Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days. My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved. If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, I will come to you if invited. My service in Christ is free. Contact me a
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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
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Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:22 “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect–if that were possible.” One of the last day’s signs Jesus told us to watch out for is the sign of false Christ’s. In chapter 7 of my book I cover many of these false Christ’s, however here is one of the latest men claiming to be the Christ. When you go to the link below you will see his most frequent asked questions of Pastor Quiboloy. When you read the answers to some of these questions you see how Quiboloy thinks and teaches he is Jesus the Son of God. I quote starting with #6.
6. Why is it that in all of your preaching, you always use yourself as an example?
Because I am the Appointed Son of God and that is my role. Even in the Jewish setting, our Lord Jesus Christ’s role was being the Begotten Son of God that’s why He always used Himself as an example by saying, “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
7. You say that you are the Appointed Son; does it mean that you are of the same level with our Lord Jesus Christ?
I have inherited the Sonship from Him as the Begott en Son in the Jewish sett ing. He was in the position of the Begott en Son to complete the physical sacrifice of being the Son to produce the spiritual. I am the production of the spiritual sacrifice on the cross. I inherited the Sonship from Him. He took it away from Satan Lucifer the devil and delivered it to His Appointed Son, whom He has appointed in these last days. (Hebrews 1:1) I was able to finish His work (John 17:4). I have completed the spiritual component of salvation which was not completed during the Jewish Age and the Church Age. I am the Father’s finish product of what He had done on the cross. (Rev. 21:7)
10. Why did God not specify that there will be a Second Son?
The fulfillment of the New Testament is upon us. We are the focus of His salvation. If we are all righteous, why do we need to be saved? The Bible says that when the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide us into all truth and He will show you things to come (John. 16:13). Those things to come are not yet written but they will be revealed through the voice of the Appointed Son the Father has chosen in the last days, because He will speak through the Son. Hebrews 1: 1-2 says, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers through the prophets. Hath in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds.” Many people would say that is referring to Jesus Christ in the Jewish setting as the Son of God. That is true. When He was in the position of the Son, this referred to Him in the Jewish setting as the Son of God. Now in the Gentile setting, He is in the position of the Father. This now refers to the Son of God in the Gentile setting because as I said, I have inherited the Sonship and everything that pertains to the Son here in the Gentile setting.
By the way, Pastor Quiboloy is also teaching the rapture has been taking place since 2005. Please keep in mind the Word of God tells us the rapture takes place in a twinkling of an eye. The rapture will happen very fast and be over with, yet this false Christ has twisted what Paul wrote to imply the rapture is an on going event. I quote from his site and the link is below for you.
“Rapture has taken place and is still taking place. From April 13, 2005 up to the present, the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven are still open for the raptured ones who are still coming in. And this is the twinkling of an eye that the Father has promised to us in 1 Corinthians 15:52, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Prophecy Sign: In chapter 8 of my book I give you specific details on how God has blessed Israel. This chapter is loaded with prophecies which tell us what God was going to do with Israel when the Jews were brought back as a nation again. This is what Jeremiah 30:3 says, “For behold, days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah.' The LORD says, 'I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they shall possess it." In Isaiah 43:5-9 God tells us He will bring the Jews back from the North, South, East and the West. This prophecy has been fulfilled and is still being fulfilled. Israel was born a nation again in 1948 and God did exactly what He promised. The recent figures show the number of people living in Israel. I quote, “At the close of the first decade of the third millennium, Israel has 7.5 million residents, including 5.7 million Jews (75.4 percent of the population) and 1.5 million Arabs (20.3 percent of the population). The remaining 319,000 residents are made up of Christians and followers of other religions. According to the data, released Wednesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel's population grew by 1.8 percent in 2009.” When you read my book I will break down the number of people who have come from the four corners of the Earth. Here is the point. This was to happen while all the other prophecies were also coming to pass, and they are! This tells us, we are very close to the second coming of Christ.
