FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 13, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora
Prophecy Sign: In chapters 2 and 7 of the book of Daniel God reveals just before His second coming the Old Roman Empire will rise up again and out of this revived Roman Empire the Antichrist will rise to take control of the World and the world's economy. A major economic crash is one of the ways the man of sin can rise to power. Like the other signs I have showing you signs that a worldwide economic collapse is coming. Here is one sign banks are getting ready for what is coming.
Headline: Are The Government And The Big Banks Quietly Preparing For An Imminent Financial
Something really strange appears to be happening. All over the globe, governments and big banks are acting as if they are anticipating an imminent financial collapse. Unfortunately, we are not privy to the quiet conversations that are taking place in corporate boardrooms and in the halls of power in places such as Washington D.C. and London, so all we can do is try to make sense of all the clues that are all around us. Of course it is completely possible to misinterpret these clues, but sticking our heads in the sand is not going to do any good either. Last week, it was revealed that the U.S. government has been secretly directing five of the biggest banks in America "to develop plans for staving off collapse" for the last two years. By itself, that wouldn't be that big of a deal. But when you add that piece to the dozens of other clues of imminent financial collapse, a very troubling picture begins to emerge. Over the past 12 months, hundreds of banking executives have been resigning, corporate insiders have been selling off enormous amounts of stock, and I have been personally told that a significant number of Wall Street bankers have been shopping for "prepper properties" in rural communities this summer. Meanwhile, there have been reports that the U.S. government has been stockpiling foodand ammunition, and Barack Obama has been signing a whole bunch of executive orders that would potentially be implemented in the event of a major meltdown of society. So what does all of this mean? It could mean something or it could mean nothing. What we do know is that a financial collapse is coming at some point. Over the past 40 years, the total amount of all debt in the United States has grown from about 2 trillion dollars to nearly 55 trillion dollars. That is a recipe for financial armageddon, and it is inevitable that this gigantic bubble of debt is going to burst at some point. In normal times, the U.S. government does not tell major banks to "develop plans for staving off collapse". But according to a recent Reuters article, that is apparently exactly what has been happening….
Is the US Government getting ready for this crash. I have two reports for you to read and I will let you ask the questions why are the storing up bullets and who are these bullets going to be directed toward. He is a hint for you. Jesus said kingdom will come against kingdom. This is a picture of civil unrest in the nations. When the economy collapses and people find themselves without food and the things they need to live what do you think is going to take place? You just read it in Christ's warning. Here is the Word from the Lord found in Matthew 24:7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy
The Department of Homeland Security has redacted information relating to the
quantity of bullets it is buying following a controversy concerning the agency’s
purchase of over a billion rounds of ammo, which many fear is a sign the federal
government is preparing for civil unrest in the United States. Despite the fact
that documents are only supposed to be redacted if authorized by Congress or for
national security reasons, a solicitation posted on the FedBizOpps website
yesterday concerning ammunition purchases made by the DHS on behalf of
Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) contains numerous blacked out
Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets
First it was the Department of Homeland Security, then it was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be delivered to 41 locations across the country. A solicitation posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply 174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol ammunition.” An online ammunition retailer describes the bullets as suitable “for peak performance rivaling and sometimes surpassing handloads in many guns,”
noting that the ammo is “a great personal defense bullet.”
