How Antichrist will rise/World in crisis/Drugs in the last days/Earthquakes/Jan. 12, 2010



Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, I will come to you if invited.  My service in Christ is free.  Contact me a  

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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

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Next show this Friday Jan. 15,2010 at 6PM EST

Prophecy Sign:  Revelation 13:16-17  He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name”.  Jesus has warned us that when the Antichrist makes his way to power via the revived Roman Empire he will take control of the world’s economy.  We see this in verses 16-17 because the Antichrist has the power to stop anyone from buying or selling anything unless they take his mark. 

In chapter 1 of my book I explain in detail and provide you the proof that the way the Antichrist will be able to reach his seat of power will be when to things take place.  Mind you, they do not have to take place in this order.  First, he will rise as a world figure when he confirms a seven year covenant with Israel and many nations.  We see this taking place in Daniel 9:27.  The second way we believe he will rise to power is when the world economic system caves in, and we are seeing signs this is going to happen very soon.  In chapter 1 of my book I outline a scenario how this worldwide banking collapse could take place.  I show what will happen when there is a run on the banks and a nations economy crumbles.  What is scary is, this same scenario appears to be on the verge of really happening soon. There is no way I can give you all the status for each nation so I will provide you information that is pressing on form nations.  Keep in mind, all it would take is one nations economic system to collapse to send the world in a tail spin.

Most of you didn’t even realize we almost saw this happen to the UK recently, and as you read on you will learn the UK may still collapse.  I quote, “Britain was just three hours away from going bust last year after a secret run on the banks, one of Gordon Brown's Ministers has revealed. City Minister Paul Myners disclosed that on Friday, October 10, the country was 'very close' to  a complete banking collapse after 'major depositors' attempted to withdraw their money en masse. The Mail on Sunday has been told that the Treasury was preparing for the banks to shut their doors to all customers, terminate electronic transfers and even block hole-in-the-wall cash withdrawals. Only frantic behind-the-scenes efforts averted financial meltdown.”  The report below will show you that the UK put a band aid on the meltdown, but the band aid is not working.

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“All hopes of Gordon Brown managing to save the world with October's great banking bail-out have proved tragically misguided.  The £37billion injected into the banks last autumn might have helped save the financial system from instant meltdown. But its effects have proved at best temporary, and now the money has disappeared without trace.  The consequences of this failure are grim indeed. Britain now faces, for the first time in history, the prospect of national bankruptcy.”  If you have been following what is currently taking place in the United States economic crisis you will want to pay close attention to this next quote from the same report.  National bankruptcy occurs when the national debt grows so large that investors believe it can never be repaid. At that point they go on strike.  Two things then happen. The currency collapses. That is already starting to happen with sterling, precisely because of growing international fears about the solvency of the British state.  And the government starts to print money. Unable to borrow money in the form of loans to pay off the national deficit, it orders the central bank to create it. This was the tactic resorted to when Germany went bust in the early 1920s, and by Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. As these two examples show, the result can be extremely inflationary – but Bank of England officials are now actively contemplating this course of action.”  This is exactly what is happening to the USA.  I checked the U.S. debt today and the Amount of U.S. debt is $12,295,459,828,733,02, and what is are the Feds doing?  They are printing up more worthless U.S. dollars.  I am warning you right now and I pray you will believe this.  Soon one or more of these nations economic system is going to collapse, and then you wil see panic spread worldwide as you have never seen in our life time.  America and the UK are not alone in this crisis take to heart what happened to Iceland.  Can we really see signs that United States is about to go under?  At the current time we are told “46 Of 50 States Could File Bankruptcy In 2009-2010”. 

Do you want to see how close we are to a new system?  Watch the news and once you hear U.S. states are claiming they are bankrupt, you will know the entire nation is about to fold.  Once that happens the scenario I warned you about in my book will become reality.  If you haven’t noticed, just about every politician is in the panic mode.  The system the will give rise to the Antichrist is being laid out and most of the world is blind to what is happening.  Talk about panic you need to read what happened to Iceland.

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See full size imageI quote, “That’s an amazing sentence: Iceland goes bankrupt. But that’s exactly what happened yesterday. That’s a clear sign that the global financial crisis is entering a new and vastly more dangerous phase, where we are paying the price of the lack of a global financial regulator and global central bank. What ‘bankrupt’ means is just that: The country cannot pay back its external debts, and the Icelandic currency, the krona, has become essentially valueless in the rest of the world. That means the country can no longer pay for imports. The Icelandic problems have nothing to do directly with American real estate. As Kerry Capell of BW writes:”  If you haven’t read the news you may not realize that China has been the main nation who is currently holding off the American economic collapse, because they keep buying up the U.S. debt.  However, China has begun to dump the U.S. dollar and has brought some 2 billion in gold.  China is also one of the main nations working to dump the U.S. dollar a the world’s resever currency.  Why is China doing this?  Because they know the U.S. is going to collapse under all her debt soon and they are preparing for it.  China holding U.S. debt.

In 2008 I warned you that in the coming months you will hear news that America is headed for another depression.  In May 2009 a report was written with the title, “Dollar Devaluation is Inevitable… Just like in 1934”.  This reported gave insights on why they believe America is headed for a depression. I quote, “It is evident to all the US economic environment is an unmitigated disaster. In fact we seem to be hell bent for leather falling into another Great Depression (the recent Bear Market Rally in Wall Street notwithstanding). This begs the question: What can President Obama do to avert the excruciatingly sad events of the 1930s?