Matthew 24:7 Christ tells us in the last days we are not only going to see wars, but we are also going to hear of rumors of war. Sometimes we see the rumors Here is one of those reports. Do the Israeli’s think war is coming to Israel? This news report points to the coming war. I quote, “Israel will begin distributing its entire population with gas masks in two months, though no reason has officially been given by the Israeli government. No indication or threat has been made against Israel from any country that an attack is planned. No country in the Middle East is believed to be likely to engage in chemical or biological warfare with Israel, either. The gas mask distribution has, however, raised questions as to Israel’s potential plans to launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Such an attack could cause an unconventional response from Iran. Iran’s chemical and biological weapons capabilities are currently not known.” You don’t need to be very smart to realize what is happening. Why do you think every Jew in Israel is getting a gas mask? Without telling us, it is a clear message these people are gearing up for the next war. I think the person who wrote the report must have his or her head examined after I read the following: “No country in the Middle East is believed to be likely to engage in chemical or biological warfare with Israel, either.” It is clear from what Iran’s President has stated that they will use all means to wipe out the State of Israel. This is the reason why Iran’s President is trying to get hold of a nuclear bomb, and this is also the reason why we keep hearing Israel is going to attack Iran soon.
Prophecy Sign: The wars of Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38. Last year I warned you from time to time about two wars that have not yet been fulfilled. The Psalms war deals with the nations that border Israel, and the Ezekiel 38 war deals with a Russian lead invasion against Israel with many Muslims allies, which will include Iran. All the signs point to these wars being fulfilled soon and there was a very interesting article in the American Chronicle that you should read. The title to the report is “2010 will witness the most destructive wars in modern history”. When you read this report you will find out it speaks to us about the exact same nations that God warns us about in both the prophecies.
“In 2010, weapons of mass destruction that were developed after the unprecedented Iraq war, will probably determine the fate of at least two Middle East countries and that of a mini-state: Iran and its nuclear program, Lebanon and Hezbollah, and the Gaza Palestinian Strip mini-state. It is expected that events will unfold in a dramatic way that could be much more catastrophic and destructive than all the previous wars that hit the region throughout the past 50 years. Analysts assume that these coming wars will remove all obstacles that US President Barack Obama is presently facing in his endeavor to solve the Arab – Israeli conflict which has been raging for the last 61 years. In the midst of all these dramatic foreseen events, Syria and Lebanon will have no other option but to the sign a peace treaty in compliance with Israel's terms.”
“Israeli experts at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Universities strongly believe that the Khamenei-Ahmadinejad regime in Tehran could pre-empt any international military attack against its nuclear program and start a war against Israel from south Lebanon through Hezbollah and several Palestinian armed militias allied with Syria that are stationed in Lebanon. These experts say that such an Iranian act will give Israel´s Netanyahu government the needed justifications to go ahead and wage an unprecedented destructive war against both Hezbollah and Lebanon and totally cripple their capabilities for many years to come.”
One thing is very clear to us. Events are taking place that will bring these nations to war against Israel soon. How soon? I wish I could provide you with the exact timing, but I can’t. All I can say is it is close, so be ready at all times. Part of being on the watch is being ready. Events being played out in the news is by far no coincidence, and if you think they are you aren’t ready for what is coming.
Speaking about the Psalms and Ezekiel war, I can only point out to you the things which I believe will bring on these wars. Concerning the Ezekiel war, I still think this war will take place because Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear weapons sites. I keep showing you reports out of Israel saying the window to strike against Iran is closing. Just a few weeks ago John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, was interviewed by Fox News. If you read chapter 10 from my book you would have thought Mr. Bolton was quoting some of the things I had pointed out concerning prophecy. A link to : “John Bolton: Window Closing for Israeli Military Action Against Iran” is below.
Now that you have seen the interview with Mr. Bolton and realize Iran has the missile to hit Israel you may want to connect this news with what Bolton has shown us. I quote, “Iran warned on Saturday the West has until the end of the month to accept Tehran's counterproposal to a U.N.-drafted plan on a nuclear exchange, or the country will start producing nuclear fuel on its own. The warning was a show of defiance and a hardening in Iran's stance over its controversial nuclear program, which the West fears masks an effort to make nuclear weapons. "We have given them an ultimatum. There is one month left and that is by the end of January," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said, speaking on state television.” I don’t think Israel’s Prime Minister is ever going to allow Iran to produce nuclear fuel, and will attack Iran before this happens. Right now this is the best bet to seeing how the Ezekiel war could begin.