For years I have been posting news that shows you we are well on the road to seeing the final prophecies come to pass. As soon as these prophecies are completed the 7 year tribulation will begin. One of the prophecies not yet fulfilled is the Psalm 83 war of which the Arab nations that border Israel will attack Israel thinking all the combined armies will once and for all wipe Israel off the map. Today I receive a email from Jerry Golden who lives in Israel and has a ministry in Israel. His ministry and mine are not connected in any way except that we are Brothers in Christ. I wanted to post what he sent me so you can get a eyes view straight from Israel what he sees happening concerning the coming Psalm 83 war. His email is entitled: Not A Nice Picture
By all indications war is on our doorstep – and the knocking is becoming very loud. Iran cannot be stopped or even slowed down by sanctions, and everyone knows it. The threat of imminent attacks and counter-attacks are now front page on every Israeli newspaper. Every Israeli politician and IDF general are presenting doomsday scenarios and none of them are pretty. Iran's main target areas will be Israel's Mediterranean coastline inhabited by two thirds of our population. Lines are forming in cities for the new Israeli gas masks and many are finding that there are not enough of them to go around. We are being told that there is now not enough time to make the number needed for everyone in Israel. Make shift bomb shelters are being erected and in many of the Moshavs and Kibbutz's across Israel the bomb shelters are inadequate for the population and poorly supplied – if at all. Connie and I have been dehydrating food and preparing in many other ways but by far the majority of the population are still not ready for what is coming at us. We are told that our anti-missile systems are very good and can intercept MOST of the incoming missiles from Iran. But MOST is not enough when some may be tipped with nuclear or chemical warheads. Yesterday's Jerusalem Post writes that much of Lebanon and Gaza will have to be destroyed in short order if we wish to stop the tens of thousands of rockets and missiles that can now reach all parts of Israel. It is also horribly mind boggling to imagine the number of Arab deaths that will involve. This past week's attack in the Egyptian Sinai could have been a false flag operation in order to allow more Egyptian troops into the Sinai and up close to the Israeli border for what I see as obvious reasons for an Israeli attack. Keep in mind that the Muslim Brotherhood is now in total control of the Egyptian military and they don't hesitate in saying that Israel must be destroyed. Russia has built up an impressive naval presence on the Syrian coast including missile equipped battleships, one aircraft carrier and who knows how many of their troops are now stationed in Syria? The Saudis are buying nuclear capable missiles from China – making us wonder if they have also acquired the same from the former USSR or maybe even North Korea? It seems most Americans have forgotten that 15 of the 19 Terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. All the above presents the question; if all this is about to happen, why worry about buying boats to brings Jews home to Israel? The answer is very simple. God told us to do so. You see, this war will be a short one. And afterward Israel will still be here and remain the only place on earth where Jews can safely live. God is in control and He will bring the Jews to this land that He promised them in an everlasting covenant. As anti-Semitism grows around the world, and will soon explode after this coming war, the Jews of Europe will be desperate to find a way home to Israel to escape the holocaust that is sure to come. A few years ago when God first gave me this vision and commission we didn't know what we know today. Even now there will be those who still can't see God's plan in what is about to happen to the world. But God is not a man that He should lie, and He will bring His people the Jews back to this land. He would not have given us such a mission if it could not be accomplished in His timing. God's displeasure with the world is being felt globally, and only those with spiritual eyes to see can see it. If you know God's Word you know that the center of His purpose is, and has always been, centered in Jerusalem. And when God says in Gen. 12:2-3 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. He means every word therein. How much time do we now have? Who knows? Yet one thing is certain; time is running out – and quickly. Could we still purchase the larger boat that would save many more Jews in the days ahead? Once again, who knows? Nevertheless, one thing is certain. We can't buy it without the Body that God has joined to this ministry. It will take obedience from each of us. The Obama administration is now forcing banking regulations to stop the support of Christian activity. In my 40 years of ministry there has never been a more urgent spiritual move in my spirit as the Holy Spirit is speaking very clearly to prepare – for the time is very near. If God has been speaking to you about supporting this Ministry in Israel, we welcome your support. Jerry Golden PO Box 10268 Jerusalem 91102 Israel End of his email.
