Glenn Beck and DiMora on same wave link. April 25, 2008


I would like to address a very important issue today that many people are now asking me.

Finally people are making the connection between what I have been warning and what they see on the news.  Let me reword this, What Jesus said would happen.  This is what has happened.  For months I have been giving you detailed information as to what will happen next in the news before it was reported on the news.  I have had people e-mail, and call me as to how am I doing this.  All I can tell you is that these are the things the Lord has laid on my heart to warn you about, and when I am impressed by the Lord to write, I write.  Recently my posts have been getting longer because I have been impressed by the Lord to write about more topics that relate to Bible prophecy fulfillment, and events that are bringing about the fulfillment of prophecy.  Almost everyday this week I have written down a huge list of things I needed to warn you about.  After writing a huge list of warnings on Monday, I had a strong impression from the Lord to tell you all to turn to the Glenn Beck Show after you have read my post.  I knew there was going to be someone on his show that was going to take about prophecy, but I had no idea what he was going to be interviewed about.  I figured I would send you there to see what someone else is saying about prophecy. I entitled Monday’s post “Please read this post first then turn to the Glenn Beck Show tonight”.  When I turned to Glenn’s show on Monday I was taken back by what I had seen.  Every warning I wrote about before Glenn’s show that day, Glenn had some expert on his show covering the same exact news I just warned you all about.  When it came time for Glenn’s prophecy guest he talked about the peace talks in the Middle East and I had also written about that topic on Monday as well.  My wife asked me this question, “do you think Glenn read you site today”, because he’s talking about everything you wrote about today?  All I could say was, “it sure looks like it”.  Since Monday every warning that I have posted on my site during the day has been covered on Glenn’s show at night.  I am beginning to think Glenn had the wrong guy on his show.  This evening I received a call form a person asking me to call the Glenn Beck show and point out what has happened all this week so he may want to bring you on his show.  It would be a very interesting story.  I told the person who called me if they feel that strong about it why don’t you call and tell Glenn what you told me.  If the Lord wants me to appear on his show the Lord will open the door for me to go. I will do what I always do I will test the waters. I have a few links below you can e-mail and call the Glenn Beck people to request I be brought on the show. If you all write or call and Glenn and he does respond then it was meant to be. I did tell one young man I would make an attempt to contact Glenn.  In any case please watch his show tonight on CNN at 6 and 9pm, he is going to spend the entire hour on the end times.  If you want to see me on his show here is some contact information for you.,

Josh Raffel
Freud Communications

I made two attempts to contact Glenn or his people today. Below is what I wrote them.

First attempt:  I was trying to get in touch with Glenn Beck and ask him if he has been reading my prophecy web site which has my prophecy book on it. I have been getting e-mails and phone calls from people asking me if Glenn is taking news I am writing about during the day and putting it on his show at night. All these people have requested me to call his show and see if he would consider having me on as a guest.  Since Monday of this week everything I have written about each day has been reported on Glenn’s show at night. If you are the person who can contact  Glenn, I would ask you bring this matter to his attention.  I do not take or want any money for my speaking engagements. All I request is a room while there and get me to the show and back home again. This week Glenn has been covering the end times on his show, if he wants to know for sure if these are in fact the last days have him download my book for free at my site.  I also suggest you have Glenn read my posts starting on Monday so he can see what it was that I was warning people about, then he will know I just didn’t make this up. I have dates to every post I put up. I am thrilled that I told people to turn to Glenn’s show on Monday, Glenn just shot my rating on my site to the roof!  Tell Glenn if he thinks things in this world are bad now, he hasn’t seen anything yet.  My book will speak for itself!  Thank you for your time.

Frank DiMora

2nd attempt: Dear Shawn,  (Shawn is one of the people who I think sets up speakers for Glenn) I was trying to get in touch with Glenn Beck and ask him if he has been reading my prophecy web site which has my prophecy book on it. I have been getting e-mails and phone calls from people asking me if Glenn is taking news I am writing about during the day and putting it on his show at night. All these people have requested me to call his show and see if he would consider having me on as a guest.  Since Monday of this week everything I have written about each day has been reported on Glenn’s show at night. If you are the person to contact Glenn I would ask you bring this matter to his attention.  I do not take or want any money for my speaking engagements. All I request is a room while there and get me to the show and back home again. This week Glenn has been covering the end times on his show, if he wants to know for sure if these are in fact the last days have him download my book for free at my site. I also suggest you have Glenn read my posts starting on Monday so he can see what it was that I was warning people about, then he will know I just didn’t make this up. I have dates to every post I put up. Thank you for your time.

Frank DiMora
Shawn’s: e-mail is: 615-261-4000

Please come back to this site in a few hours I am writing what signs are important in prophecy for April 25, 2008.

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