As far as the Psalms war is concerned I still think this war will break out as a result of the failed peace process.
Prophecy Sign: Here we go again as the Middle East peace talks are on again and off again then on again. Paul warned us in 1 Thessalonians. 5:3 that destruction would come when the peace call was being heard. Here is the proof of this present day peace call. I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later this month in the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, government sources said Thursday. "There is a possibility of a breakthrough surrounding the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority," senior officials in the Prime Minister's Office said earlier Thursday. -"Israel's idea of an Egypt-hosted peace summit with Abbas was proposed during Netanyahu's talks with Mubarak," an Israeli official told Reuters. Another official confirmed Netanyahu had raised the summit idea.” I look at it this way. Iran is not going to cave in to Israel’s demands to stop their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb, and Israel is never going to give up their holy city of Jerusalem. The peace process going on right now in the Middle East will probably break down over who owns this holy city. War has been fought over the rights to this city before and prophecy shows us this is about to happen again.
Everyone knows tensions between Israel and Iran is rising. Will Israel attack Iran at the end of the allotted time given them to shut down their nuclear weapson program. Considering every Israeli is getting gas masks, and now Iran is plaining defensive military drills. One can put both of these reports together and ask what does all this mean, or you can simply trust the Word of God and know that soon all of these nations will be engaged in war. Here is the news about Iran’s plans to get ready for action. “Iranian media on Sunday reported Tehran will conduct a large-scale defensive military exercise next month, coinciding with what government officials now say is a deadline for the West to respond to its counteroffer to a nuclear-fuel deal. The commander of Iran's ground forces, Brig. Gen. Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan, said the drill will be conducted by Iran's army, in conjunction with some units of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, to improve "defensive capabilities," Press TV, the English-language, state-run media outlet reported.”'s_Most_Popular
In today’s news you can see the aggravation with the peace process. Turkey who is one of the nations listed to attack Israel in the Ezekiel war is sounding off on Israel as well as Saudi Arabia who is mentioned in the Psalms 83 war against Israel. I quote, “Turkey and Saudi Arabia have called on the international community to take a “stern and serious stance” against Israel’s settlement policy, which continues to stall the Middle East peace process.” Israel acts like a “spoiled child” and stalls Middle East peace talks thanks to easy international treatment, al-Faisal said at the conference in response to a question on restarting the Palestinian peace talks. “We can’t reach a solution with the preferential treatment that Israel gets. In the international community Israel has become like a spoiled child,” he said.” I am telling you the Arabs are coming to the end of their rope when it comes to talking about peace with Israel. The next step will be a war.
Prophecy Sign: The Apostle Paul in II Thessalonians 2:4 shows us that the Antichrist is going to sit in the Jewish Temple that is going to be rebuilt soon. I quote Paul. “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” Many of you may not realize this but the Jews have been preparing to rebuild this Third Temple. For years a body of Jews who have been working at what is called the Temple Institute have been busy recreating all the artefacts that the Jews used in their daily sacrifices in the second Jewish Temple. Let me give you some of the latest news concerning the Jews getting ready to rebuild the Temple which Paul refers to. I quote, "The act of building this model is a statement by the nation of Israel toward the Heavens, that we really want a Temple and are doing everything possible to be ready for it,” artist Kidron said after completing the work. “As an artist from a priestly family, the construction of the altar connected with the aspiration to connect matter with spirit, earth to heaven, and man to his G-d,” he explained.” You may not understand fully what is going on inside Israel, but in the past year we have seen more talk about rebuilding the Third Temple than I have ever seen. I believe the reason why is because the birth pains Jesus warned us about are getting more intense, and this alone shows us we are moving faster toward the final days. What I believe will happen is we will see both the Psalms war, and the Ezekiel war take place soon, then very quickly we will also see the Jews start the construction of the Temple. One thing to always keep in the back of your mind, everything is happening all at once now, and we have never seen this in our history before. Jesus said when you shall see all these things know that it is near. I truly believe 2010 is going to bring many prophecies to fulfillment, but time will tell. Whatever happens we just need to be ready for anything.