Here is something to consider. We know the Lord is not going to allow the nation of Israel to be completely wipe off the map. That being said we should consider what happened in the 1948 war, the 1967 war and, the 1973 war. All these wars were meant to destroy the nation of Israel and drive all the Jews into the sea. During all these wars many Jews were killed in defending their nation. When the Psalm 83 war takes place and this massive army comes against Israel we would be foolish to think that no Israeli's well be killed. However, once again God is going to make sure Israel is still standing as a nation when this short war is over. Not only will Israel not be wiped out but she will no doubt extend her borders once the enemies who attacked her are they themselves destroyed. How do we know this to be true? Take a look at what the Prophet Ezekiel shows us in Ezekiel 28:24-26 "24 No longer will the people of Israel have malicious neighbors who are painful briers and sharp thorns. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign LORD. 25 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will show myself holy among them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob. 26 They will live there in safety and will build houses and plant vineyards; they will live in safety when I inflict punishment on all their neighbors who maligned them. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God. The Apostle Paul tells us when destruction will come. You have seen me post this scripture many times but here it is again.
Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”
Below I have a video for you that will show you news leading up to this destruction. You will see from the video that the warnings I have been sounding concerning the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war are meantioned in this video along with many news clips pointing to these wars. Notice starting at the 7:52 mark in the video they report on the peace and safety issue. Watch the video and I will finish connecting the dots for you.
I hope you heard what was said at the 6:21 mark in this video because I believe it directly points to what the Lord reveals to us in Psalm 83:3-5 where we are told the following: 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:” For the Past four years I have been warning you Iran is pushing the Arabs that border Israel to attack her. Iran is over and over again repeating what we read in Psalm 83 and the following current news headline below once again reveal this to be true. Here is that headline.
When I watched the video I posted for you today my first thought was I wonder if they have been reading my posts because what they stated in the video is almost a carbon copy of what I have been posting here at this site. It appears God is sending out these same warnings via many ministries and I say, "DiMora the Merrier". That was a joke by the way🙂
All jokes aside Jesus is showing us we need to be ready to see His Word and His Hand in action concerning these final prophecies leading up to the tribulation. It is no joke when a President of a nation keeps repeating to the world He is going to destroy another nation which in this case is God's chosen nation Israel. Now to the news.
Iranian defense official said Wednesday that there is no other way but to destroy Israel, ahead of this week's al-Quds Day, Iran's ISNA news agency reported.Gholam Reza Jalali, who heads an Iranian military unit in charge of fighting sabotage, said that al-Quds Day, which will be marked by Shiites around the world on Friday, "is an expression of the fact that there is no other way but to stand firm and resist until Israel is destroyed." It should be noted that Iranian senior officials tend to employ even tougher rhetoric against Israel ahead of the last Friday of the Ramadan which falls on the global al-Quds day this year. Millions of Shiites in Iran, Pakistan, south Lebanon and Bahrain take to the streets that day to voice their outrage over Israeli "injustices" perpetrated against Palestinians. "The world's Muslims must help and support the Palestinian people until Palestine is liberated," General Jalali said in a statement. He added that the Islamic nation is more steadfast than ever in the face of "Zionist threats" noting that Syria's Islamic front has become even stronger.
There is no doubt Iran is the force behind the push for the Psalm 83 war. It is clear to me Iran's President is blind to the final outcome of the Psalm 83 war. This is what I expect to happen based on what I know from God's Word. While there is a call for Peace and safety a sudden war will break out that will fulfill Psalm 83. Then the Ezekiel prophecy will take place. Here it is again. Ezekiel 28:24-26 "24 No longer will the people of Israel have malicious neighbors who are painful briers and sharp thorns. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign LORD. 25 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will show myself holy among them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob. 26 They will live there in safety and will build houses and plant vineyards; they will live in safety when I inflict punishment on all their neighbors who maligned them. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God. At this point after the Psalm war Israel will feel safe, they will take down their walls, bars, and gates that are being used right now to keep their enemies from attacking them on land. At this point the scene will be set for the next war, the Ezekiel 38 war because God has revealed to us that when this war starts Israel will have (no walls, bars, or gates). All that is going to happen from the Psalm 83 war is anger will mount over Israel's destruction of her enemies. This anger will come from where? It will come from the nations listed in the Ezekiel 38 war. Their angry will grow until the proper timing when God allows them to make their move on the Jews. Once again a massive force lead by Russia and her allies of which Iran is numbered will think they are going down to wipe Israel off the map. It will be in this battle that God Himself will step in and fight for the Jews and what He does is all laid out for you in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. That battle will be over as fast as it began and when that battle is over Israel will be standing strong just as they did after the 1948 war, the 1967 war, and the 1973 war. I am not asking any of you to believe me. I am asking you to have faith in what God has written down for us to know about our future! Soon all that I am sharing with you is going to be headline news on just about every news station around the world. When you see this news concerning the Psalm 83 war against Israel you will know the Ezekiel war is the next one the world will see on CNN, ABC, the BBC, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, and every other news agencies around the world. It is my prayer that if you don't believe what God has shown you today, you will believe Him when you this the future news soon. Christ is the way to the Father and if you are not on that road to the Father you are on the road leading to the encampment of Satan. Jesus wants to save you, Satan is looking to destroy you. Jesus died that you may live forever with Him and Satan is doing all he can from you reaching the salvation cross of our Lord. Break through the lies and hold on to Christ for dear life for soon we are going to see our Savior Face to Face.,7340,L-4268920,00.html
Below are more reports reinforcing what God has shown us concerning the next Middle East War.
