Feb. 20, 2020- Hamas official calls for ‘intifada’ against Israel; Hospitals across the US prepare for coronavirus outbreak to become global pandemic



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Netanyahu approves thousands of Jewish housing units in eastern Jerusalem

Palestinian president blasts Netanyahu’s east Jerusalem settlement plan

In the past, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refrained from expanding these neighborhoods because of international pressure opposing Israeli expansion in eastern Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday that he has approved thousands of building permits for two Israeli neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem. According to Netanyahu, Har Homa will receive 2,200 new housing units and Givat Hamatos will receive 4,000.
Feb. 20, 2020

Hamas official calls for ‘intifada’ against Israel

Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the Hamas political bureau and one of the organization’s senior leaders in the Gaza Strip, is calling for a national action plan to combat the so-called “Deal of the Century”. Speaking at a conference in Gaza, al-Hayya said that the plan to fight the proposal should be based primarily on stopping the security coordination with Israel and canceling the Oslo Accords. He stressed the importance of convening the PLO leadership to discuss the fight against the “Deal of the Century”
Feb. 20, 2020


      Egypt constructing concrete wall along border with Gaza Strip

Security and military forces in Egypt have begun constructing a concrete wall on the border with the Gaza Strip. Egypt began the first stage of construction on Jan. 27 on the approximately mile-long wall stretching from the Kerem Shalom crossing to the Rafah border crossing. The barrier is set to be completed by the middle of 2020, security officials said. Upon completion, the wall will stand 19 feet high and extend 16 feet into the ground while standing parallel with an older rock barrier built in early 2008 about 32 feet away. The barrier is being constructed to block entry of gunmen from the Gaza Strip into Sinai and shut down the use of cross-border tunnels. The Egyptian army announced it had discovered a mile-long tunnel between the Palestinian and Egyptian sides of the border city of Rafah on Feb. 3, hours after five Egyptian soldiers were killed by an explosive device in a town in North Sinai.
Feb. 19, 2020


  Erdogan threatens ‘imminent’ Turkish operation in Syria

Turkey-backed forces hit Syrian troops in Idlib as a million civilians flee

Turkey says US could send Patriot missiles as tensions with Syria rise

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to launch an operation in Syria’s Idlib region by the end of the month if Damascus fails to withdraw behind Turkish military positions. “An operation in Idlib is imminent,” Erdogan told his party’s legislators in Parliament on Wednesday. “We are counting down, we are making our final warnings”. Russia – the Syrian government’s main ally in the nearly nine-year war – responded by saying any Turkish offensive against Syrian forces in Idlib would be the “worst scenario”. “If we are talking about an operation against the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Republic and armed forces of the Syrian republic this would, of course, be the worst scenario,” said Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, adding Russia and Turkey were staying in contact to prevent tensions escalating further.
Feb. 20, 2020

Erdogan slams EU plan to enforce Libya arms embargo

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday criticized the European Union’s decision to launch a maritime effort focused on enforcing the UN arms embargo around Libya, accusing the European states that have agreed to the operation of “interfering in the region.” Erdogan also hailed a decision by Libya’s UN-supported government to withdraw from talks with rivals following an attack Tuesday on the sea port of the Libyan capital, Tripoli. The US called for the talks to be resumed “quickly.” EU foreign ministers agreed earlier this week to end ‘Operation Sophia’, the bloc’s naval mission in the Mediterranean Sea, and launch a maritime effort focused more on implementing the UN arms embargo around Libya.
Feb. 20, 2020

Coordinator of the ’Boycott U.S. Products’ Campaign in Tunisia: America Is Threatening the Whole World (VIDEO)

Yahya Muhammad, coordinator of the “Boycott U.S. Products” campaign in Tunisia was interviewed on Telvza TV (Tunisia) on February 12, 2020. In the interview, Muhammad said that the goal of the campaign is to target the American economy that has brought “nothing but killing upon the world.” He added that America is threatening not only the Palestinians, but the entire Arab region and even the whole world.
Feb. 20, 2020


Global Crop Failures Continue: In Australia This Is Going To Be The Worst Harvest Ever Recorded

Global food production is being hit from seemingly every side. Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, giant locust armies in Africa and the Middle East, and an unprecedented outbreak of African Swine Fever in China, a lot less food is being produced around the world than originally anticipated. Even during the best of years we really struggle to feed everyone on the planet, and so a lot of people are wondering what is going to happen as global food supplies become tighter and tighter. The mainstream media in the United States is so obsessed with politics right now that they haven’t been paying much attention to this emerging crisis, but the truth is that this growing nightmare is only going to intensify in the months ahead.
Feb. 19, 2020


 The anti-Zionist hypocrisy of the World Council of Churches

What is the WCC and why does it view Trump’s Peace plan as the equivalent of an act of war against the Palestinians? The umbrella world body was founded in 1948 with the mission of unifying Christian witness. However, with conflicting theologies, the only thing that it shares is political defamation of the Jewish state of Israel, thus providing cover for the Palestinian Authority opposing efforts at normalization. Instead, the WCC supports the blood libel actions of clerics like Archbishop Attallah Hanna, the Head of the Sebastia Diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem who was condemned by the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the International Committee for Interreligious Consultations. Then there is South African theologian Jerry Pillay, who is running for election as the WCC leader and who accuses Israel of being an apartheid state.
Feb. 19, 2020


Iran announces 3 new cases of new virus after 2 deaths

South Korea Reports 1st Coronavirus Death as Outbreak Enters ‘New Phase’

Hospitals across the US prepare for coronavirus outbreak to become global pandemic

California Asks Over Five Thousand People To ‘Self-Quarantine’ Over Suspicions Of COVID-19 Coronavirus

Authorities worldwide warned about the spread of the coronavirus beyond China on Thursday as Japan reported the first two deaths from the Diamond Princess cruise liner, South Korea reported its first fatality, and new cases in Iran sparked fears about many new cases appearing in the Middle East. A Japanese man and woman, both said to be in their 80s, were among more than 600 passengers who contracted the disease while on board the Diamond Princess. They left the ship last week and were hospitalized, but they died Thursday, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported. A day earlier, an infectious disease specialist slammed officials for failing to observe proper quarantine practices on the vessel. In South Korea, cases soared by nearly two-thirds, mostly in the southern part of the peninsula, national authorities said. The mayor of Daegu, the city where 10 South Koreans contracted the disease from a church service, asked residents to stay indoors. Many international experts say the disease will continue to spread globally even as the Chinese government seeks to present the image that it is coming to grips with the epidemic.
Feb. 20, 2020

US Experiencing Worst Flu Season For Children In Past Decade As Second Influenza Wave Spreading

It’s been a bad flu season for children nationwide and now officials say there is a second wave of influenza spreading. Pennsylvania has more than 72,000 confirmed cases of the flu, which is just a small reflection of the number of people who are sick. The flu can be dangerous for children, especially if they have a weakened immune system or have not been vaccinated. Dr. Aditi Joshi, with Jefferson Health, says it’s easily spread in schools. “Because it’s very contagious, it can live on surfaces for a few hours even if you’re not there and if you don’t wash your hands, it tends to be very contagious for that reason, so kids tend to get it a lot,” Dr. Joshi said. The CDC says this is one of the worst flu seasons for children. Ninety-two have died since last fall, which is the highest total at this point in the season in the past decade.
*** 92 people have died of influenza since last fall, while 2,100 have died of the coronavirus in China in the last 7 weeks
Feb. 19, 2020


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