Prophecy Sign: Is the earth shaking like Jesus said it would be? In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus gives us a list of signs to watch for in the last days. As you can see from Matthew 24:7 one of these many signs that are suppose to take place all at the same time is the sign of many earthquakes. I took a few days off. Take a look at the many earthquakes reported in those few days I was off. Some of these earthquakes were major earthquakes. In Luke 21:11 Christ also points out that in the last days the last generation would witness “great earthquakes”. In the past two days we saw a 6.1, 7.2, 6.5, and 6.9. All these quakes are very big earthquakes, but the ones Jesus speaks to us about in 21:11 are going to be much bigger. If these are the last days and events are speeding up we should begin to see more quakes hitting over the 8.0 mark. Don’t be surprise when you see them!
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MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s |
LAT deg |
LON deg |
DEPTH km |
Region |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/01/05 14:36:25 | -2.468 | 121.314 | 19.2 | SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/05 13:56:57 | -9.020 | 157.694 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/01/05 13:11:44 | -9.216 | 157.930 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/01/05 13:10:02 | -8.930 | 157.587 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/05 12:36:18 | -8.858 | 157.542 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/01/05 12:25:32 | -8.979 | 158.091 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 6.9 | 2010/01/05 12:15:36 | -8.886 | 157.522 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 6.7 | 2010/01/05 04:55:39 | -58.101 | -14.867 | 10.0 | EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/01/05 04:15:53 | -23.607 | -63.691 | 545.7 | SALTA, ARGENTINA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/01/05 01:34:26 | -16.429 | -73.999 | 26.2 | NEAR THE COAST OF SOUTHERN PERU |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/01/04 23:25:14 | -8.906 | 157.333 | 85.4 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/04 14:24:22 | -8.486 | 157.085 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 6.1 | 2010/01/04 11:28:24 | -8.346 | 157.067 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/01/04 10:04:42 | -21.006 | -178.951 | 619.0 | FIJI REGION |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/04 07:39:04 | -8.653 | 157.121 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/01/04 05:41:20 | -8.770 | 157.445 | 35.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/01/04 04:17:48 | -8.909 | 157.619 | 12.1 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/01/04 02:08:12 | -8.922 | 157.625 | 38.6 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/04 01:47:20 | -8.950 | 157.748 | 28.3 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 7.2 | 2010/01/03 22:36:28 | -8.800 | 157.370 | 25.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 6.5 | 2010/01/03 21:48:06 | -8.732 | 157.496 | 26.0 | SOLOMON ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2010/01/03 21:38:40 | 6.470 | 126.323 | 46.8 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/01/03 20:39:12 | -8.876 | -77.695 | 104.9 | CENTRAL PERU |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/01/03 15:13:52 | -12.898 | 166.097 | 26.7 | SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.2 | 2010/01/03 14:13:56 | -1.863 | 138.998 | 27.1 | NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/01/03 09:10:37 | -13.816 | 167.243 | 188.2 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.8 | 2010/01/03 04:11:42 | -5.341 | 145.837 | 57.5 | EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA |
Also in Luke 21:11 notice it talks about fearful sights. Volcano activity has increased in the past two years and here is news about the one in Africa. “Africa's most active volcano, Mount Nyamuragira in the Democratic Republic of Congo, erupted early Saturday, spewing lava off its southern flank, the Congolese Wildlife Authority reported. Rangers in Virunga National Park reported hearing a loud explosion at 3:45 a.m. and then seeing lava flowing from the crater of the 10,333-foot volcano.
Prophecy Sign: "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Not only did Jesus tell us to watch for many earthquakes, but He also told us to watch for signs coming from the seas. One reason why the waves roar is because of massive earthquakes, which displace waters in the seas. Today we read news about one such event that just take place. I quote, “200 houses on one Solmon island, leaving about one-third of the population homeless, a disaster management official said Tuesday. Visual assessments from the air showed extensive damage on a remote western island after a 7.2 magnitude temblor struck near the Pacific Solomon Islands on Monday”. Expect to see more news like this shorly.