Headline: Khamenei: Zionist regime will disappear from map
With the US sending clear public signals to Israel that it is opposed to military action now against Iran,
and a cacophonous debate on the matter in Israel, senior Iranian officials continue to threaten Israel with destruction. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that he was confidant "the fake Zionist (regime) will disappear from the landscape of geography,” Iran's Mehr News Agency reported.
Headline: Israel 'prepared for 30-day war with Iran'
Israel's outgoing home front defence minister says an attack on Iran would likely trigger a month-long conflict that would leave 500 Israelis dead. Matan Vilnai told the Maariv newspaper that the fighting would be "on several fronts", with hundreds of missiles fired at Israeli towns and cities. Israel was prepared, he said, though strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities had to be co-ordinated with the US.
Headline: France prepares for evacuation of its nationals living In Israel
A curious move by France, it is possible that Israel may strike Iran by November or that their intelligence network has seen movements by Hezbollah or Iran that indicates that Israel will soon be a target. Militants in Egypt could also be a problem and Israel has so many enemies that their fears could lead to actions that would lead to Israel being completely surrounded in a hostile environment. – Michael Vail. An evacuation plan of 200,000 French citizens living in Israel has been developed to cope with the rising dangers, reported the French newspaper La Tribune. Objective: Do not be caught off guard should a barrage of missiles equipped with conventional weapons or unconventional fired by Iran or Hezbollah was abatteraient on Israeli territory. Among the rescue scenario envisioned by diplomats face a departure of French nationals aboard small boats then joining the French warships cruising off the port of Jaffa, near Tel Aviv. To complete the device, several dozen French were appointed to serve as coordinators to relay instructions to organize the evacuation, assembly points and procedures and contact details of contact persons" The next section of this reports starts of like this, "Threats of war". France isn't stupid, they know full well what is coming and they are getting ready for it to happen. Take the lead from France and get ready to see it as well.
Headline: Tel Aviv designates 60 underground parking lots and garages to serve as bomb shelters for 800,000
While France is getting ready to move their people out of Israel, Israel is getting ready to bring their people to safety as well. The bottom line to all these is, they all see it coming.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 25 And there shall
be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”
In chapter five of my book I provide you detailed information about what the affects of the sun have been over the past years. Report after report is showing us the suns intense heat is taking a toll on the Earth and how people live. Fact is, Jesus told us to look to the sun as one of the last day signs so why in the world would anyone think Christ's warning abot the sun come to pass? If you had Jesus living in you when you saw this next headline you would automaticly understand why the science community is trying to figure out how the sun works in relation to its solar flares. This solar flares have a huge impact on Earth which of course would include help causing droughts, crop destruction and the lack of drinking water. Look beyound the headlines and you will see Jesus looking at you asking you this question. Do you believe my warnings? We are in the worse drought in 56 years and we are told to expect more of the same. God is trying to get your attention and I sure hope my work for Him helps in that reguard.
