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Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 19 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora
In life you see things in a different way as you get older. You would think that as a person gets older he or she would learn not to repeat the things that just didn’t work in your life. I am sure most of you reading this would say the same thing when it come to how our government has been working. Ask yourself this question. Do I think it is smart to keep repeating the things that do not change my life for the better? Most people with any common sense would say no unless something is causing them to do something they really do not want to do. You’ll see what I mean after you read the Brilliance in 3 parts first.BRILLIANCE IN 3 PARTS
On another subject Muslims for years have been trying to make the world believe that they have the real right to the city of Jerusalem. Years of lies after lies have been flooding out of the Islamic states but all along the truth has been known via the word of God. Now the proof of what the Bible has shown us has been released via a new discovery proving the Jews had ownership long before the Muslims.
The Israel Antiquities Authority announced a 2,700-year-old papyrus reference to Jerusalem has been recovered and put on public display – the oldest non-biblical Hebrew document mentioning the city.
The papyrus, originally stolen by antiquities thieves, shows two clear lines of writing: “From the king’s maidservant, from Naharta, jars of wine, to Jerusalem.”
The scroll was originally plundered from a cave in Nahal Hever in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea by antiquities thieves.
Prophecy concerning the birds, fish, and animals dying off in the last days: Hosea 4:1-3 …’Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.’
Revelation 11:18 …’And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.’
If you are new to this web site what you will be seeing below is only a partial list of thousands of reports just like the ones below. More reports are coming as we are most assuredly in the last days.
February 15, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Piaui, Brazil.
February 20, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in La Pampa, Argentina.
February 21, 2018 – 325 monkeys found dead during the past month in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
February 21, 2018 – Hundreds of ducks dead due to disease in Kapiti Coast, New Zealand.
February 21, 2018 – Tens of tons of fish suddenly die in a lake in West Lampung, Indonesia.
February 22, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beach in Aukland, New Zealand.
February 22, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish found in Chattanooga, Tennessee, America.
February 22, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in North Carolina, America.
February 23, 2018 – 400 sheep dead from ‘infection’, owners ‘shocked’ in Mulabagilu taluk, India.
February 24, 2018 – Tens of thousands of dead fish found in the Nechi River, Colombia.
February 25, 2018 – 3 dead dolphins found washed up on Long Beach, Mississippi, America.
February 25, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish wash appear in Bluff harbour, Iowa, America.
February 25, 2018 – 1,000 water birds found dead ‘due to disease’ in Canterbury, New Zealand
February 25, 2018 – Hundreds of birds fall dead from sky in Chihuahua, Mexico.
February 26, 2018 – 36,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Groningen, Netherlands.
Prophecy Sign: Christ warned you to watch for the “great earthquakes” as part of the last day signs. Here is what has happened since the beginning of this year.
A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck No. of Honduras January 10, 2018
A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck No. of Myanmar January 11, 2018
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near coast of Southern Peru January 14, 2018
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck off the Gulf of California January 19, 2018
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Chile January 21, 2018
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Java, Indonesia January 23, 2018
A magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska January 23, 2018
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Hokkaido, Japan January 24, 2018
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck Komandors Kiye Ostrova region January 25, 2018
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near the coast of New Guinea January 26, 2018
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Southwest of Africa January 28, 2018
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake Afghanistan January 31, 2018
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Fiji Region February 1, 2018
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the Pacific Antarctic Ridge February 2, 2018
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Taiwan February 4, 2018
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Taiwan February 7, 2018
A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Mariana Islands region February 11, 2018
A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Mexico February 16, 2018
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake Indonesia February 26, 2018
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake Papua New Guinea February 26, 2018