Prophecy Sign: One of the most interesting prophecies for many people has to do with the Antichrist. People want to know who is the man Jesus says will control what everyone can buy or sell as it states in Revelation 13:16-17? As for myself, I am looking for Jesus Christ, not the Antichrist. However for those of you who haven’t received Jesus as his or her Lord and savior yet, you may want to pay close attention to the global economic crisis, because the Antichrist is gong to seem to come up with the answers to the collapsed world economy. If you think your money is safe in the bank you better take a look at how many banks have failed. “NEW YORK: With three more American banks biting the dust, the total number of collapses in 2009 has touched 133, more than five-fold that of last”
It isn’t just the U.S. banks that are in trouble. Many people who had money in the Icelandic bank are finding out that their money wasn’t as safe as they were lead to believe. I quote, “Depositors in Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander Isle of Man (KSFIOM) were dealt a fresh blow yesterday when it emerged that they may have to wait until 2017 to recover millions of pounds lost when the bank collapsed last year and that they may have only 80 per cent of those funds returned. The KSFIOM Depositors’ Action Group expressed its frustration at the delay yesterday, saying that more than 4,000 depositors and bondholders had been assured by the bank’s directors that their deposits were protected, right up to the collapse of the Icelandic bank. This autumn, the savers received a maximum of £50,000 under the Isle of Man Depositors Compensation Scheme, but many fear that they will never see the rest of their money. Meanwhile, British depositors in Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander UK have already been reimbursed in full.” As the American economy keeps tanking and more banks fail more people are going to find out like those in the Icelandic bank that they can’t get their money. The U.S. Government is telling its people don’t worry, America is strong. President Obama will mostly likely say this very things at when he addresses the nation. Be wise and take a good looks at the stats, because they prove the opposite of what the government is saying. Christ’s warnings will all come to pass. I would expect in 2010 we will continue to witness hundreds of thousands lose their jobs. This year you will see more U.S. states claim they are bankrupt than you have ever seen. I say this because, very few people are finding work. The tax base keeps going down and most of the U.S. states are running out of money. We hear talk about having to raise taxes, but all this is going to do is make things worse. I can’t pain a rosy picture for you because I know the end result already. Anyone who has read the Book of Revelation should understand the direction the world economy is going! The global economy has to enter a major crisis worse than we are in right now, and this crisis is going to help elevate the Antichrist to his seat of power. I wish I could give you good news, and I can if your eyes are on Jesus Christ, not on the Antichrist. The good news is this, if you have Jesus as your savior, He will remove you from the wrath of God.
Here is another report explaining to us what to expect in 2010, and most of what they say in this report I have already warned you of these things in my book. If you go back to when I began writting you, you will have read my warnings that you will hear talk about a depression not a recession. Now read this news. I quote, “The year 2010 is likely to be the pivotal year where pundits stop referring to the recession and begin openly talking about a depression. Our economic problem is rather simple to describe: There is too much debt relative to income and/or wealth. Below is a single graph that depicts the condition of our economy. It shows total debt of the U.S. as a percentage of GDP from 1870 forward. The debt figure includes all private and public debt. It does not include liabilities associated with unfunded government mandates like Social Security and Medicare. (Note: according to the U.S. trustees of these funds, the present value of the liabilities is about $106 trillion. Including them would boost the ratio below to nearly 1,000%.)”
I warned you about the U.S. debt and here is a good report on this issue. I quote, “Americans could be in for a rude awakening in coming months when they discover the true scope of the massive national debt racked up by the U.S. government. In fact, the $1.6 trillion deficit expected for 2010, which is above 10% of gross domestic product (GDP), is only the beginning. Since the current economic crisis began in late 2007, the U.S. Federal Reserve has tripled the size of its balance sheet, creating enormous amounts of new money by lending to hundreds of ailing banks and buying up more than $1 trillion of questionable asset-backed securities. But that's only a small part of the story. Since the beginning of the crisis, the Fed has lent, spent, or guaranteed $11.6 trillion, including underwriting the entire system of mortgage finance in the United States, a system that currently shows a nearly $1 trillion loss.” All of this information when put side by side with what Christ has warned us can only mean one thing. We only have a short time before the entire economic system falls apart. America wake up, your nation is going down and the new system that is heading your way and the rest of this planet is the one Jesus showed us the Antichrist will control. You think you heard a lot of talk about a new One World Currency in 2009, wait till you see what 2010 brings!
