilling Jesus warning in Matthew 24:7 were He warns us about (Kingdom coming against kingdom). Here is the latest news concerning this civil war. “Syrian security forces have killed at least 500 civilians in a crackdown on a "peaceful democratic uprising", Syrian human rights organization Sawasiah said on Thursday.”


Today David looks into the eyes of Christ. We will miss you Brother.

David Wilkerson, the founding pastor of Times Square Church and World Challenge Ministries has died on Wednesday. The 79-year-old pastor was widely known for his spiritual work as well as the author of The Cross and the Switchblade, a very popular book in evangelical history that influenced many people. An accomplished speaker and preacher, Reverend Wilkerson is known in many celebrity circles.

The confirmation of the passing was posted on the Times Square church website only hours ago with the heaviest of hearts.

It is with deepest of sadness that we have to inform you of the sudden passing of Reverend David Wilkerson, our founding pastor.


  1. Wow.. the war again. Why people love to war? we have enough of everything in this world to be shared. why people start to become greedy?

    • MARCELLA PETERSEN on May 25, 2011 at 9:17 am
    • Reply


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