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Here are the economic problems causing havoc today in the USA:

– The banking system is collapsing
– Tidal waves of foreclosures sweep the country
– Tumbling housing prices
– A bear market ravages Wall Street stocks
– Massive unemployment throughout the nation
– Overall we are in a deflationary spiral
– Interest rates are abysmally low
– Consumer confidence is bottomless

And what were the economic maladies causing economic havoc in 1933?

– The banking system was collapsing
– Tidal waves of foreclosures swept the country
– Tumbling housing prices
– A bear market ravaged Wall Street stocks
– Massive unemployment throughout the nation
– Overall we were in a deflationary spiral
– Interest rates were abysmally low
– Consumer confidence was bottomless

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The link below takes you to Gerald Celente, who is one of the leading economic forecastors. The report is entitled, “Survivor, America: "It's Only Going to Get Worse," Gerald Celente Says”"it's-only-going-to-get-worse"-gerald-celente-says-401199.html

One thing is clear, the Antichrist is alive and waiting in the wings to rise to power.  Satan during the seven year tribulation is going to take over this man and you don’t want to be around when he does.  In the meantime there are signs a new system is coming.

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Venezuela is another nation in a crisis. I quote, “CARACAS — President Hugo Chávez's decision to devalue Venezuela's bolivar and impose a complicated new currency regime may paper over some growing cracks in the economy, but it is also setting the stage for bigger problems down the road for the country's oil-rich nation and its populist leader.  Over the weekend, there were signs that Mr. Chávez's slashing of the "strong bolivar" currency could create as many problems as it solves in Venezuela's economy, provoking a wave of anxiety that sent Venezuelans scurrying to spend cash they feared could soon be worthless.”  Venezuela is putting band aids on a deep wound just like the UK did and it isn’t going to work.  The bottom line is this, our world is headed on a way way highway that is going to end up at the door step of the Antichrist.  There is nothing I can do to make any of you believe this is truth.  All I can do is point out what warnings Jesus has given you, and pray you listen to what the Holy Spirit is showing you via my work for Christ.

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Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  This prophecy is one of those major signs telling all those who are on the watch that Christ is about to take His Church out of this world.  It is a major sign this is the last generation.  Daniel pointed out that this generation would be known as the generation of increased knowledge and people traveling back and forth that has come to pass. Christ tells us that this same generation would be known for their drugs, and that to has taken place at the same time all the other prophecies are.

Years ago I warned people at many of my seminars that in the near future leaders would make drugs legal. I had people within my own family who said I was crazy, that this would never happen.  I issued this warning based on Rev. 9:21 knowing that the birth pains would get worse as we got closer to Christ’s return.  Here is a prime example how the failing economic system is motivating government leaders to make drugs legal.  I quote, “The first step to legalize marijuana in California could happen Tuesday.  Lawmakers will vote on Assembly Bill 390—legislation to tax and regulate marijuana. The assembly's Public Safety Committee is expected to vote after a hearing that begins at 9 a.m. hearing.  The bill, authored by San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, would essentially treat pot the same way alcohol is treated under the law and would allow adults over 21 to possess, smoke and grow marijuana.  The law would also call for a fee of $50 per ounce sold and would help fund drug eradication and awareness programs. It could help pull California out of debt, supporters say, raising up to $990 million from the fees.”

California isn’t the only place this is happening. “From heroin “shooting galleries” in Vancouver to Mexico’s decriminalisation of personal possession of drugs, the Americas are suddenly looking more permissive. Meanwhile in Europe, where drugs policy is generally less stringent, seven countries have decriminalised drug possession, and the rest are increasingly ignoring their supposedly harsh regimes. Is the “war on drugs” becoming a fiction?” 

Lets connet the dots.  What happens when a crisis comes?  Economic turmoil (e.g., increased unemployment, foreclosures, loss of investments and other financial distress) can result in a whole host of negative health effects – both physical and mental. It can be particularly devastating to your emotional and mental well-being. Although each of us is affected differently by economic troubles, these problems can add tremendous stress, which in turn can substantially increase the risk for developing such problems as”. This report goes on to list things that happen during these emotional times.  1. Depression 2. Anxiety 3. Compulsive Behaviors (over-eating, excessive gambling, spending, etc and, please notice number 4. Substance Abuse.   Once you read what Jesus has prophesied about the last days, one can see easily see how bad times will have a huge affect on fulfilling Revelation 9:21.

Matthew 24:7 Eathqukes in many places. Today so far.

MAP  5.5   2010/01/12 10:58:11    -5.431    133.788  10.8   KEPULAUAN KAI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/01/12 10:54:09    14.668    120.506  112.4   LUZON, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.1   2010/01/12 00:16:42    25.012    123.324  6.7   NORTHEAST OF TAIWAN


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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.   




    • Julie on January 12, 2010 at 12:43 pm
    • Reply

    Wow!! Frank thank you for revealing this information, we certainly are getting closer to see Jesus returning for His church! God Bless You.

    • Uithoven family on January 12, 2010 at 2:08 pm
    • Reply

    Come soon Lord Jesus!!!
    Thanks for your work Frank!

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