Hard times are already upon us and these trying times are spreading around the world. If you have a bed to sleep in count yourself blessed. You may get disturbed to see what has happened to many people living in a once booming land. I quote, “Atsushi Nakanishi has condensed his possessions to two suitcases, which he stores in lockers at the capsule hotel where he lives. More Photos > “It’s just a place to crawl into and sleep,” he said, rolling his neck and stroking his black suit — one of just two he owns after discarding the rest of his wardrobe for lack of space. “You get used to it.” When Capsule Hotel Shinjuku 510 opened nearly two decades ago, Japan was just beginning to pull back from its bubble economy, and the hotel’s tiny plastic cubicles offered a night’s refuge to salarymen who had missed the last train home. Now, Hotel Shinjuku 510’s capsules, no larger than 6 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide, and not tall enough to stand up in, have become an affordable option for some people with nowhere else to go as Japan endures its worst recession since World War II.”
One of the U.S. States that looks like it will be the next to go broke is Arizona. I quote, “You can bet that getting finances in order is the top resolution for the State of Arizona. It will get an early test this month. A massive education payment is expected to drain state resources down to zero. What happens next will affect anyone who works for or with state government. It's what happens when you run out of money. You can't pay your bills. KOLD News 13 talked with State Representative Vic Williams (R-District 26) on New Year's Day to get his take on the budget crisis, and what he thinks it will take to get out of this mess. He says something like this hasn't happened in nearly three-quarters of a century. "I don't know what's going to unfold here, but it's not going to be good," Williams said.” Like I said before, Jesus has the answers to these questions, its only a matter if you believe what He says? If I were you I would count on the Book of Revelation to be fulfilled very soon!
Both in my prophecy book and in my posts I have given you a list of things I believe will happen in the near future. I was just sent a report that after reading it, I discovered just about everything I had warned was in his new report. I don’t claim to be a smart man, but I am smart enough to believe what Christ has written for our future, and smart enough to believe Christ points to things getting much worse. These are the birth pains Jesus said would come and they are coming. Below is a list of what is runs in agreement to what I have written you.
– the next wave of ARMs will start to reset,
– mortgage rates will go up,
– the next wave of foreclosures will hit,
– the default on holiday expenditures will cause more chapter 7 and 13 filings,
– retailers will know how little they made, and many will go chapter 11, or just close
– the fed will start seeing how little revenue they got from business because of COBRA extensions and funding, and push for new taxes
– states will start locking in on the lower incomes from wage taxes, and looking to raise taxes,
– employer hiring will slow even more, as the employer tax mandates for health care kick in
– employers will see the new unemployment tax rates which will come due, and lay off or not hire to be able to meet those expenses
– seasonal job losses will be posted as the holiday labor surge ends
– this also be when the numbers are issued for the “new” unemployment extension enrollment and it will “true” the unemployed picture,
health reform effect:
– consumers will see the effect of the new FICA rates and cut spending even more
– the 40% luxury tax on those fine health plans will kick in, and families will see a 20 – 30 % drop in disposable income
– the insurance companies will pass on the taxes they have under the new health bill, and that will cut another 5 – 10% off of each person’s disposable income
– the manufacturers of medical products (tampons, bandages, medical wipes, chairs etc) will pass on the tax they were given, further affecting disposable income
– the Fed will have published the health bill details – and states will see how much they will have to pay, forcing tax increases
– insurance company rates will climb as a result of the new health plan taxes, effective immediately
– FDIC will collect next 3 years worth of fees to cover the depleted funds from the bank failures
– banks will tighten lending even more, as they scramble to meet the FDIC “tax”,
– 10% of banks will become financially unstable because of the depleted reserves and will be taken over by the newly funded FDIC
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual. 100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel. Below is a picture of the shirts. The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt). To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below. The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.
Your blog is very interesting. It is says that: living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. First, we must make sure our goal no matter what we do.