Follow up on this morning post/Iran to send ship to Gaza

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I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This morning I wrote to you about signing showing us the Psalm 83 war will take place soon.  As you know Iran has warned they are going to send an escort with the ship that is supposed to bring aid to the PLO in the Gaza.  Today Israel sent a warning of its own to Iran. I quote, “Israel said on Monday it would not let Iranian ships sail to Gaza after the Iranian Red Crescent announced it would send two vessels to the region in the coming week. “If we didn’t let an Irish ship reach Gaza, we are certainly not going to let Iranian ships pass,” one diplomatic official said. The official added that it was not yet clear how serious the Iranian threat was, and that there was often “a lot of bluster” coming out of Teheran. “The Iranian regime has called for Israel to be wiped off the map and has a proven track record of supplying dangerous weapons to Hamas and Hizbullah,” the official said. “Obviously, any shipment from Iran to Gaza would be a major concern.”

As I said this morning this is getting really interesting as the last days events keep speeding up!  May I ask all of you to please contact at least one person you love and begin warning them what God has shown us in His Word.  Don’t do this for me, do it because you love Christ and are fully aware that our time here to spread the Good News about Christ’s Salvation is drawing to a close.

As you know I have been warning you that we are witnessing Zechariah 12:3 coming to pass.  This is the prophecy where God reveals to us that Israel will be isolated in the last days as all the nations come against Jerusalem.  This same report which addresses the ship movement toward the Gaza by Iran also addresses my warning from Zechariah 12:3.  I quote, “In the midst of a debate on the matter, President Shimon Peres reportedly told Netanyahu during a meeting on Monday that if he wanted to prevent further international isolation of Israel, moving forward on the peace process with the Palestinians would be more important than the establishment of a flotilla probe.”  I pray that Shimon Peres reads what Zechariah was told.  Nothing either Netanyahu or Peres will do will stop the International community from turning on Israel.  The best advise anyone can give Peres is to get ready to be blessed by God as He moves in to protect the nation He has picked out to demonstrate He is the Lord God.  When you read about both the Psalm and Ezekiel wars, which are coming up fast, you will learn God does not allow Israel to be wiped off the map as Iran’s President has been praying for.

All I can say to the unbeliever is just watch and see what happens in the Middle East soon.  Most of the world, (the unbelievers) will see that Israel will be out numbered as they are attacked by the nations in Psalm 83.  Israel will probably be out numbered 5 to 1 as they were in the previous wars.  When you watch the news you will be thinking Israel will finally meet their end, but it is not going to happen.  At the end of the Psalm war Israel will be stronger and will have over taken even more land from the nations who had attacked them.  When you see this fulfillment, contact me and I will tell you what is coming next, that is if I haven’t been raptured already.  If you are an unbeliever, do not harden your heart to Christ when you see things take place.  We were warned in advance to show us all that He is the true living Lord, and He has been calling you to come to Him.  Its either yes or no?  Let me be Frank with you, a yes to Jesus will give you eternal life with Christ. A no will give you a ticket to the seven year tribulation where you will have the chance to refuse the mark of the beast in order to receive eternal life with the Lord that loves us all.


  1. Peat is does appear that someone has shaved their legs…Good observation…Being unfamiliar with this process, I looked it up on Wikipedia and the definition is: “It is a very common practice among women in Western countries

  2. Hey this is really very interesting post…. thanks for the share.
    just keep posting new information….. I’m looking forwards to your blog. Thanks very much!
    James, NY

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