In relation to what Jesus has told us about the sun how many times have I posted news showing us droughts cause by the intense heat are driving up food prices. As you can see from the scripture in Revelation 6:6 Jesus told us that during the tribulation people will be working all day for one small meal. Of course this points to the fact that food had become so costly that people had to work all day just to buy that one small meal. In many of my posts I asked you to keep on the watch with me because you would see more news telling you the cost of food is going up. Was I wrong in pointing out what Jesus said? Look at the headline below and you will see a glimpse of what Christ is showing you.
Michael Snyder: The worst drought in more than 50 years is having a devastating impact on the Mississippi River. The Mississippi has become very thin and very narrow, and if it keeps on dropping there is a very real possibility that all river traffic could get shut down. And considering the fact that approximately 60 percent of our grain (NYSEARCA:JJG), 22 percent of our oil NYSEARCA:USO) and natural gas
(NYSEARCA:UNG), and and one-fifth of our coal travel down the
Mississippi River, that would be absolutely crippling for our economy. It has been estimated that if all Mississippi River traffic was stopped that it would cost the U.S. economy 300 million dollars a day. So far most of the media coverage of this historic drought has focused on the impact that it is having on farmers and ranchers, but the health of the Mississippi River is also absolutely crucial to the economic
success of this nation, and right now the Mississippi is in incredibly bad shape. In some areas the river is already 20 feet below normal and the water is expected to continue to drop. If we have another 12 months of weather ahead of us similar to what we have seen over the last 12 months then the mighty
Mississippi is going to be a complete and total disaster zone by this time next year. Most Americans simply do not understand how vitally important the Mississippi River is to all of us. If the Mississippi
River continues drying up to the point where commercial travel is no longer possible, it would be an absolutely devastating blow to the U.S. economy.Unfortunately, vast stretches of the Mississippi are already dangerously low. The following is an excerpt from a transcript of a CNN report that aired on
August 14th….
Are you seeing what I am seeing? Jesus is coming soon and all the last day signs are in our face! Today would be a good day to have your name written in Christ's Book of Life. All you have to do is ask Him.
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places.
Headline: Dallas Approves Aerial Spraying to Fight West Nile
I don't think I need to connect the dots between Christ's warning and this disease. This is only one of many diseases that are coming back stronger than before and are signs of the last day birth pains. If you are new to prophecy see Mark 13:8.
Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings on Wednesday declared the city's recent West Nile virus outbreak to be a state of emergency and authorized the first aerial spraying of insecticide in the city in more than 45 years.
Dallas and other North Texas cities have agreed to the rare use of aerial spraying from planes to combat the nation's worst outbreak of West Nile virus so far this year. Dallas last had aerial spraying in 1966, when more than a dozen deaths were blamed on encephalitis.
More than 200 cases of West Nile and 10 deaths linked to the virus have been reported across Dallas County, where officials authorized aerial spraying last week. State health department statistics show 381 cases and 16 deaths related to West Nile statewide.
"The number of cases, the number of deaths are remarkable, and we need to sit up and take notice," Rawlings said during a city council briefing. "We do have a serious problem right now."
Mr. Frank diMora, will you explain about Rev. 13 about the beast that come out of the sea and the land?Also, about Rev. 17, it talks about the characteristics of the beast (Rev. 17: 1-6). The explanation of Rev. 17:1-6 was explain in the passage of Rev. 17: 7-18.
I have also here the following terms:
woman=church——–was arrayed in purple…see Rev. 17:4
beast=kingdom(in the book of Daniel)
seven heads=seven mountains(Rev. 17:9)
ten horns=ten kings
Note: Pls compare your work in this site:, see all its videos and pls have a comment also and post it in this site so that we, the viewer may able to comprehend the truth. You know that there are lots of presentation going out there presenting the prophecies in the book of revelation and daniel in the bible, right?
We will be seeing this comments as soon as it is available…thanks and God Bless.